Minutes EDC 4A 03/26/2007ES OF A REGULAR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4A FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB LOCATION:100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE,TROPHY CLUB,TEXAS MONDAY,MARCH 26,2007 6:30 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § The Economic Development Corporation 4A of the Town of Trophy Club,Texas,met in a Regular Session on Monday,March 26,2007 at 6:30 p.m.The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. DIRECTORS PRESENT Richard Bell JD Harvey Dwight Morrow Neil Twomey Leland Wilhelm Board Member President Vice-President Secretary/Treasurer Board Member STAFF AND GUEST(S)PRESENT Adam Adams Staff Liaison/Parks and Recreation Director Sakura Moten-Dedrick Finance Director Mindy Herring Recreation Supervisor A.1 The Economic Development Corporation 4A President Director Harvey called the regular session to order at 6:33p.m.noting a quorum was present. A.2 Citizen Presentations:this is an opportunity for citizens to address the Economic Development Corporation 4A on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda.The Board is not permitted to take action on or discuss any presentations made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda.The Board will hear presentations on specific agenda items prior to the Board addressing those items. No citizen presentation. A.3 Review and approve minutes from the November 27,2006 and February 26, 2007 EDC4a meeting. Director Twomey made the motion to table the November 27,2006 minutes. Director Morrow seconded.The motion passes unanimously. Director Twomey made the motion to approve the February 26,2007 minutes. Director Morrow seconded.The motion passes unanimously. A.4 Discuss and take action on the Shade Structure &Pool Furniture submittal. Director Twomey made the motion to approve the Shade Structure &Pool Furniture submittal.Director Wilhelm seconded.The Board discussed the submittal and future use of EDC4A funds.Director Adam Adams explained that the pumps at the pool would need to be replaced and that he would request the monies at the next EDC4a meeting.Director Twomey made the motion to withdraw his motion until the board received the submittal to replace the pumps at the pool.Director Wilhelm seconded.The motion passes unanimously. A5 Staff update and discussion regarding project updates as listed below:There will be no action taken on any individual project posted under this item and discussion will be limited.If extensive discussion is required,the item may be placed on a future agenda. a.Harmony Park -Director Adam Adams explained that the Certificate of Obligation would be advertised twice in the paper and then Town Council would vote to approve the expenditure of funds for the Harmony Park improvements at the next Town Council scheduled on May 7,2007. b.Future pool repairs and renovations -Director Adam Adams explained that it is absolutely crucial for the pumps at the pool to be replaced during the 2007 season.He further explained that staff is looking at a remote monitoring system for the pool and all the back up will be provided atthe next EDC4A meeting. A6 Discuss and review the consultants recommendations concerning the pool and future operations. Director Adam Adams went over the consultants conclusions stated in the report. Director Harvey stated that this report concerning the pool was very helpful and would hope staff would use it to forrnalize a plan for both rninor and major infrastructure maintenance and replacement. A7 Review and approve financial statements a.February 2007 Director Morrow made the motion to approve the February 2007 financial statement.Director Twomey seconded.The motion passes unanimously. A8 Schedule future agenda items: Future planning with sport associations included on future funding discussions Comprehensive Park Plan A.9 Adjourn. Dir.ctor.Twomey made the motion to adjourn at 7:15p.m.Director Morrow s on ed.Tbe motion passes unanimously. ,-::'" //,