Minutes EDC 4B 03/11/2002MINUTES OF WORKSHOP/REGULAR SESSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB March 11, 2002 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Economic Development Corporation 413 of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Workshop/Regular Session on March 11, 2002. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. DIRECTORS PRESENT: James Hicks Jonathan Witherspoon Pam Cates Carol Cotton Terry Christlieb Susan Edstrom DIRECTORS ABSENT: John Carter STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Roger Unger Renae Gonzales Scott Smith David Miller Greg Tucker Paul Rosenberger Neil Twomey Chris Clark President Vice -President Director Secretary Director Director/Council Liaison Treasurer Staff Liaison Acting Recording Secretary Mayor Deputy Director Trophy Club Westlake DPS Fire Chief Trophy Club Westlake DPS Community Development Manager EDC4A/Ways & Means Resident WORKSHOP SESSION CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: President Hicks stated a quorum was present and proceeded to the regular session. DISCUSSION OF REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: ADJOURN WORKSHOP SESSION: REGULAR SESSION/PUBLIC HEARING CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: President Hicks called the meeting to order and announced a quorum at 6:37 p.m. DEVELOPER REPORT: No developer report. PUBLIC HEARING FOR PUBLIC RELATIONS REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR ADVERTISING: No residents were present for input regarding the public hearing. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR THE POSSIBILITY OF ISSUING BONDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE POOL AND PHASE 2 AND PHASE 3 OF THE PARK: Director Neil Twomey from EDC4A presented the wording of their motion to the Town Council regarding the issuance of bonds for the construction of the CIA pool. The following motions were made by EDC413 regarding the issuance of bonds and the operational costs of the completed pool: Page 2 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP 411 March 11, 2002 Director Christlieb made a motion to submit an option for the Town to issue debt up to $1.4 million for a term up to twenty years and that EDC4B will negotiate an agreement with the Town for reimbursing the Town for 25% of such incurred debt service upon approval of the Parks & Recreation Committee's applications for phase 2 and 3 of the ten acre park and the construction of the Town's new pool facility and the congruent approval of EDC4A to enter into a similar agreement with the Town. Director Witherspoon seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Director Cates made a motion for the EDC4B to fund operations of the pool for the first five years. They will fund up to 100% for the first two years, the third year 80%, fourth year 50%, and fifth year 20%. An additional clause for a contract with the Town for funds received from pool revenues such as swim lessons, admissions, etc. should be netted towards operational costs and put in restricted funds. Director Cotton seconded. The motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION OF BID TAB FOR AWARDING OF OUTDOOR WARNING SYSTEM: Deputy Director of Trophy Club Westlake DPS, David Miller, and Fire Chief Greg Tucker went over the Bid Tabulation and Recommendation letter in the packet comparing the two systems. Fire Chief Tucker stated that both systems, Federal and Wheelen, were similar and excellent choices but it was the staff s opinion that the Wheelen system would provide the most economical life cycle costs of all systems bid. Director Christlieb made a motion to accept the Wheelen bid in the amount of $77,189.20. Director Cates seconded. Motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION OF EXTENSION OF TROPHY WOOD ROAD: Mayor Scott Smith made a presentation to the EDC413 Board regarding the extension of Trophy Wood Drive to the Hwy. 114 service road. The extension would be a two lane concrete permanent road in the amount of $438,000 based on an Engineer's Statement of Probable of Cost from Teague, Nall and Perkins. Mayor Smith stated that he would like to form a co-op comprised of Denton County, EDC413, Developers Cy Holley and Hap Baggett to fund the extension. The consensus of the EDC4B Board was that they possibly would be interested in sharing costs with the proper commitments all the way through with all parties involved. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES: Director Cotton stated that she was absent at the February 25"' meeting and was listed as present on the minutes. Director Cotton made a motion to accept the February I 1 `", February 25"', and March 6"' minutes with the change to the February 25t" minutes. Director Witherspoon seconded. The motion passed unanimously. REVIEW AND APPROVE FINANCIAL REPORT: Director Cotton made a motion to accept the financial report as written. Director Witherspoon seconded. Motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS: None. ADJOURN: Director Christlieb made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 p. in. Director Edstrom seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Janri4 Hicks President 3/20/02drg Carol Cotton Secretary