Minutes EDC 4B 05/12/1997MINUTES OF •. TOWN OF TROPHY May 12, 1997 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Economic Development Corporation of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a regular session Monday, May 12, 1997. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. DIRECTORS PRESENT: Terry Christlieb Dan Heath David Garlitz Pam Cates Marshall Engelbeck DIRECTORS ABSENT: Robert Burns John Carter Vice President Secretary Treasurer (arrived at 7:10 pm) Director Director President Director STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Karen Sadri Asst. Secretary David Miller Chief of Police, TCPD Bill Pollick Parks and Recreation Committee, Chairman Vice President Terry Christlieb called the meeting to order and announced a quorum at 7:05 p.m. Page 2 TCEDC Regular Session May 12, 1997 APPROVE MINUTES OF APRIL 22, 1997 MEETING: Director Heath moved to accept the minutes of the April 22, 1997 meeting as written. Director Engelbeck seconded; motion passed unanimously. REVIEW TCEDC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ENDING APRIL 30,1997: Director Garlitz moved to approve the financial statements as written. Director Cates seconded; motion passed unanimously. DISCUSS AND CREATE A DRAFT OF 1996-1997 BUDGET: This item was tabled until the June 9th meeting. PRESENTATIONS FROM: Directors Garlitz and Englebeck reported on the progress of the research into the cost, development and possible usage of and for a web -site for the Town. Following discussion, Director Heath volunteered to bring some samples of different Town's web pages to the Board at the next meeting. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE, BILL POLLICK, CHAIRMAN: Mr. Pollick presented a report on the current and future projects the Parks and Recreation committee are working on and have under consideration. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE, CHIEF OF POLICE DA VID MILLER: Chief Miller reported to the Board on the need for a severe weather warning system for the Town that includes three sirens and pagers for the Emergency Management Team. The approximate cost would be $70,000 to $175,000. He also spoke to the Board of the need for a Teen Curfew and other programs that would involve the area teens. Chief Miller related the extent of the teen crime in Trophy Club. He stated he would like to see the community awareness heightened especially at the middle -school and high school levels. Chief Miller feels the Police Department needs to increase patrol services and keep the Police Department building open 24 hours a day. Chief Miller (as the Director of Public Safety) addressed the Fire Department and EMS area as well. He would like to be able to increase Fire awareness with implementing several programs, some of which include; CPR and First Aid classes. Page 3 TCEDC Regular Session May 12, 1997 OTHER BUSINESS: The next meeting will be held June 12, 1997. Courts and Public Works to make presentations to the Board at that time. EvoirreaZOT0 Director Garlitz moved to adjourn at 8:34 p.m. Director Heath seconded; motion passed unanimously. Terry Christlieb, Vice President Trophy Club Economic Development Corporation r (SEAL) fl -76 dY Dari Heath, Secre-azy Trophy Club Economic Development Corporation 05/28/97 k(g