Minutes EDC 4B 10/19/1998MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING/REGULAR SESSION ECONONMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB October 21, 1998 COUNTY OF DENTON The Economic Development Corporation of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Public Hearing/Regular session October 21, 1998. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. DIRECTORS PRESENT: Terry Christlieb President Pam Cates Vice -President John Carter Director Marshall Engelbeck Director Jon Livers Director James Hicks Director Paul Zigler Treasurer STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Karen Sadri Staff Liaison David Miller Police Chief Pat Stoltz Chairperson, Public Relations Committee CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: President Christlieb called the meeting to order and announced a quorum at 7:07 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING The Public Hearing was opened at 7:08 p.m. without any public in attendance. DISCUSSION REGARDING THE EARLY WARNING SYSTEM Police Chief Miller recapped the presentation of Fire Chief Opipare and added that the City of Westlake is working with us on this project but that the total number of sirens needs to be determined for both entities. He then thanked the Corporation for the forty (40) thousand dollar funding. Page 2 Public Hearing/Regular Session October 21, 1998 DISCUSSION REGARDING THE PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE PROMOTIONAL PROJECTS. Chairperson Stotlz reported that the first priority is making a professional video combining the residential attributes and potential commercial development of Trophy Club. She suggested using students from North Texas University to do this video which would mean lesser costs. She also informed the Corporation that the P.R. Committee's next meeting will concentrate on the videotape and updating the current brochure. In turn the E.D.C. discussed that the focus of these projects be on commercial development for increased sales tax revenues. They also suggested the coordination of goals with the Vision and Finance Committees and the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Corporation agreed to give the Public Relations Committee clear expectations on budgeted projects. TCEDC TO CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING AND CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION. Director Engelbeck made a motion to close the Public Hearing at 7:48 p.m. Director Carter seconded; motion passed unanimously. REGULAR SESSION TCEDC TO CONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION. Director Carter made a motion to convene into regular session. Director Engelbeck seconded; motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING THE EARLY WARNING SYSTEM. Director Engelbeck made a motion to not exceed $42,000.00 and to limit two (2) sirens to Trophy Club for funding the early warning system. This motion amended his September 21, 1998 motion of $40,000.00. Vice -President Cates seconded; motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING THE PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE PROMOTIONAL PROJECTS. Director Engelbeck made a motion to allocate $30,000.00 for preparation of the video with the inclusion of a detailed outline of the presentation to promote both the residential and commercial aspects of Trophy Club. Director Livers seconded. Page 3 Public Hearing/Regular Session October 21, 1998 After lengthy discussion Director Engelbeck withdrew his motion. He then made a motion to allocate up to forty thousand dollars ($40,000.00) to the Public Relations Committee with thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) designated for the video tape, three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) for the brochure update and printing, and the remainder for any other projects selected. Director Livers seconded; motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION REGARDING THE STUDY OF AREA E.D.C.'S. The Directors discussed contacting other area E.D.C.'s to learn what and how they determine projects and to possibly attend their meetings. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES. It was noted to amend the last paragraph of page 3 to include "if the E.D.C. makes a finding and recommends to the Council that they promote economic growth for Trophy Club." Director Carter then made motion to accept the minutes as amended. Director Cates seconded; motion passed unanimously. REVIEW AND APPROVE DISBURSEMENTS. Director Carter made a motion to accept the unaudited financial reports ending 9/30/98. Director Engelbeck seconded; motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS. Topics of discussion included: 1. Postponing selection for the vacancy of the Corporation's Secretary until all Directors are present. 2. Concerns of the overly strict rules and regulations for developers and contractors, which drive up the prices of homes. (weight restrictions for concrete trucks) 3. Asking Public Works Director. Bill LeGrand, why in the development "The Lakes of Trophy Club" the water runs under rather than over the spillway. 4. Contacting the Animal Control Officer about the coyotes living in the culverts of same subdivision. 5. Announcing the next Vision Committee meeting for October 22. Page 4 Public Hearing/Regular Session October 21, 1998 Director Livers made a motion to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Director Carter seconded; motion passed unanimously. The next scheduled meeting is November 9, 1998 Terry Christlieb President Karen Sadri Recording Secretary