RES 2011-20TO WN O F T ROPHY CLUB, TEX AS RESOLUTI ON NO . 201 1-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNC IL OF T HE TO WN OF TROPHY CLUB , TEXAS APPROVING THE PLACEMENT OF A PROPOSAL ON THE SEPTEMBER 26, 2011, TOWN CO UNCIL PUBLIC M EETING AGENOA TO A DOPT A 2011-12 T AX RATE THAT WILL EXCEED THE LOW ER OF TH E RO L LBAC K RATE OR THE EFFECTIV E TAX RATE; CALLI NG PUBLIC HEA RINGS ON A T AX INCR EA SE TO BE HELD ON S EPTE MBER 12, 2011 AND S EPTEMBER 19, 2 011; REQU IRING PUBLICATION OF A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEA RING ON TAX I NCREASE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW; AND PROV IDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHER E AS , the Town C ou ncil desi res to conside r adoption of a ta x rate of $0.5400 pe r $10 0 valuation. whic h will excee d t he lo wer of the ro ll back ra te or the effecti ve ta x rat e . in accordance wi th the require men ts of the Te xas Tax Code Cha p ter 26 and t o sched ule publi c hearings on the pro po se d ta x incre ase as re quired by law; NOW, T HEREF O RE, BE IT RESO LVED BY THE TOWN COU NCIL OF TH E TO WN OF T ROPHY CLU B, T EXA S: S ection 1. The Town Co uncil desires to consider adoption of a tax rate for the 2011-12 ta x year of $0 .5400 per $100 valua tio n that will exc eed the lo wer of the roll back rate o r the effecti ve ta x ra te . S e c tion 2. The Town Cou ncil her eby approv es t he plac e ment of an item on the Sep t em ber 2 6. 201 1 To w n Co unc il p ubli c meet in g ag e nda, su ch mee t in g bei ng a regular Cou ncil meet ing , to vote o n a proposed t ax rate of $0 .5400 per $100 valua tion th at will exc e ed the lower of the roll back rate or the eff ective tax rate . S e ction 3. Th e Town Co uncil hereb y calls publi c hearin gs on the p ropo sed tax increas e to be he ld in the Svore Muni ci pa l Bu ilding lo c ated at 100 Munici pal D riv e , Troph y Clu b, Te xas 76 262 on September 12 , 20 1 1 and Se ptembe r 19 , 2011 at 7:00 p.m., su ch dates being weekda ys which are not p ublic holidays. The f irst publ ic he a ring wi ll not be held u ntil at le as t se ven da ys a fte r noti ce of both public hearings ha ve b een publis hed in t he Star-Telegram or one of its subsidiary, a ne wsp aper having gen e ral circulat ion wit hin t he Tow n, in the fo rm of the attac hed Not ic e of Publi c Heari ng on T ax Inc rease, which is incorporated into th is Reso lut io n for a ll purposes meet ing the s ize re quiremen t s sp eci fied Texas Tax Code §26 .06 . The Tow n Manag e r is hereb y dire c ted to pu b li sh suc h not ice in acc ordance with th is Res o lution a nd in acco rd ance with Tex as Ta x Code §26 .06 . At both p ublic he ar ings, the To wn C ouncil will afford adeq uate opportunity for both prop onents an d op po ne nts of the ta x incre ase to present t heir vi ew s. Section 4. T his Resol uti on sh a ll bec o me effecti ve imm ediatel y upo n its passage a nd app ro va l at a regular meeting of the Town Counci l of t he Tow n of Tro phy Clu b, Te xas on this th e t 5th day of August, 20t 1, at whic h m eeting a quorum was prese nt and t he meeting was held in acc ordance with the prov isi o ns of Texas Government Code §551.001, et seq. T he To wn Secretary is he reby directed to record this Resolut ion and t he vote on t he proposa l to place t he it em for a tax increase on the Sep tembe r 2 6, 20t 1 Town Counc il agenda . PAS SE D AND APPROVED by t he To wn Co uncil of th e Town o f Trop hy C lub, Texas , this 15'h day of August , 2011 . ATIEST: , (~2(j l ln (Di Or Hotlt ~I)nrion DePn3ter , Town Secretary Tow n of Tr o phy Club , Texas AP PRO VED TO AS FORM: at nc la A. A dams, To wn Atto rney Town of Tr o p hy Club , Texas R ES 2 01 1-20 C6n nie Wh ite, Mayor T own of T rophy Cl u b, T exas [SE AL] Page 2 of 2