PRO 1998-0602WHEREAS,citizens in Trophy Club, Texas have a right to choose where they live and many
have chosen to make their homes in Denton County and
WHEREAS, Tarrant County, by filing suit against Denton County to take a portion of land
historically considered to be in Denton County and
WHEREAS, Tarrant County has affected the quality of life available to these citizens by
threatening to double property taxes overnight with this suit; and
WHEREAS, Denton County elected officials have made several overtures to settle this lawsuit
and protect the rights of its citizens; and
WHEREAS, Tarrant County has remained uncooperative and uncommunicative; to our elected
officials and citizens who live in the affected areas; and
WHEREAS, continuation of this lawsuit can not only affect the duality of life, but the
economic development, sale of property and other issues that would restrict industry; and
Now,THEREFORE, 1, Janes P. Carter, Mayor, Town of Trophy Club, Texas, in recognition of
the legitimate desires of these citizens,
support the citizen wishes for remaining in Denton County
and support the efforts of Denton County in mediating
a settlement with Tarrant County Immediately.
E C H N O l O G I E S
rth O'Connor Boulevard, Suite 500
xas 75039-3714
teb b m s@tgi nteractive. co rn
(214) 850-6030
w .interlinkrech.conn Peter B. Stebbins
Vice President
Signed by
Attested by
p� 1