Minutes EDC 4B 06/08/2009MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION FOR THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B BOARD LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Monday, June 8, 2009 6:30 PM STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Economic Development Corporation 4B of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in Regular Session on June 8, 2009. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. EDC 4B DIRECTORS PRESENT: James Hicks President Dave Glaser Vice President lett at 7:63 p.m. Larry E. Crosser Treasurer Damian Olthoff Secretary Dan Bishop Director Rebecca Shuman Director arrived at 6:52 p.m, and left at 6:30 p.m. Glenn Strother EDC 4B Council Liaison arrived at 6:36 p.m. EDC 48 DIRECTORS ABSENT: Zachary Jeffery Director STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Stephen Seidel Assistant Town Manager Shannon DePrater Deputy Town Secretary Bill Rose Council member Call to order and announce a quorum. President Hicks, noting a quorum of EDC 4B, called the regular session to order at 6:31 p.m. 1. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding meeting with Ron Holifield. President Hicks updated the Board on the meeting he and Assistant Town Manager Seidel held with Mr. Holifield. Given the overall status of where the Board is, Mr. Holifield shared he has completed what he can do for the Board at this time. A unified vision from the Town Council is lacking and Mr. Holifield doubts whether his services would be beneficial. Mr. Holifield recommended that the Board continue to move forward with its current projects. The Board discussed different options on how to move forward including holding a joint meeting with EDC 4B, Town Council, Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 and have Mr. Holifield facilitate those meetings, perhaps in a multiple workshop setting. Director Olthoff stated that the Rules of Engagement need to be defined by the Town Council before holding a joint meeting, Director Bishop acknowledged that the Town Council needs to provide specific direction for the Board. 2. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding meeting with Catalyst Commercial. President Hicks updated the Board on his and Assistant Town Manager Seidel's meeting with Jason Claunch with Catalyst Commercial. Seidel began by listing issues that may attribute to why the Regency Center is not at full occupancy. Seidel then explained how Catalyst Commercial works by collecting scientific information, such as geo-coding of our existing businesses, leakage, traffic counts and research of other area retail centers to help find prospective tenants. Catalyst Commercial will take their research information, our existing information and partner with a marketing firm to help the Board reach out to these potential businesses. Seidel stated that the discussion was only preliminary, and Mr. Claunch is willing to come to the next EDC 4B meeting and give a presentation. Seidel encouraged the Board to allow the presentation and ask Mr. Claunch questions. The Board's consensus was to invite Mr. Claunch to the next meeting to present to the Board. 3. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding the Design Charrette project. Assistant Town Manager Seidel gave a brief update on the status of the project. 4. Discuss and take appropriate action regarding FYI EDC -4B Budget. Assistant Town Manager Seidel shared that this is the time for Directors to bring forth any projects that they wish to see next year. President Hicks further stated this would include a wish list of projects. Seidel estimates about the same amount of revenue as current year. Seidel gave examples of projects, such as hiring a marketing firm to create a marketing plan and or materials for existing businesses, work sessions. Seidel also mentioned the fixed expenditure of the pool bond payment. The Board agreed upon the following list of items to be added to the project wish list: • Research the possibility of taking on a higher percentage of Assistant Town Manager Seidel's time • Engaging Mr. Holifreld to help move forward with the Town Council • Traffic Update • Provide coupons good at local Trophy Club businesses to help drive more shopping 5. Update from Council member Glenn Strother regarding Council activities and workshops. Council member Strother updated the Board on Town Council activities and workshops over the past several months. Strother stated that Town Council agreed that they need to continue with scheduling workshops. 6. Staff Updates; a. Village Center b. Annual Appointments Assistant Town Manager Seidel updated the Board on Village Center. The Board discussed the possibility of erecting a Commercial Development sign on the property to ensure prospective homebuyers that the land will be developed at a later date. Assistant Town Manager Seidel will contact property owner to discuss. EDC 413 Page 2 of 3 June 8, 2009 Regular Session Deputy Town Secretary DePrater outlined the annual appointment process and shared that Directors Crosser, Glaser, Olthoff and Shuman terms will expire in September 2009. 7. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the April 13, 2009 Regular Session Minutes. Director Crosser moved to approve the April 13, 2009 Regular Session Minutes as presented. Director Olthoff seconded; motion carried unanimously. 8. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve Financials dated: a. March 2009 b. April 2009 Director Crosser updated the board on its current financial status. Director Crosser moved to approve all financials as presented. Director Olthoff seconded; motion carried unanimously. 9. Items for Future Agendas: a. Application Timeline b. Economic Development Training Classes C. Ben Hogan Golf Tournament d. Ron Holifiield to help with creation of roles and responsibilities of Directors The Board discussed many options of holding a golf tournament and decided that this maybe a long-term possibility. The Board asked Assistant Town Manager to contact Club Corp and get more information and bring back at the next meeting. The Board asked for a listing of possible projects discussed during the budget agenda item be brought back with cost estimates for the next meeting. 10. Set next meeting date of Monday, July 13, 2009. The next meeting of the Economic Development Corporation 4B Board will be July 13, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. Adjourn Director Olthoff moved to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. Director Bishop seconded; motion carried. Jameg Hicks, President EDC 4B June 8, 2009 Regular Session Secretary Page 3 of 3