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Attachments:Staff Report Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderationofarequestforaSpecialExceptionto,Chapter13-ComprehensiveZoningOrdinance,Article7,Section 7.01(C)2-regardingtheconstructionofafencewithinthesideyardbuildingsetbackalongthestreet,beinglocatedat 342 Dover Lane, Trophy Club, TX. Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 3 of 43April 15, 2015 STAFF REPORT Zoning Board of Adjustment April 15, 2015 ZBA-15-15: 342Dover Lane SUBJECT : Zoning Board of Adjustment to conduct a Discussion and take appropriate action regarding a request for a Special Exceptionto, Chapter 13-Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Article 7, Section 7.01(C)2 – regarding the construction of afence within the side yard building setback along the street, being located at 342Dover Lane, Trophy Club, TX. REQUEST: The applicant,James Sluder,isrequesting approval of a Special Exceptionfor a proposed fence at 342 Dover Lane. ZONING: The subject property is zoned PD-Planned Development District and is located within PD 31. PD 31 does not contain any specific fencing requirements relativeto the applicant’s request. CURRENT CONDITIONS: The subject property is approximately 18,949square feet in size and contains a single family homethat is nearing completion of construction. The home was permitted for construction in May, 2014. SPECIALEXCEPTION REQUEST DETAILS: PD 31 states that new fence construction must comply with fence requirements found in Chapter 13-Zoning in the Code of Ordinances. Section 7.01(C)2 of the zoning regulations state: “Side Yard Adjacent to Side Street: Side yardfences shall be located within the side yard building setback, and shall not extend beyond the building line of the side yard adjacent to a side street.” Per the attached plans, the fence would be located 10 feet from the property line along the cul-de-sac. Per the attached exhibit, the plat for the property shows a 20 foot setback along Becket Place. The fence would start at the back corner of the Page 1 of 3 Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 4 of 43April 15, 2015 house and end about ten feet short of the property cornerwhere the north portion of the lot meets the golf course. According to the applicant, the fence will be a six-foot wrought iron fence with masonry columns. SPECIAL EXCEPTION AUTHORITY: Section 7.01(P) of the zoning regulations requires any waiver to a fence requirement to be considered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment as a Special Exception as follows: “The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall have the power to grant a Special Exception waiving or modifying these regulations where the literal enforcement of this Ordinance would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship and the relief granted would not be contrary to the public interest but would do substantial justice and would be in accordance with the spirit of this Ordinance. A public hearing is not required for Zoning Board of Adjustment consideration of a Special Exception under this Section. 1.For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following are established as general conditions, ALL Chapter 13 –Zoning of which are to be met upon the granting of any special exception. a.No diminution in value of surrounding properties would be suffered; and b.Granting the permit would be of benefit to the public interest or surrounding properties; and c.Denial of the permit would result in unnecessary hardship to the owner seeking it; and d.A zoning restriction as applied to the owner’s property interferes with the reasonable use of the property, considering the unique setting of the property in its environment; and e.By granting the permit, substantial justice would be done; and f.The use must not be contrary to the spirit of the Ordinance. 2.The burden of demonstrating that all general conditions have been met and that a Special Exception is appropriate is upon the person requesting theSpecial Exception. The Zoning Board of Adjustment may require a person requesting a Special Exception to provide proof Page 2 of 3 Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 5 of 43April 15, 2015 as the Board determines necessary and appropriate for the Board to evaluate the application for Special Exception.” STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : The applicant is requesting a Special Exception to allow a six foot wrought iron fence with masonry columns to be built ten into the required 20 foot setback from the street. The spirit of the fence restriction in a street setback is to leave the street yard, the area between the home and the street, open and unobstructed. Generally speaking, the purpose of having an unobstructed street yard is to improve the view from the road and to promote safe vehicular ingress and egressfrom individual lots. However, given the location and configuration of this lot andwhere the fence is proposed to be located, the effect of the fence on the street yard will be minimal. Additionally, the configuration of the lot is very unique as it relates to other lots in the community as follows: 1.The lot is the only lot on the south side of the cul-de-sac and backs up to the golf course; 2.The lot contains five directional breaks (five sides); 3.The home fronts on Dover, and not on Becket, making the entire frontage along Beckett the side yard of the lotand leaving the street yard on the south side of Beckett completely contained on the subject property; 4.The cul-de-sac radius constricts the rear yard of the home significantly such that much of the back yard cannot be fenced due to the 20 foot setback. 5.Only one other lot in the Town completely matches the above conditions and it is located at 366 Dover Lane. Given these conditions,it is staff’s opinion that the applicant’s request meets the general criteria noted above for granting a special exception, particularly with regard to the proposed fence being primarily composed of wrought iron thereby leaving some transparency. The Board’s options regarding action on this request are as follows: 1.Deny the request; 2.Approve the request as submitted; 3.Approve the request with conditions; 4.Continue the request to a date certain for consideration on a future agenda. The decision of the Board is final. Attachments: Exhibit “A” –Applicationand Materials Submitted by Applicant Exhibit “B” – Pictures and Exhibits Provided by Staff Page 3 of 3 Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 6 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Town of Trophy Club ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Appeals to the Zoning Board of Adjustment may be made regarding zoning issues. In order to apply for a variance, the applicant must show a hardship that: (1) is not financial alone, (2) is not self-induced, (3) does not provide a privilege that others have been denied, or (4) does not deny a privilege others have been granted. The following items will be required for submittal: A completed application Application Fee: $150.00 NOTE: Additional fees for public hearing notice publication and postage must be paid prior to the date of the ZBA hearing. Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 7 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 8 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 9 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 10 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 11 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 12 of 43April 15, 2015 2015 15, April Aerial of Subject Property Exhibit "B" of 43 13 Page NORTH 342 Dover Lane Property Subject Adjustment of Board Zoning 2015 15, Home Nearing April Completion Sidewalk Location Future Existing Conditions Exhibit Exhibit "B" of 43 14 Proposed Location Page Fence Adjustment of Board Zoning 2015 15, April NORTH Site Plan Exhibit "B" of 43 15 Page Proposed Fence Building Line Location 20 Foot Adjustment of Board Zoning 2015 15, April Property Subject NORTH Plat Exhibit Exhibit "B" of 43 16 Page Adjustment of Board Zoning Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Legislation Details (With Text) File #:2015-0253-T Version:1 Name: Type:Agenda Item Status:Draft File created:4/10/2015 In control:Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) On agenda:4/15/2015 Final action: Title:Consideration of a request for a Special Exception to, Chapter 13-Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Article 7, Section 7.01(C)2 - regarding the construction of a fence within the side yard building setback along the street, being located at 366 Dover Lane, Trophy Club, TX. Attachments:Staff Report Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" DateVer.Action ByActionResult ConsiderationofarequestforaSpecialExceptionto,Chapter13-ComprehensiveZoningOrdinance,Article7,Section 7.01(C)2-regardingtheconstructionofafencewithinthesideyardbuildingsetbackalongthestreet,beinglocatedat 366 Dover Lane, Trophy Club, TX. Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 17 of 43April 15, 2015 STAFF REPORT Zoning Board of Adjustment April 15, 2015 ZBA-15-16: 366Dover Lane SUBJECT : Zoning Board of Adjustment to conduct a Discussion and take appropriate action regarding a request for a Special Exceptionto, Chapter 13-Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Article 7, Section 7.01(C)2 – regarding the construction of afence within the side yard building setback along the street, being located at 366Dover Lane, Trophy Club, TX. REQUEST: The applicant, Fred Freeland,isrequesting approval of a Special Exceptionfor a proposed fence at 366 Dover Lane. ZONING: The subject property is zoned PD-Planned Development District and is located within PD 31. PD 31 does not contain any specific fencing requirements relative to the applicant’s request. CURRENT CONDITIONS: The subject property is approximately 21,432 square feet in size and contains a single family home that is nearing completion of construction. The home was permitted for construction in August, 2014. SPECIAL EXCEPTION REQUEST DETAILS: PD 31 states that new fence construction must comply with fence requirements found in Chapter 13-Zoning in the Code of Ordinances. Section 7.01(C)2 of the zoning regulations state: “Side Yard Adjacent to Side Street: Side yard fences shall be located within the side yard building setback, and shall not extend beyond the building line of the side yard adjacent to a side street.” Per the attached plans and the applicant’s application, the applicant proposes to encroach 18 feet into the required 20 foot front setback. The fence would be located about two feet from the property line along the cul-de-sacbehind the Page 1 of 4 Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 18 of 43April 15, 2015 sidewalk. Per the attached exhibit, the plat for the property shows a 25 foot setback along Ramsey Trail until the cul-de-sac radius starts, where the building line is reduced to 20 feet. The fence would start about 20 feet north of the back corner of the house, traverse west to a point two feet behind the sidewalk, then run adjacent to the sidewalk to the southwest property corner with the golf course. The fence would then continue eastward along the rear property line. According to the applicant, the fence will be a six-foot wrought iron fence. SPECIAL EXCEPTION AUTHORITY: Section 7.01(P) of the zoning regulations requires any waiver to a fence requirement to be considered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment as a Special Exception as follows: “The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall have the power to grant a Special Exception waiving or modifying these regulations where the literal enforcement of this Ordinance would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship and the relief granted would not be contrary to the public interest but would do substantial justice and would be in accordance with the spirit of this Ordinance. A public hearing is not required for Zoning Board of Adjustment consideration of a Special Exception under this Section. 1.For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following are established as general conditions, ALL Chapter 13 – Zoning of which are to be met upon the granting of any special exception. a.No diminution in value of surrounding properties would be suffered; and b.Granting the permit would be of benefit to the public interest or surrounding properties; and c.Denial of the permit would result in unnecessary hardship to the owner seeking it; and d.A zoning restriction as applied to the owner’s property interferes with the reasonable use of the property, considering the unique setting of the property in its environment; and e.By granting the permit, substantial justice would be done; and f.The use must not be contrary to the spirit of the Ordinance. Page 2 of 4 Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 19 of 43April 15, 2015 2.The burden of demonstrating that all general conditions have been met and that a Special Exception is appropriate is upon the person requesting the Special Exception. The Zoning Board of Adjustment may require a person requesting a Special Exception to provide proof as the Board determines necessary and appropriate for the Board to evaluate the application for Special Exception.” STAFF REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION : The applicant is requesting a Special Exception to allow a six foot wrought iron fence to be built 18 feetinto the required 20 foot setback from the street. The spirit of the fence restriction in a street setback is to leave the street yard, the area between the home and the street, open and unobstructed. Generally speaking, the purpose of having an unobstructed street yard is to improve the view from the road and to promote safe vehicular ingress and egressfrom individual lots. However, given the location and configuration of this lot and where the fence is proposed to be located, the effect of the fence on the street yard will be minimal. Additionally, the configuration of the lot is very unique as it relates to other lots in the community as follows: 1.The lot is the only lot on the eastside of the cul-de-sac and backs up to the golf course. However, given a clear street yard site line going north on Ramsey Trail from the subject property, it is important to notethat the proposed fence would remain behind the 25 foot setback thereby leaving the site line open looking northward; 2.The lot contains five directional breaks (five sides); 3.The home fronts on Dover, and not on Ramsey, making the entire frontage along Ramseythe side yard of the lot and leaving the street yard on the south side of Ramsey completely contained on the subject property; 4.The cul-de-sac radius constricts the rear yard of the home significantly such that much of the back yard cannot be fenced due to the 20 foot setback. 5.Only one other lot in the Town completely matches the above conditions and it is located at 342Dover Lane. Given these conditions, it is staff’s opinion that the applicant’s request meets the general criteria noted above for granting a special exception, particularly with regard to the proposed fence being primarily composed of wrought iron thereby leaving some transparency. The Board’s options regarding action on this request are as follows: 1.Deny the request; 2.Approve the request as submitted; 3.Approve the request with conditions; Page 3 of 4 Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 20 of 43April 15, 2015 4.Continue the request to a date certain for consideration on a future agenda. The decision of the Board is final. Attachments: Exhibit “A” –Applicationand Materials Submitted by Applicant Exhibit “B” – Pictures and Exhibits Provided by Staff Page 4 of 4 Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 21 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 22 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 23 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 24 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 25 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 26 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 27 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 28 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 29 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 30 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 31 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 32 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 33 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 34 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 35 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 36 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 37 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 38 of 43April 15, 2015 Exhibit "A" Zoning Board of AdjustmentPage 39 of 43April 15, 2015 2015 15, April Aerial of Subject Property Exhibit "B" of 43 40 Page NORTH 366 Dover Lane Property Subject Adjustment of Board Zoning 2015 15, April Existing Conditions Exhibit Exhibit "B" of 43 41 Page Proposed Location Fence Completion Nearing Home Adjustment of Board Zoning 2015 15, April Proposed Fence Building Line 20 Foot Location Site Plan Exhibit "B" of 43 42 Page Adjustment of Board Zoning 2015 15, April Property Subject NORTH Plat Exhibit Exhibit "B" of 43 43 Page Adjustment of Board Zoning