Minutes EDC 4B 07/14/2003MINUTES OFWORKSHOP/REGULAR SESSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B TOWN OFTROPHY CLUB July 14,O003 STATE OFTEXAS COUNTY OFOENTON The Economic Development Corporation 413 of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Workshop/Regular Session onJuly 14'2003. The meeting was held within the boundaries ofthe Town and was open tothe public. DIRECTORS PRESENT: James Hicks Pam Cates Doyle Nicholson Andy Hayes TerryChhaMiab DIRECTORS ABSENT: John Carter STAFF AND GUEST (S) PRESENT: Roger Unger President Director Director Secretary Director Treasurer Staff Liaison WORKSHOP SESSION CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE QUORUM. President Hicks called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m., announced that there was a quorum, and proceeded tothe Regular session. REGULAR SESSION DEVELOPER'S REPORT. There were no developers present. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR ELECTION OFOFFICERS. The vote was unanimous toname the slate ofofficers uo James Hicks, President Doyle Nicholson, Vice President John Carter, Treasurer Andy Hayes, Secretary DISCUSSION OFCHANGES OFEDC LAWS. It was requested that Roger Unger have an attorney to review Section 6.413(a)(2). It was decided that there is no impact to EDCB as a result of the changes in HP2912 because it gives a broader DISCUSSION OF FISCAL YEAR O3-04BUDGET. Director Christlieb made a motion to adopt the budget with the change to the Chamber of Commerce. Director Cates seconded the motion and itpassed unanimously. DISCUSSION AND UPDATE FOR DEVELOPING FACT SHEET. EDCB 07/14/03 Meeting Minutes DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION TOAMEND CHECKING ACCOUNT SIGNATURE CARD. Pam Cates made a motion to remove Jonathan Witherspoon and add Doyle Nicholson. This Andy Hayes seconded the motion and itpassed unanimously. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES. Director Nicholson made a motion to adopt the June 9, 2003 minutes. Director Christlieb seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. REVIEW AND APPROVE FINANCIAL REPORT: Director Cates made a motion to approve the May 2003 financial statements. Director Nicholson seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS. The gas drilling and the impact onthe community were discussed. ADJOURN. Director Cates made a motion to adjourn at 8:08 p.m. Director Nicholson seconded the motion and itpassed unanimously. NL President Secretary