Minutes EDC 4A 09/26/2005MINUTES OF WORKSHOPIREGLILAR SESSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4A TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB SEPTEMBER 26,2005 STATE OF TEXAS COLINTY OF DENTON The Economic Development Corporation 4A of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on September 26,2005. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. DIRECTORS PRESENT: Neil Twomey Dwight Morrow Gary Cantrell Matthew Graham DIRECTORS ABSENT: J. D. Harvey Secretarynreasurer Vice President Director Director President STAFF AND GUEST (S) PRESENT: Roger Unger Staff Liaison Renae Gonzales Staff Adam Adams Parks and Rec Darren Klauser Baseball Association WORKSHOP SESSION Call to order and announce a quorum: Director Twomey called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm, announced a quorum, and proceeded to the regular session. REGULAR SESSION Call to order and announce a quorum: Discussion and appropriate action regarding new Texpool account: Paperwork to open account will be sent to Texpool when final signatures are completed. Discussion and appropriate action to replace and repair fencing at Beck Park: Adam Adams, Director of Parks and Recreation, and Darren Klauser, Trophy Club Roanoke Baseball Association, presented a $4,984 funding request which represents 50% of the cost to repair and replace fencing at Beck Park baseball field numbers four and two. Per Darren Klauser, the Baseball Association will pay the other 50%. Director Graham made a motion to authorize staff to take necessary steps to enable EDC4A to qualify this project subject to Town approval. Director Morrow seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Discussion and appropriate action to add chain link fencing at Independence Park: No discussion Review and approve minutes: Director Cantrell made a motion to accept the 8/22/05 minutes as written and the 7/25/05 minutes as corrected. Director Morrow seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Review and approve financial statements: Director Morrow made a motion to accept the August financials, seconded by Director Cantrell. Motion passed unanimously. EDC4A Meeting Minutes September 26,2005 OTHER: ADJOURN: Director Graham made amotion to adjourn the meeting. r Cantrell seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:12 p.m. Neil Twomey Secretaryflreasurer