RES 2009-06TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB RESOLUTION 2009-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS, APPROVING THE SUBMISSION OF THE GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER PROGRAM FOR THE 2009-2010 FISCAL YEAR: AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE: WHEREAS, The Town of Trophy Club finds it in the best interest of the citizens of Town of Trophy Club that the School Resource Officer Program be operated in the 2009-2010 fiscal year; and WHEREAS, The Town of Trophy Club agrees to provide applicable matching funds for the said project as required by the Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (SDFSC) grant application; and WHEREAS, The Town of Trophy Club agrees that in the event of loss or misuse of the Criminal Justice Division funds, the Town of Trophy Club assures that the funds will be returned to the Criminal Justice Division in full; and WHEREAS, The Town of Trophy Club designates Brandon Emmons, Town Manager, as the grantee's authorized Official. The authorized official is given the power to apply for, accept, reject, alter or terminate the grant on behalf of the applicant agency and to execute or name a designee to execute all necessary documents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS; Section 1. That the Town of Trophy Club approves submission of the grant application for the School Resource Officer Program to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division and authorizes the Town Manager or his designee to execute all necessary documents. Section 2. That, this Resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage in accordance with law. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this 6th day of April, 2009./ _ 0 . G::~~Jfo~ Nick Sanders, Mayor Resolution 2009-06 Town of Trophy Club, Texas LTo n ecretary Town of Trophy Club, Texas [Seal] APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town Attorney Town of Trophy Club, Texas Resolution 2009-06 OJ/ice (~r the Dirl!clor 1100 Vermollt AWlllte. N. W Washington, DC 20530 Dear Colleague, u.s. Department of Justice Office OfCoIllIllunity Oriented Policing Services (COPS) March 9, 2009 On February 17,2009, the Omce of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) announced the availability of llll1ding under the COPS Hiring Recovery Program (CHRP). To remind you of this important opportunity, the COPS Office will receive the tlll1ds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to address the swom officer personnel needs of state, local, and tribal law enforcement. Application materials are scheduled to be available as of March 16,2009, and applications will be accepted during a four-week timeframe. CHRP is a competitive grant program that provides funding directly to law enforcement agencies having primary law enforcement authority to create and preserve jobs and to increase their community policing capacity and crime-prevention efforts. Up to $1 billion in grant funding will be available for the hiring and rehiring of additional career law enforcement officers. There is no local match requirement for CHRP, but grant fill1ding will be based on CUlTent entry-level salary and benefits packages, and therefore any additional costs for higher salaries or benefits for particular individuals hired will be the responsibility of the grantee agency. CHRP grants will provide 100 percent fimding for approved entry-level salaries and benefits for 3 years (36 months) tor newly-hired, filii-time sworn officer positions (including filling existing unfunded vacancies) or for rehired officers who have been laid off, or are scheduled to be laid otT on a future date, as a result of local budget cuts. In addition, there is no cap on the number of positions an agency may request, but awards will be limited to available funding. Grantees must retain all sworn officer positions awarded under the CHRP grant for a period of one year (12 months) following the conclusion of grant funding. The retained CHRP-funded position(s) should be added to the grantee's law enforcement budget with state and/or local tlInds, over and above the number oflocaJly-tlmded positions that would have existed in the absence of the grant. In evaluating how many positions to request, please be mindful ofthe initial 3-year grant period and your agency's ability to fill the officer positions awarded, as well as to retain the additional positions for 12 months following the conclusion of the grant, while following your agency's established hiring policies and procedures.