Minutes EDC 4B 08/13/2007MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB AUGUST 13, 2007 6:30 P.M. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Economic Development Corporation 4B of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in a Regular Session on August 13, 2007. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. DIRECTORS PRESENT: James Hicks President Doyle Nicholson Vice -President Damian Olthoff Secretary Larry E. Crosser Treasurer Cy Holley Director Rebecca Shuman Director Glenn Strother Director DIRECTORS ABSENT: Philip Sterling Council Liaison STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Brandon Emmons Town Manager Sakura Moten- Dedrick Finance Director Shannon DePrater Staff Liaison Jean Ashenfelter Town of Trophy Club Arts Advisory Group Chair REGULAR SESSION Call to order and announce a quorum. President Hicks, noting a quorum of EDC 4B, called the regular session to order at 6:37 p.m. Open Public Hearing: On the 91h day of July 2007 and the 13th day of August 2007, at 6:30 p.m. there will be a public hearing of the Economic Development Corporation 4B of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, 76262, for the purpose of considering the expenditure of funds for the fiscal year 2007-2008 budget. There is a sixty-day period that begins June 22, 2007, the date of the first public notice of the proposed project(s), during which the public may submit a petition with any objections to the project(s). Please contact Shannon DePrater concerning any questions, (682) 831-4605. President Hicks opened the Public Hearing at 6:37 pm. No Citizen input. Close Public Hearing. President Hicks closed the public hearing at 6:38 p.m. EDC B August 13, 2007 Regular Session Page 2 of 3 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a request for funding the Town's membership to Artsnet for FY07/08. Director Shuman gave some background information and stated that she would support funding the membership for Fiscal Year 07/08 only. Trophy Club Arts Advisory Group Chair Jean Ashenfelter gave an overview of the project and answered questions from the Board. Directory Holley stated he would like to see a plan that shows how this membership will promote the economic development of the Town. Director Shuman made a motion to fund the $2,500 for the Artsnet Membership with the promise that the Town of Trophy Club Arts Advisory Group present their action plan to the Board at their November meeting. Director Nicholson seconded; motion carried unanimously. EDC 4B TO CONVENE INTO WORKSHOP SESSION Interview candidates for five (5) expired seats: 7:00 p.m. — Mr. Isherwood to call in 7:15 p.m. or immediately following previous applicant — Mr. Chitwood Questions/comments for current Board members reapplying The Board interviewed Mr. Isherwood. Mr. Chitwood was unavailable for an interview. EDC 4B TO RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Discuss and take appropriate action regarding a recommendation to the Town Council of candidates for one (5) expired seats on the EDC413. Director Holley made a motion to re-elect all incumbents. Director Strother seconded. Discussion ensued regarding the staggering of terms. To allow for more even staggering of terms, Director Shuman made a second motion to extend President Hicks' term for one year, allowing for Directors Crosser, Nicholson, Olthoff and Shuman terms to expire in 2009 and Directors Hicks, Holley and Strother terms to expire in 2008. Director Holley seconded; motion carried unanimously. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding FY06/07 Budget Amendment. Board must formally vote on amendment. Ms. Dedrick, Finance Director, shared with the Board that amounts have since changed since the public hearings for the budget amendment. Ms. Dedrick stated that the amounts from Reserves and EDC Projects will actually decrease by $15,000 because of the MUD 1 payment of their portion of the Buxton Study. The excess will be transferred into Reserves. Director Holley made a motion to adopt the FY06/07 Budget Amendment as presented. Director Crosser seconded; motion carried unanimously. The following item was moved forward as the next discussion item: Discuss and take appropriate action to forward FY07/08 Budget to Town Council for approval. Director Crosser made a motion to forward FY07/08 Budget to Town Council as presented. Director Shuman seconded; motion carried unanimously. EDC B August 13, 2007 Regular Session Page 3 of 3 Discuss and take appropriate action regarding September ICSC Conference. The Board discussed the dates of the ICSC Conference and meeting locations. The consensus of the Board was to upgrade one hotel room to a suite to allow for a meeting location. The Board decided to ask the Mayor if he would like to attend the Conference and Directors Hicks, Crosser and Strother will check their schedule for availability. Town Manager Brandon Emmons stated that the Town would fund the hotel and travel accommodations of staff and the Mayor, if EDC 4B would pay the conference registration fee for all attendees. Once the attendees have been established, that group will come up with their plan and packet for the ICSC Conference. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Buxton Study. The Board narrowed Buxton's retail match list by eliminating all retailers requiring large amounts of space that Trophy Club could not provide for. Director Holley stated that he would like to take the list back to the residents for their input. The Board directed Town Staff to move forward and create a retail survey listing all remaining services and give examples of stores and once the results have been tallied, forward the list to the Board and Buxton. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding Long Range/Strategic Planning. Director Shuman tallied the Board to find a date suitable for a planning session. The Board decided on Monday, December 17, 2007 from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Discussion continued to move their monthly meeting to Monday, December 17th from noon until 1:00 p.m. The Board asked Town Staff to move forward and research costs of facilitators. Approval of June 2007 Financials. Director Holley made a motion to approve the June 2007 Financials as written. Director Olthoff seconded; motion carried unanimously. Other business. No other business was presented. Next meeting scheduled for September 10, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. The Board will meet on September 10, 2007at 6:30 p.m. in the Public Services Conference Room. Adjourn regular session. Director Oithoff made a motion to adjourn at 9:14 p.m. Director Shuman seconded; motion carried unanimously. Jim Hi ks Damian Olthoff