04.26.2024 P&Z Minutes - Special MeetingTown of Trophy Club G TOWN OF Special Meeting Minutes TROPHY CLUB Planning & Zoning Commission April 26, 2024 10:00 AM CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM 1 Trophy Wood Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Council Chambers Chairperson Biggs called the April 26, 2024, Planning & Zoning Commission to order at 10.00 AM and announced a quorum. Commissioners Present: Chairperson Michael Biggs Commissioner Reginald Barbarin Commissioner Paul Jablonski Commissioner Terry Kesterson Vice Chairperson Mike Branum Commissioner Rhylan Rowe Commissioners Absent: Commissioner Robert Stevens Staff Present: Matt Cox Alicia Santos Brandon Wright Dean Roggia CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Director of Community Development Sr. Administrative Assistant Town Manager Town Attorney Citizens are allowed four (4) minutes to address the Board regarding an item over which the Board has policy or oversight authority as provided by Texas law, the ethics order, or other policy order. Chairperson Biggs asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests to speak were submitted. REGULAR SESSION 1. Case SUP-24-003 Trophy Club Women's Club Alcohol Sales Conduct a public hearing and consider a recommendation to the Town Council regarding a Specific Use Permit request by the Trophy Club Women's Club (TCWC) for the sale of alcoholic beverages at the Mother's Day Art and Garden Festival, to be held on May 10-12, 2024, at Trophy Club Town Center, 2240 SH 114 Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas (Matt Cox, Community Development Director). Chairperson Biggs opened the public hearing at 10.01 AM. Matt Cox presented the staff report and was available for questions. Mr. Cox advised that the applicant was present and available for questions. Chairperson Biggs closed the public hearing at 10.04 AM. Page 15 of 17 Chairperson Biggs asked for discussion or a motion. Commissioner Rowe moved to recommend approval, with a second by Commissioner Kesterson. Chairperson Biggs called for a vote. The motion passed 6-0. 2. Consider approval of the April 4, 2024, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. Chairperson Biggs asked for discussion or a motion. Chairperson Jablonski moved to recommend approval, with a second by Commissioner Rowe. Chairperson Biggs called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously 6-0. ADJOURN Chairperson Biggs asked for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Rowe moved to recommend approval, with second by Commissioner Barbarin. Chairperson Biggs called for a vote. The motion passed-luinanimously 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at 10.06 AM. r 4 Chairperson Michael Biggs Planning &Zoning Commission Town of Trophy Club, TX Aki antos, Sr. Agministrative Assistant Town of Trophy Club, TX Page 2of2 Page 16 of 17