RES 2003-26TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. 2003 - 26 TOWN COUNCIL TO DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TO INCLUDE THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AS A BRIEFING PARTY IN AN AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF TO THE TEXAS SUPREME COURT IN THE CASE STYLED DENTON COUNTY V. TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS SUPREME COURT NO. 02-0795; AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO PAY UP TO $6,000.00 TO THE LAW FIRM BAKER & BOTTS FOR LEGAL SERVICES NECESSARY TO PREPARE AND FILE SUCH AMICUS CURIAE BRIEF WITH THE TEXAS SUPREME COURT IN SAID LAWSUIT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Denton County and Tarrant County have been engaged in litigation concerning the determination of their shared county boundary line since 1997; and WHEREAS, the County of Denton and Dallas were initially created by Act of the Texas Legislature in 1846 and Tarrant was not created until 1850; and WHEREAS, the southern boundary of Denton County, which places the Town of Trophy Club in Denton County was marked on the ground and surveyed by George White in 1852 and said survey was legally approved and filed with the Texas General Land Office; and WHEREAS, the County of Tarrant was not surveyed until 1854 by A.G.Walker who recognized and relied upon the 1852 George White survey of Denton County to complete the northern boundary of Tarrant County where it was common with Wise County; and WHEREAS, the George White survey of 1852 marking the common boundary of Denton and Tarrant Counties is the only survey ever marked on the ground, filed with the Texas General Land Office and recognized for any purpose, since the formation of the Counties; and WHEREAS, the alteration of ._n established and recognized historic boundary will create uncertainty, materially affect pro, --ty rights and dilute the electoral access, there is rational and public policy basis for preserving the historic boundary separating the Counties of Denton and Tarrant; and WHEREAS, Tarrant County sued Denton County in the 43`d Judicial District Court of Parker County to alter the historic boundary and said District Court did in all aspects rule and render an opinion against Tarrant County, and subsequently, the Second Court of Appeals, Fort Worth, reversed the District Court; an appeal thereof is pending in the Texas Supreme Court Cause No. 02-0795; Denton County v. Tarrant County; and WHEREAS, consideration of this cause by the Supreme Court of Texas is warranted for review of constitutional, and state jurisprudential issues and to provide finality; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club has determined that it is in the best interests of the citizens of the Town of Trophy Club, including the neighboring property owners in the Town who may be affected by the courts' decisions in this case, to join in the filing of an amicus curiae ("friend of the court") brief along with other property owners and municipalities that may be affected by the determination of the county boundary line shared by Denton and Tarrant counties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The Town Council does hereby specifically find that public policy purposes are furthered by the preservation and retention of the historic boundary of Denton County as surveyed by George White in 1852, which survey was re -ascertained on the ground by Denton County in 1997 and that participation in the pending Supreme Court through the filing of an amicus curiae brief is an important effort that must be made to prevent a negative impact on tax and insurance rates for property owners and developers within the Town of Trophy Club. SECTION 2 The Town Manager of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby authorized to cause the Town of Trophy Club to be included as a party in an amicus curiae ("friend of the court") brief to be jointly filed with other interested parties in the case styled Denton County v. Tarrant County, Texas Supreme Court No. 02-0795, in order to urge the Texas Supreme Court to hear Denton County's appeal. SECTION 3 The Town Manager of the Town of Trophy Club is hereby authorized to pay to the law firm Baker & Botts an amount not to exceed $6,000.00 for that firm's provision of legal services in preparing and filing said amicus curiae brief with the Texas Supreme Court in the case styled Denton County v Tarrant County, Texas Supreme Court No. 02-0795. SECTION 4 This Resolution shall take effect from and after its passage,, and it is accordingly so ordered and ordained. f —. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town 4th day of August, 2003. ATTEST: Town Secretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas [Seal] APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas icil gf the Town ofoph of rop Club, Texas O ,� v LSA Fly Club, Texas, this N