Minutes EDC 4B 07/12/2004MINUTES OFWORKSHOP/REGULAR SESSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB JULY 12,20U4 STATE OFTEXAS COUNTY OFOENTON The Economic Development Corporation 4B of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Public Hau/ing/VVorkuhop/Ro0u|arSession onJuly 12.2OO4. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. DIRECTORS PRESENT James Hicks President Pam Cates Treasurer Rebecca Shuman Director Andy Hayes Secretary Tim Meredith Director Bill Devlin Director arrived at 6:58 p.m DIRECTORS ABSENT: Doyle Nicholson Vice -President STAFF AND GUEST (S)PRESENT: Roger Unger Staff Liaison Jan Woodruff EDC Clerk Beth Ann Gregory Information Systems Manager Donna Welsh Town Manager WORKSHOP SESSION CALL TDORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. President Hicks called the meeting to order at 6:49 p.m., announced that there was a quorum, and proceeded tothe Regular session. REGULAR SESSION DEVELOPER'S REPORT: No developers were present. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR APPROVING THE CITY PAGE PUBLISHED MONTHLY |NTHE TROPHY CLUB TIMES. Beth Ann Gregory brought the information to the EDCB about publishing a city page in the local Trophy Club Times. There was some question about whether it would be advertising or informational. Director Shuman made a motion to table the item pending an outcome of a survey of the Town Council. Director Devlin seconded the motion and itpassed unanimously. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR APPROVING 100% FUNDING FOR POOL OPERATIONS INFY2DO4-O5BUDGET. There was discussion about raising the fees and about offsetting revenues. Director Meredith made a motion to fund the Pool 100% for the FY2004-2005 budget. Director Hayes seconded the motion. The motion passed. Directors Shuman and Devlin voted against and Directors Meredith, Hicks, Cates, EOCBJuly 12,2OO4Meeting Minutes DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR APPROVING THE AMENDEDFY2OO4-U5 BUDGET. Updated estimates were presented with $216,000 for total revenues and for total expenses. Director Devlin made a motion to approve the FY2004-05 budget. Director Shuman seconded the motion and itpassed unanimously. DISCUSSION UPDATING THE TOWN {JFTROPHY CLUB WEBSITE FOR THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BSITE: Beth Ann Gregory is applying for grants for the street mapping software. No action was taken. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING: Noaction was taken. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES: Director Devlin made a motion to approve the June 14, 2004 meeting minutes. Director Hayes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Directors Shuman and Cates abstained. REVIEW AND APPROVE FINANCIAL REPORT: Director Devlin made motion toapprove the June 2O04financials. Director Hayes seconded the motion and itpassed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS: This ieDirector Cates' last meeting. She welcomes everyone's input asshe sits onthe City Council. President Hicks expressed his pleasure at having her for a director for eight years on EDCB. President Hicks vvuntu staff to find out why I}1Magazine did not list the Trophy Club EOCo. ADJOURN: Director Devlin made a motion to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. Director Cates seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. JirW Hicks Andy �Hayes President Secretary