Minutes EDC 4B 02/09/2004MINUTES OFWORKSHOP/REGULAR SESSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B TOWN OFTROPHY CLUB FEBRUARY 9,2004 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Economic Development Corporation 4Bof the Town ofTrophy Club, Texas, met in Workshop/Regular Session onFebruary S'20U4. The meeting was held within the boundaries uf the Town and was open tothe public. DIRECTORS PRESENT: James Hicks President Doyle Nicholson Vice President Pam Cakes Treasurer arrived a1G:4U p.m. Andy Hayes Secretary Tim Meredith Director Rebecca Shuman Director DIRECTORS ABSENT: Bill Devlin Director STAFF AND GUEST (S) PRESENT: Roger Unger Staff Liaison Jan Woodruff EDC Clerk Beverly Foley Town Mayor Pro Tern [}avid Cunningham Developer, Midwest Commercial Realty WORKSHOP SESSION CALL TOORDER AND ANNOUNCE AgUORUK8. President Hicks called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m., announced that there was a quorum, and proceeded 0nthe Regular session. REGULAR SESSION DEVELOPER'S REPORT: David Cunningham gave a presentation showing some of the marketing tools that are being used for the Trophy Wood Business Center. The Town of Trophy Club accepted the Trophy Wood Road extension today and the incentive was paid. There are two hotels that are in study right now and a developer of restaurants is interested and may develop five lots. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR DEVELOPING ABUSINESS PAMPHLET: Beverly Foley showed a quarterly Economic Development Business Development Report that the City of Keller produces and requested that the EDCBwork with staff to look into the possibility of producing a similar report and discuss at the next meeting. Director Nicholson volunteered to get in touch with Beth Ann Gregory to see about the possibility of putting something on the website. Director Cates said that the EDCB had this in the past but it hasn't been updated. There was some concern about home-based businesses. Noaction taken. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING: Tabled until the next meeting. |iwas suggested that the directors review the "white paper" and make notes for the next meeting. Jan Woodruff reported that Jeff Moore maybe able tnput ona planned workshop. He was contacted but will get back with us. No action taken. EDCBFebruary 9,DOO4Meeting Minutes DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR HONORING FORMER BOARD MEMBERS: It was suggested that we contact the Tree Board about a planting a tree and putting a plaque to honor former board members. |twas also suggested that maybe there might basomething ina Flower Garden with roses. No action taken. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR CONDUCTING AWORKSHOP REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: This was discussed earlier during strategic planning. No action taken. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES: Director Shuman made amotion toapprove the January 12'2O04meeting minutes ansubmitted. Director Cates seconded the motion and itpassed unanimously. REVIEW AND APPROVE FINANCIAL REPORT: Director Cates made a motion to approve the January 2004 financials. Director Nicholson seconded the motion and hpassed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS: The EDCB are having an official Trophy Wood road opening on March 13 1h with the media being invited. The details will beprovided soon. There was adiscussion about the alcohol sales passing and the possible impact onsales tax and the budget. ADJOURN: Director Meredith made a motion to adjourn at 8:07 p.m. Director Cates seconded the motion and itPassedunoninnous|V. 4 Jan46's Hicks President Andy Hayes Secretary