Minutes EDC 4B 10/14/2002MINUTES QFWORKSHOP/REGULAR SESSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B TOWN {JFTROPHY CLUB October 14, 2002 STATE OFTEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Economic Development Corporation 413 of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a VVorkshop/RaguiarSession onOctober 14.2O02. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open hothe public. DIRECTORS PRESENT: James Hicks Jonathan Witherspoon Pam Cates TenyChriat|ieb Doyle Nicholson DIRECTORS ABSENT: John Carter STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT Roger Unger Jan Woodruff Scott Smith Jim Carter Hap Baggett David Cunningham Jay Marsh Sally Michalak Mary King President Vice -President Director Director Director Treasurer left at81Op.m. Staff Liaison Staff Mayor Denton County Commissioner Synergy Group Midwest Commercial Realty Pate Engineering Roanoke/Trophy C|ub/VVeot|akeChamber ofCommerce &1etropodMeals onWheels WORKSHOP SESSION CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: President Hicks stated a quorum was present at 6-32 p.m. and proceeded to the regular session REGULAR SESSION DEVELOPER'S REPORT. No developers present except for Hap Baggett. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING PRESENTATION AND REQUEST FROM DEVELOPER ON1G-ACRECOMMERCIAL TRACT FRONTING HIGHWAY 114. Hap Baggett with Synergy Group made a presentation requesting incentives from the EDCB for help building the Trophy Wood extension road and an east -west road in the commercial development. His presentation included possible future interuhangaab|s plans of two to three hote|s, two fast-food nestaunanhs, four sit-down neetsunants, o building that would house be owned by 12 doohors, and a MRI facility. David Cunningham also helped with the presentation There was much discussion that the EDO would exoend funds not to exceed $350,000 on the construction and incentives of Trophy Wood Drive and the Plaza project of the next four years A joint meeting will be held on October 28 with EDCA to discuss the pool funding project and to discuss further the EDCB commitment to this project. Director Christlieb made a motion to ask the staff to develop a consultation with the Town Attorney and advance along that lines for a public hearing for the EDCB to look into this project. Director Cates seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING BECOMING APARTNER OFTHE ROANOKBTROPHYCLUB80ESTLAKECHAMBER OFCOMMERCE. PAGE 2 EDC 4B OCTOBER 14,2002 Sally Minha|ok, President ofthe RTCVV Chamber ofCommerce, made a presentation asking for the EDCB to become an executive partner in the Partnership Program at a cost of $5000 annually for the Town of Trophy Club. It was decided that since the EDCB is already funding the $2500 allocation and the $350 dues for membership in the RTCW Chamber of Commerce, there was not enough money left in the budget for promotional. Promotional items are limited to 10% of the budget. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING ASUPPORT QFMEALS ON WHEELS INC. Mary King, Executive Director ofthe Metroport Meals on VVheo|a. |ncorporated, made a request for EDCB to fund $2500 a year contribution for the Meals on Wheels including home delivery and the Roanoke Senior Citizen Center. Currently, they are serving two Trophy Club residents meals in their homes and 25 residents attend on a regular basis the Wednesday programs and meals at the Roanoke Senior Citizen Center. There is $8100 in unreimbursable expenses at the Roanoke Senior Citizen Center in this year's budget. Although this is a very worthy program, it was decided that it was outside of the realm of the EOCB guidelines. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING UPDATING THE WEB SITE. Jan Woodruff will submit to Shannon DePrater an updated list of Projects Funded by the EDCB to replace the outdated information. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING BILLBOARD ADVERTISING FOR THE TOWN OFTROPHY CLUB. The only land that the Town can erect a billboard vvouk1 be the berms. Homeowners would probably protest if the billboard was behind their home. Bob Bearden with the Comptroller's Office said vvewould have tocount the billboard anadvertising and not aproject evonthoughvvevvou|d construct the billboard ourselves. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES: DirootorChhaUieb made motion toapprove the September 9th meeting minutes. Director Witherspoon seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. REVIEW AND APPROVE FINANCIAL REPORT: Director Witherspoon made a motion to approve the September 2002 financial statements. Director Christ|iebseconded the motion and itpassed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS: President Hicks announced the resignation of Carol Cotton. She has sold her house and is moving. She will be missed. The decision for a new secretary will be on the next agenda. Sally Beauty Supply may locate atthe Plaza Retail Shops. Jan Woodruff has ordered acopy ofthe Handbook on Economic Development Laws for Texas Cities after October 1st for each Director. At this time, it is not recommended by legal counsel to link the websites of local businesses to EOCB'a link on the Town of Trophy Club's website. A copy of the payment schedule for the 1 0 -acre park and pool bond was discussed. ADJOURN: DiraotorChhst|ieb mode o motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:03 p m Director Nicholson seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Jam,fi'g Hicks President m1nnzjw JonathanVVither000dn Vice -President