Minutes EDC 4B 11/10/2003MINUTES OF WORKSHOP/REGULAR SESSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 413 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB NOVEMBER 10, 2003 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Economic Development Corporation 4B of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Workshop/Regular Session on November 10, 2003. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. James Hicks President Tim Meredith Director Rebecca Shuman Director Andy Hayes Secretary Doyle Nicholson Vice President Left at 7:08 p.m. DIRECTORS ABSENT: Pam Cates Director STAFF AND GUEST (S) PRESENT: Roger Unger Staff Liaison Jan Woodruff EDC Clerk Randy Briggs Community Development Manager David Cunningham Midwest Commercial Realty Susan Edstrom Town Councilmember WORKSHOP SESSION CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. President Hicks called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m., announced that there was a quorum, and proceeded to the Regular session. REGULAR SESSION DEVELOPER'S REPORT: David Cunningham with Midwest Commercial Realty gave the Board an update on the development of the acreage near the new hospital. It is anticipated that the Trophy Wood Drive extension will be completed in about three weeks. The $250,000 incentive payment will be given to him when the Town approves the road. There are plans for another 60,000 square foot building for medical professionals. Several hotel groups have contacted Midwest about building including a Sheraton full service. Abuellos has contacted them about the possibility of a restaurant at the site. Midwest has retained a 2'/2 -acre retail pad for a small retail center. Midwest has anticipated that there will be a 3 to 3'/2 year sell-off cycle. DISCUSSION OF WINTERIZATION OF THE COMMUNITY POOL: Randy Briggs, Community Development Manager, presented the winterization of the pool plans that are already being implemented. Adam Adams will be attending a Facility Operator Course. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR THE ELECTION OF THE TREASURER FOR THE EDCB BOARD: Director Hayes made a motion to nominate Pam Cates to be the Treasurer. Director Meredith seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Board wants to make sure that John Carter is recognized for his years of service with either a plaque or a clock and a framed proclamation. Page 2 EDCBNovember 1O,2OU3Meeting Minutes Roger Unger will check with the Public Relations committee and see what can be done. Susan Edatromsuggested that someone nominate him for the Citizen of the Year. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR BANK ACCOUNT AND TEXpOOL ACCOUNT SIGNATURE AUTHORITY: Director Meredith made a motion to have James Hicks, Roger Unger, Diane Cockrell, Doyle Nioho|aon, Pam Cat»a, and Andy Hayes on both theTmxpoo| and bank account signature cards. Director Shuman seconded the motion and itpassed unanimously. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING: A goal setting and planning meeting will be set up at a later date after the EDC training in December. It was suggested that Patricia Adams, attorney for the Town of Trophy Club, be invited \oattend the EDC training. This will bnanon-going agenda item. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES: Director Hayes made a motion to approve both the September 8 and the October 13, 2003, meeting minutes. Director Shuman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. REVIEW AND APPROVE FINANCIAL REPORT: Director Shuman made a motion to approve the September and October financials. Director Meredith seconded the motion and itpassed unanimously. |t was requested that Roger Unger present a budget summary sheet for EDCB and the Pool quarterly to the EDC board. OTHER BUSINESS: Jan Woodruff reminded the Board that the next meeting will be December 8 and the EDC training will be December 10. ADJOURN. Director Hayes made amotion toadjourn at81Gp.m.Director Shuman seconded the motion and itpassed unanimously. A�L� JaAe"s Hicks President Andy ayes Secretary