Minutes ZBA 06/16/2016 Trophy Club Entities 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club,Texas 76262 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB Meeting Minutes Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) Thursday, June 16, 2016 6:00 P.M. Svore Municipal Building Boardroom CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL, AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Chairman Opipare called to order the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting for Thursday, June 16, 2016, at 6:04 p.m. and announced that a quorum (5 members, 3 alternates) were present. He explained the order of the meeting to those present. Present: 5—Chairman Opipare, Board Member Hennig, Board Member Biggs, Board Member Ongaro, Board Member Ormond Alternates Present: 1 —Alternate Board Member Arnott Absent: 3— Board Member Kesterson, Alternate Board Member Windland, Alternate Board Member Vogt STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Town Planner Ron Ruthven Recording Secretary Robbie Killingsworth Robert Elledge Applicant, 658 Sheldon Drive, Trophy Club, TX Brian Vaught Applicant, 320 Tenison Trail, Trophy Club, TX Chairman Opipare asked if there were any public requests to speak. No public requests were turned in. REGULAR SESSION 2016-327-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding the May 19, 2016 Zoning Board of Adjustment minutes. Motion made by Alternate Board Member Arnott, seconded by Board Member Ongaro, to approve the May 19, 2016 Zoning Board of Adjustment minutes. The motion passed unanimously. 2016-328-T Discussion and take appropriate action regarding a request for a Special Exception to Section 14.02.351(C)2, Trophy Club Code of Ordinances - regarding the construction of a fence within the side yard building setback along the street, being located at 658 Sheldon Drive, Trophy Club, TX. Chairman Opipare asked for Applicant comments. • Robert Elledge, 658 Sheldon Drive, Trophy Club, TX, applicant. Chairman Opipare asked for the staff report. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Chairman Opipare asked for questions or comments from the Board. Chairman Opipare asked for a motion. Motion made by Board Member Hennig, seconded by Alternate Board Member Arnott, to approve the Special Exception subject to the following condition: • The fence shall be constructed no closer than 10 feet from the property line along Indian Creek Drive in order to match the location for the fence special exception granted to 519 Fisher Drive on May 19, 2016. Motion approved (5-0) Special Exception GRANTED Action is final. 2016-329-T Discussion and take appropriate action regarding a request for a Special Exception to Section 14.02.351(C)2, Trophy Club Code of Ordinances - regarding the construction of a fence within the side yard building setback along the street, being located at 320 Tenison Trail, Trophy Club, TX. Chairman Opipare asked for the staff report. Staff Report was given by Ron Ruthven, Town Planner. Chairman Opipare asked for Applicant comments. • Brian Vaught, on behalf of property owner, First Texas Homes, 320 Tenison Trail, Trophy Club, TX, applicant. Chairman Opipare asked for questions or comments from the Board. Chairman Opipare asked for a motion. Motion made by Alternate Board Member Arnott, seconded by Board Member Ongaro to approve the Special Exception subject to the following condition: • The fence shall be constructed no closer than 18 inches from back of the sidewalk along Tait Court. Motion approved (5-0) Special Exception GRANTED Action is final. ADJOURN Chairman Opipare asked for a motion. Motion made by Board Member Biggs, seconded by Alternate Board Member Arnott to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:22 p.m. drallirdir 4104 Ilk Lou Opipare, airma, Robbie Killingswort , Recoiling Secretary Zoning Board of Adju- ment� Community Development Town of Trophy Club, Texas Town of Trophy Club, Texas June 16, 2016 ZBA Minutes Page 2 of 2