Minutes EDC 4B 11/09/2009MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION FOR THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 4B BOARD LOCATION: 100 MUNICIPAL DRIVE, TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Monday, November 9, 2009 6:30 PM STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Economic Development Corporation 4B of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas, met in Regular Session on November 9, 2009. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the public. EDC 4B DIRECTORS PRESENT: James Hicks President Dave Glaser Vice President Dean Murray Secretary/Treasurer Dan Bishop Director left at 7: 9Op. m. Zachary Jeffery Director Nick Sanders Director arrived 6:50 p.m. Rebecca Shuman Director Glenn Strother EDC 4B Council Liaison STAFF AND GUEST(S) PRESENT: Stephen Seidel Assistant Town Manager Shannon DePrater Deputy Town Secretary / RMO Bill Rose Council Member Call to order and announce a quorum. President Hicks, noting a quorum of EDC 4B, called the regular session to order at 6:37 p.m. REGULAR SESSION 1. ICSC San Antonio Conference Update/Recap from Directors Hicks and Sanders, Council member Strother and Assistant Town Manager Seidel. The Board received an update from the ICSC Conference attendees and answered questions from the Board. President Hicks shared that he and Assistant Town Manager Seidel attended the "Show Me the Money" Workshop and that the Directors and Seidel met with potential prospects. Seidel mentioned that he believes that this was the most successful year attending and meeting prospective clients to date for the Board. Council member Strother mentioned that next year's conference will be held at the Gaylord Texan, and due to the travel savings the Board may consider hosting a booth at the conference. Director Shuman asked that an item be added to the agenda monthly to discuss 2010 ICSC, EDC413 Page 1 of 2 November 9, 2009 Regular Session 2. Commercial Property Update: a. 26 Acre Tract b. Trophy Wood Business Center c. Regency Center d. Ehrenberg Property e. 17 Acre Tract Seidel updated the Board on the Commercial Property within the Town and addressed questions from the Board. 3. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the October 12, 2009 Regular Session Minutes. Director Sanders moved to approve the October 12, 2009 Regular Session Minutes as presented. Director Shuman seconded; motion carried unanimously. 4. Items for Future Agendas. • Director Shuman asked for ICSC preparation for next year's Conference at the Gaylord be added to every meeting agenda. • Director Shuman asked for Rules of Engagement for contacts/spokespersons be readdressed given the new directors be added to the December meeting agenda. • Director Murray asked about current tax revenuelgeneration and if Trophy Club could begin thinking of some sort of event, such as a Taste of Addison type of event that EDC 4B could work with the Parks & Rec Board • Director Sanders asked about purchasing Christmas decorations for the retail centers. • Director Shuman asked for a Park Update from Parks & Recreation Director Adam Adams at the December meeting that includes pictures of current projects and a bond projects update. • Director Murray suggested possible economic development incentives/projects such as a scene of lights through a pathway — go to churches, community groups, etc, possibly discuss with Parks & Recreation Director Adam Adams during his update. Adjourn Director Shuman moved to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Director Glaser seconded; motion carried. .� icks, President EDC4B November 9, 2009 Regular Session I Aca��� - Dean Murray, Treasurer/Secretary Page 2 of 2