RES 2013-08TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB RESOLUTION NO. 2013-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TEXAS GRANTING CONSENT TO TROPHY CLUB MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 TO PROVIDE RETAIL WATER AND WASTEWATER SERVICES TO THREE (3) SEPARATE PROPERTIES LOCATED WITHIN THE TOWN, BUT OUTSIDE THE MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 BOUNDARY AND THE PID BOUNDARIES, AS MORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A", ATTACHED HERETO; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 49.215(a) of the Texas Water Code provides that a water district that provides potable water and sewer utility services to household users shall not provide services or facilities to serve areas outside the district that are also within the corporate limits of a city without securing a resolution or ordinance of the city granting consent for the district to serve the area within the city; and WHEREAS, Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 (the "District") has received an inquiry from a property owner(s) that it provide retail water and wastewater services to that certain real property located in the Village Center, Planned Development No. 27, known as Lot 1, Block 1 of Trophy Club Drive Church Addition, being approximately 6.3702 acres; Tract 1, of the J. Henry Survey, A0529A, consisting of approximately 2.532 acres; and Tract 2, of the J. Henry Survey A0529A, consisting of approximately 4.5161 acres as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Property"), which Property is located outside the boundaries of the District and within the corporate limits of the Town of the Trophy Club, Texas (the "Town"); and WHEREAS, the Town desires to grant its consent to the provision of retail water and wastewater services by the District to customers within the Property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS.- Section EXAS:Section 1. That the Town of Trophy Club, Texas hereby consents to the provision of retail water and wastewater services by Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 to and within that certain real Property more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Section 2. That this Resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage in accordance with law. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas this 6t" day of May, 2013. Town of Trophy Club TRppy o � c h Attest: Amy M. Piukffia, TRMC Town Secre ary Approved as to Form: ��rX62"z�j Patricia A. Adams, Town Attorney Exhibit "A" Exhibit "A" 70443 #700 47 06 7006 7044 700 00 4 700 700 4 05 ,_-- 7043 80 7005 01 4 1 4 01 5 7043 7005 01 q 1 4 01 7 29 29 7005 8 58 8 8 71 7043 NI HIGH SCHOOL NO. 2 529254 7393 1004 3 3 3 4 7043 33 �J 3 8 -- 7004 5 34 9 7040 29257 8338 4 1 4 342 5 4 2 8338 83 01 83 03 7040 3100 3 9 3 2= 34 58 39 8337 3 3 2 83 36 83 3 2347 8337 834? 3 70 4 3 1 8337 2 3 53 70 i 342 q 234 337 2 312451 34 0200 342 32 312455 7 415649 / 201068 3 5 8 NWISD EAST CA 171481 583558 8355 469372 558316 35 5 54 5 95 835 35 5835 35 38200 835 58355 8354 6 558317 583551 8354 � 35 309 5348 T48!R85353 58354 59 469380 3485 3485 820 ,53J3 22POO 8 583550 357 348 53 856 d 583548 8357 8359 6 20 3486 48 --- 4 9— _ 359 53 6 3489 534 89 488 D00 583338 2231 �, 0 486 348 � 8q 1g 488i 622299 �" 534868 348 653 86508 34892 1 53 896 348 8333 0000 83 2 3489 534f34 4 544 5348 98 22312 650 35 486 1- 000553487 4' 8333 223q Fe 4@7 00 36 000 487 534 78 48 48 000 83 23