Agenda Packet P&Z 09/20/2007 - AmendedAMENDED Town of Trophy Club Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Session Agenda 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Thursday, September 20, 2007 7:00 P.M. A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. B.1 Review and approve minutes of the August 16, 2007, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. C.1 Public Hearing to Consider an Amendment to Ordinance No. 1999-17 P&Z, Trophy Club Plaza, Planned Development No. 21 to: 1) allow a fitness/workout facility; and 2) allow 24-hour operation of uses for businesses in this shopping center. Applicant: Regency Centers, L.P. (PD AMD-07-024) C.2 Consideration of a Request to Amend Ordinance No. 1999-17 P&Z, Trophy Club Plaza, Planned Development No. 21 to: 1) allow a fitness/workout facility; and 2) allow 24-hour operation of uses for businesses in this shopping center. Applicant: Regency Centers, L.P. (PD AMD-07-024) D.1 Adjournment. Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 1 of 25 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 9-20-2007 Subject: Agenda Item No.A.1 Call to order and announce a quorum. Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 2 of 25 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 9-20-2007 Subject: Agenda Item No.B.1 Review and approve minutes of the August 16, 2007, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting. Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 3 of 25 MINUTES OF A REGULAR SESSION FOR THE TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 16, 2007 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Regular Session on August 16, 2007, at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room of the Public Services Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. COMMISSIONERS ATTENDANCE: Chairman Hill Present Vice Chairman Stephens Present Commissioner Ashby Present Commissioner Reed Absent Commissioner Sheridan Present Commissioner Sanchez Absent Currently One Vacancy on this Board STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Nick Sanders Mayor Brandon Emmons Town Manager Carolyn Huggins Planning & Zoning Coordinator Tom Rutledge Town Engineer, Teague, Nall and Perkins Mickey Thomas MJ Thomas Engineering, LLC. Mehran Aghili Construction Manager, NISD Chris Tronzano smr Architects Stephen Elwood Corgan Associates, Inc. Bill Haines Romine, Romine, & Burgess Jim Wiegert Carter & Burgess Steve Lenart 831 Trophy L.P. A.1 CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. B.1 REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES OF THE JULY 2, 2007, PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING. Chairman Hill called for comments, questions, or a motion for the minutes of the July 2, 2007 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. A motion was made to approve. Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 4 of 25 Motion: Commissioner Ashby Second: Vice Chairman Stephens Ayes: Hill, Stephens, Sheridan, Ashby Action: 4-0, Approved Motion carried. C.1 FP-07-022 PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR TROPHY CLUB DRIVE, PHASE 1 MASTER IMPROVEMENTS. APPLICANT: CARTER & BURGESS ON BEHALF OF 831 TROPHY, LP. (2.341 ACRES). The Chairman explained that this item was previously reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Commission when they looked at the entire master improvements plan on July 2, 2007. He asked if any of the Commissioners wished for further discussion. Commissioner Sheridan noted that in the staff report there is a reference to additional revision needed for “Sheet 6,” and the “Landscape and Irrigation plans,” but that sheet and those plans are not part of the documents that the Commissioners usually review for plat approval. He asked for an explanation of the extenuating circumstances needed for plat approval subject to those corrections. Carolyn Huggins, Planning & Zoning Coordinator, explained that normally the engineering documents and landscape and irrigation plans would be reviewed and approved by staff prior to placement of a plat on a Planning & Zoning Commission agenda. This plat was quickly resubmitted after the entire master improvements plats were withdrawn, and quickly brought before the Planning & Zoning Commission before normal review by staff was complete. As staff had previously extensively reviewed the engineering documents of the withdrawn plats, staff felt this was an acceptable risk to place this item on the Planning & Zoning Commission agenda prior to complete staff approval. If additional corrections were needed on the engineering documents or the landscape and irrigation plans, Ms. Huggins explained that the Planning & Zoning Commission, as a recommending body, has the authority to approve a plat with stipulations for corrections to these documents. Ms. Huggins explained that the Town Engineer, Tom Rutledge, will address the status of Sheet 6. Regarding the landscape and irrigation plans, in between packet delivery and the Planning & Zoning meeting, staff approved the landscape plans, but additional corrections are needed on the irrigation plans. Staff requests that the Planning & Zoning Commission recommend approval with the stipulation that the irrigation plans be corrected and approved by staff prior to the Town Council meeting on August 20, 2007, and any other stipulations that Tom Rutledge, the Town Engineer, may request. Tom Rutledge, Town Engineer, explained that Carter & Burgess responded favorably to the outstanding engineering comments which were: 1) where Trophy Club Drive is going to terminate in this first phase was the transition of the temporary asphalt back to Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 5 of 25 the two lane sections we required that they design that for a 30 mph minimum design speed which changed the length and radius of the taper. Mr. Rutledge reported that this item has been revised; 2) a temporary access easement since the right-of-way is not being dedicated, but this is a public road, there is a need for a dedicated access easement. Mr. Rutledge reported that this was provided by separate easement. Mr. Ashby asked if the mph design speed would be 30 or 40. Mr. Rutledge explained that for a permanent roadway the standard mph design speed is 40 mph, but it is posted as 30 mph. Since the speed limit is going to be posted as 30 mph, as long as there is a minimum of 30 mph through that section, it would be alright. Mr. Ashby asked if there is a concern that the asphalt would erode quicker. Mr. Rutledge stated that it is not a function of the pavement section. They would provide the same pavement section irrespective of the design speed. He explained that it is more the length and radius of the taper through there that matters and this is a vast improvement over what was originally proposed. As there were no other comments or questions, Chairman Hill called for a motion. Mr. Sheridan motioned to approve the plat with the stipulation that the irrigation plans be revised and staff approval be obtained prior to Town Council approval. Motion: Commissioner Sheridan Second: Vice Chairman Stephens Ayes: Hill, Stephens, Sheridan, Ashby Action: 4-0, Approved Motion carried. C.2 SP-07-008 PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO TOWN ORDINANCE NO. 2007-11 P&Z, THE SAME BEING PD-28 NORTHWEST HIGH SCHOOL NO. 2 TO APPROVE A FINAL SITE PLAN. APPLICANT: MJ THOMAS ENGINEERING, LLC ON BEHALF OF NORTHWEST ISD. Chairman Hill called for a motion to open the public hearing. Vice Chairman Stephens, seconded by Commissioner Ashby motioned to open the public hearing. The motion passed unanimously 4-0. Mickey Thomas, MJ Thomas Engineering, came forward to present the site plan. They asked for a revision to the parking lot, requesting permission to remove the 5-ft. grassy islands in between the head-in stall parking spaces, retaining the end caps and the landscape islands. No parking spaces are being removed. Vice Chairman Stephens asked if they were putting wheel stops in each space. Mr. Thomas responded that they would not. Commissioner Ashby asked if it would be bumper to bumper. Mr. Thomas responded, “Yes sir.” Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 6 of 25 Mr. Thomas stated that the architect, landscaper, and lighting consultant are present to answer questions. Mr. Thomas explained the site plan, pointing out the locations of such things as the fire lanes, parking, trash dumpster with screening walls, transformers, loading docks, tennis courts, athletic facilities, and running track. Carolyn Huggins, Planning & Zoning Coordinator, gave additional site information, pointing out the four lots that make up the site plan. She explained that a portion of a parking lot, tennis courts and an athletic field encroach into the 30-ft. building line setback which staff has approved provided that no bleachers or buildings of any kind encroach. She also pointed out an additional dumpster location that is missing from the site plan reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Commissioners. This dumpster location will be added to the site plan reviewed by the Town Council. Ms. Huggins explained that the parking lot revision requested by the applicant has been reviewed by the Town Manager, and staff can support this request as the parking will still meet the PD and Town regulations. Eight hundred (800) parking spaces are required for this facility and the applicant is providing more than that. Ms. Huggins pointed out the four access points to the high school, one off of Marshall Creek Rd. and three off of the proposed Northwest Parkway so it is critical that the road be built. The buildings will have traditional brick and cast stone. Non-vehicular open space comprises approximately 18-acres of the 90+-acre site and in those 18-acres the applicant is required to provide 1,794 trees. The applicant will provide approximately 1,600 trees in those areas. The Town Manager and the Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed this request. Most of the 18+-acres are located in the northern portion of the site in flood plain. It would be difficult to plant additional trees there, thus staff is willing to support this request from the applicant. As there were no further comments and none others wishing to speak during the public hearing, the Chairman called for a motion to close the public hearing. Vice Chairman Stephens, seconded by Commissioner Ashby, motioned to close the public hearing. The motion carried with a unanimous vote of 4-0. C.3 SP-07-008 CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO TOWN ORDINANCE NO. 2007-11 P&Z, THE SAME BEING PD-28 NORTHWEST HIGH SCHOOL NO. 2 TO APPROVE A FINAL SITE PLAN. APPLICANT: MJ THOMAS ENGINEERING, LLC ON BEHALF OF NORTHWEST ISD. The Chairman called for questions and discussion of the Site Plan for NISD High School No. 2. Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 7 of 25 Commissioner Ashby asked for an explanation of the realignment of Parkview. Mr. Thomas explained that Parkview will be realigned to the east because Marshall Creek Rd. and the proposed Northwest Parkway could not come together at Parkview because there is a 500-ft. separation requirement between those roads. Commissioner Ashby is concerned about the access to Medlin Middle School. Mr. Thomas responded that those coming east on Marshall Creek Rd. will turn into the school parking lot and then exit from the school property either north or south onto the realigned Parkview. Mayor Nick Sanders stated that there is a joint Marshall Creek, Roanoke and Trophy Club grant proposal to allow a turnaround on the west side of Medlin Middle School, along with cross walks and side walks for the children. Mr. Ashby asked if a rotunda was considered in lieu of the triangle. The Mayor responded that he would prefer to have a roundabout, as they seem to be working well in northeast Tarrant County, but the school district is concerned that young high school drivers may find the roundabout confusing. The roundabouts in Southlake are by an elementary school. Mr. Ashby is concerned that access problems are being created with this configuration. The Mayor pointed out that reconfiguration would be hindered by utility issues in the area. Mr. Thomas explained that there are major overhead electrical lines and a high pressure gas line that comes down the west side of the right-of-way which limits options. Commissioner Sheridan asked if the high pressure gas line was Oncor. Mr. Thomas stated that it is Encana’s line to service the gas wells. Commissioner Sheridan asked if the gas lines follow the right-of-way as outlined in the gas ordinance. Mr. Rutledge responded that on this plat the right-of-way is being changed. Commissioner Sheridan confirmed, “so the gas line is where it is supposed to be per the gas well ordinance”. Mr. Rutledge added that what is driving this realignment is to keep the traffic off of Marshall Creek through Roanoke. This allows an access to be taken up to 377 as a bypass around Marshall Creek Rd. It will serve the high school from the west side but it also helps route traffic through the Town of Trophy Club, which is also part of the TIA which was prepared for the high school and supports the traffic for The Highlands. This connection is also needed for The Highlands development as a connection to 377. This would become the direct route and Marshall Creek tees (T’s) and yields to the main road (Northwest Parkway). Vice Chairman Stephens asked if the new intersection at Northwest Parkway and 377 would be a controlled intersection. Mr. Thomas stated that he believed all indications are that it will be a signalized intersection. The Town Manager, Brandon Emmons, stated that all discussions about the intersection at 377 and Northwest Parkway have it as a signalized intersection. The City of Roanoke has started working with TXDOT to warrant a signal. The intent is to have the signal in place for when the school opens. Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 8 of 25 Mr. Ashby expressed further concerns about the realignment of Parkview. Mr. Emmons explained that there will be a new turnaround and/or improvements to the existing bus turnaround at the middle school. Mehran Aghili, Construction Manager, NISD, gave further explanation and review of pick up and drop off at Medlin Middle School. [As this property is not part of the site plan or plat that is being considered by the Commission on the agenda this evening, further discussion of this topic is not transcribed but is available for public review if desired.] Commissioner Sheridan stated that the two marquees meet the ordinance. He asked if the name on the building also meets Town regulations. Ms. Huggins responded that it does. Commissioner Sheridan asked about the elevation of the building itself. Is it a mirror finish on the building itself. How reflective is it? If there is a lot of brick, how would that affect the future homeowners to the east? Are there any mirrors or amount of glass on that side that would be reflective of any of the light that would create a cast? Also the driveways coming out of the parking lot point right at the houses that will exist there someday. What type of barrier is there which would protect the homeowners from headlights turning that way? How dense is the landscaping? Stephen Elwood, Corgan Associates, Inc., stated that regarding the building reflectivity, the performing arts area is an acoustical block with high, minimal windows. Regarding the headlights, the main thoroughfare will not directly face the future homes. However, after football games and such there will be cars leaving the campus in that direction, and there is an existing creek which will remain and that topography lends itself to keeping the sites separate from each other creating less impact upon each other. Chris Tronzano, smr Architects, stated that there are trees going in at the terminuses of the access drive to help provide screening, as well as existing vegetation in that area that is going to remain. The grade is pretty steep to where it comes off the parking lot, drops down into a creek, and then comes back up. The house lots are on the other side of the bank. Mr. Thomas stated that on the landscape plan it shows the lots higher than the high school property. There is also a drainage channel and with the way that the site is graded the area is bermed to be 4-ft. higher than the road so the headlights will actually hit into the embankment. Commissioner Sheridan asked that a berm be included to deflect the headlights. Mr. Thomas and Mr. Aghili approached the dais and reviewed the landscape sheet with Commissioner Sheridan, however, the plans that Mr. Aghili carried did not match the plans that the Commissioners were reviewing. The plans that the Commissioners are considering are not the latest plans per the architect. The latest plans have even less trees than the plans that the Commissioners are considering. Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 9 of 25 Carolyn Huggins, Planning & Zoning Coordinator, stated to the Commissioners that they should not consider any plans other than those that were submitted by the applicant and were delivered to the Commissioners in their packets for the agenda this evening. If the site plan is recommended for approval, the plans that are being approved are those that are in the Commissioners hands, not those in the applicant’s hands that differ from what was submitted. Commissioner Sheridan asked for capacities of the athletic facilities. Stephen Elwood, Corgan Associates, Inc., stated that the planned capacity for the bleachers are 1,000 for the home side and 500 for the visitors side. These are going to be listed as alternates in the building construction documents. The baseball and softball stadium capacity is 250 for each grandstand. There are typical dugouts for a high school team. Each tennis bleacher holds up to 50 people so there is a capacity for a total of 200 people. Mr. Ashby asked for the roof height of the competition gym. Mr. Aghili assured the Commissioner that the roof meets correct height requirements for a competition gym. Mr. Ashby asked if the parking lot lighting would be shrouded on the western, southern, and eastern side of the complex which will be facing residential properties in the future. Bill Haynes, Romine, Romine, & Burgess (lighting consultants) stated that there is zero spilling glare at the property line. There will be shrouds on all the sports lighting that will keep the direct lighting on the fields. Vice Chairman Stephens stated that he recalled that there would be no competition at night. Mr. Aghili stated that the Town is in discussion with the school district to use the baseball fields as a Town facility for night games. Chairman Hill clarified that the high school games would be in the afternoon, but if there is a joint agreement with the Town then sports associations might have games in the afternoons or evenings. As there were no further questions or discussions, the Chairman called for a motion. Vice Chairman Stephens motioned to approve the final site plan for Northwest High School No. 2 with the following stipulations: 1) no encroachment of buildings or bleachers into 30’ building line setback other than grass, turf, asphalt and fencing around the tennis courts and northwest parking lot area. 2) On the site plan, label any dumpster location near the competition football field. 3) Provide elevations of the building itself, specifically showing the reflectivity. 4) Increase landscaping or include a berm on the eastern boundary that provides a barrier to deflect headlights away from future housing. 5) Recommend allowing parking lot reduction by removing the 5-ft. grassy islands in between the head-in stall parking spaces, retaining the end caps and the landscape islands. No parking spaces are to be removed. Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 10 of 25 6) Allow non-vehicular open space to be less than minimum required, allowing 1,600 trees rather than 1,794. Commissioner Ashby seconded the motion. Ayes: Hill, Stephens, Ashby Nays: Sheridan Action: 3-1, Approved Motion carried. C.4 FP-07-021 CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FROM MJ THOMAS ENGINEERING, LLC ON BEHALF OF NORTHWEST ISD TO APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT OF NISD HIGH SCHOOL NO. 2 (92.655 ACRES). The Chairman called for discussion. Commissioner Ashby asked if anything could be implemented regarding his concern with the relocation of Parkview. The Chairman responded that it is still under negotiation with all parties involved and if the matter doesn’t come before the Planning & Zoning Commission again it will most likely be considered by the Town Council. Mr. Ashby stated that he disliked making a recommendation on a final plat without knowing more regarding this intersection. Chairman Hill stated that there must be a 500-ft. separation between Marshall Creek Rd. and Northwest Parkway and Parkview so that has put restraints on how they can be configured. The traffic flow around Medlin Middle School is a design that is in process and not likely to be resolved in discussion this evening. Further discussion revolved around the roadway design (Marshall Creek Rd., Northwest Parkway and Parkview) with input from Commissioners, NISD personnel and Tom Rutledge, the Town Engineer. Commissioner Sheridan motioned to approve the final plat of NISD High School No. 2 with the following stipulations: 1) A suggestion to ensure life safety access as it currently exists will not be cut off with the realignment of the roadways as designated in this plat; that life safety route being the continuation of Marshall Creek to the existing Parkview south; 2) Add a note on the plat explaining that the existing Parkview will not intersect the new Northwest Parkway. Second: Commissioner Ashby Ayes: Hill, Stephens, Sheridan, Ashby Action: 4-0, Approved Motion carried. D.1 ADJOURNMENT. Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 11 of 25 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 9-20-2007 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.1 Public Hearing to Consider an Amendment to Ordinance No. 1999-17 P&Z, Trophy Club Plaza, Planned Development No. 21 to: 1) allow a fitness/workout facility; and 2) allow 24-hour operation of uses for businesses in this shopping center. Applicant: Regency Centers, L.P. (PD AMD-07-024) Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 12 of 25 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 9-20-2007 Subject: Agenda Item No.C.2 Consideration of a Request to Amend Ordinance No. 1999-17 P&Z, Trophy Club Plaza, Planned Development No. 21 to: 1) allow a fitness/workout facility; and 2) allow 24-hour operation of uses for businesses in this shopping center. Applicant: Regency Centers, L.P. (PD AMD-07-024) PURPOSE: The applicant, Regency Centers, L.P. is requesting approval of an amendment to Ordinance No. 99-17 P&Z to allow a fitness/workout facility as a permitted use in Planned Development (PD) No. 21. The applicant is also requesting that the ordinance be amended to allow 24-hour operation of uses for businesses located in PD-21. CASE REVIEW: The applicant has a request from a potential tenant, Snap Fitness, to place a fitness/workout facility in the Plaza Shopping Center. This use is not currently allowed as a “permitted use”. The “Plaza” shopping center, PD-21, allows “Professional, Business and Retail uses” as outlined in the attached “Exhibit C”, the Development Standards for this Shopping Center, as well as in Divisions E, F, and G of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. The applicant would like to amend “Exhibit C” of the ordinance to allow this use. The tenant has also requested that their facility be allowed to stay open 24 hours, thus, the applicant is requesting a change to the ordinance to allow any current or future tenant to have 24 hour operation. The Development Standards for PD-21 allow the following hours of operation: “B.3. Hours of operation of uses: Hours of operation for the uses set forth herein shall be from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. except the Grocery Store and Pharmacy shall be twenty four (24) hours. No outside sales of any kind shall be conducted, including but not limited to, truck lot, pedestrian walkway, tent or other sales. Hours of delivery services shall be from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.” The applicant is requesting that the first sentence be changed to “Hours of operation for the uses set forth herein shall be twenty four (24) hours.” Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 13 of 25 PUBLIC HEARING: As required by ordinance, a notice of public hearing was published in the local newspaper “The Trophy Club Times” on Friday, September 7, 2007, and property owners within 200-ft. of the shopping center were notified of this request. Copies of the notices are attached. A letter (attached) from a Trophy Club resident has been received in opposition to the request for 24-hour operation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Following review of the shopping center and surrounding residential area, staff supports the applicant’s request to amend the permitted uses to allow a fitness/workout facility. Staff also supports the applicant’s request for 24-hour use. Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 14 of 25 Permitted Uses, “Exhibit C”, Development Standards Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 15 of 25 Divisions E, F, and G of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 16 of 25 Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 17 of 25 Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 18 of 25 Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 19 of 25 Town of Trophy Club Department of Planning & Zoning 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 TO: Alliance Regional Newspapers / Classifieds Dept. DATE: September 4, 2007 FROM: Carolyn Huggins PAGES: 1 RUN DATE: 1 Time/ September 7, 2007 SUBJECT: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT – PD-21 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TROPHY CLUB PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION A Public Hearing will be held by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club in the Boardroom of the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, September 20, 2007, to consider a request for Amendment to PD – Planned Development No. 21, also known as Trophy Club Plaza, By Amending the following sections of PD-21: In Exhibit “C” – “Development Standards”: “A. 1. (c) (ii) Other uses permitted” to allow a fitness/workout facility; and In Exhibit “C” – “Development Standards”: “B. 3. Hours of operation of uses” to allow 24- hour operation for the uses set forth by PD-21. Applicant/Owner: Regency Centers, LP. (PD AMD-07-024) Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 20 of 25 Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 21 of 25 Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 22 of 25 Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 23 of 25 Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 24 of 25 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMORANDUM From: The Office of the Planning and Zoning Coordinator Date: 9-20-2007 Subject: Agenda Item No.D.1 Adjournment. Planning & Zoning Commission September 20, 2007 Page 25 of 25