Minutes P&Z 02/17/1986MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DENTON > The planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session or, February 17, 1386 at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Water plant Road, Trophy Club, Texas. The meeting was held within the boundaries of the Town and was open to the Public. Loren Alexander Chairman Gene Aerstin Member Bruce Benton Member Ralph Kemp Member Peter Reuss Member Chairman Alexander called the meeting to order. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH: SITE PLAN REVIEW The First Baptist Church had submitted plans for the site plan review to Dan Boutwell of Freese and Nichols. Mr. Boutwell had the following concerns with the plan: 1. Mr. Boutwell indicated there should be a firelane on the drive. 2. The existing land uses of the adjacent property should be indicated on the plan. 3. The percentage of masonary should be indicated. 4. The type of screening to any adjoining land should be shown. 5. Landscaping plans need to be submitted. 6. Property should be platted,; Final platting should be approved by the p & Z and the City Council. 7. Mr. Boutwell was concerned with the drainage due to the large area of concrete parking lots; retention system may be required; existing sewer system may be undersized; Independent American's engineer should be consulted. The Commission requested a final composite presentation and review of all aspects of the property. A final site plan will be given at that time. Mr. Dick Morey: First Baptist Church There are two items still outstanding: 1. Landscaping plan 2. plat Mr. Morey requested that he and Chairman Alexander get together to go over the site plan review checklist to make sure all of the information has beer, submitted. Mr. Morey is also requesting the final site plan as soon as possible. It was his understanding that it would be tonight. A variance to the First Baptist Church was requested to allow construction drawings to be approved by a certified engineer from Georgia rather than one from Texas. The Commission voted to wait until the final site plan to vote on this request to grant a variance. FEEDBACK ON SURVEY The Citizens Advisory Committee Workshop will be scheduled for the first part of March to review the results. DEDICATION OF PARK LAND Moved to next meeting. PERMIT FEE FOR POOL CONSTRUCTION Commissioner Reuss: Commissioner Reuss felt this was a M.U.D. issue and not the P & Z's concern. Chariman Alexander stated he felt the City should have the authority to regulate pool construction. It should be ir, ordinance form to insure enforcement and compliance with easements, setbacks and fence requirements. Chairman Alexander will coordinate with the M.U.D. ' The Commission members felt that any fee should cover the cost of inspection only if enacted and rot duplicate M.U.D. pro..^-adures. TREE PRESERVATION AND LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE Mr. Boutwell recommended they be conbined into one ordinance. Commissioner Tynes made a motion that a tree preservation and landscaping ordinance be designed using the City of Grapevine's ordinance as a model. A grandfather clause should be included to omit all existing development to date. The ordinance should apply to all land uses and apply to new development from the point of inception forward. A set time from point of occupancy that would require landscaping should be set. Commissioner Reuss seconded. Chairman Alexander suggested that an incentive program be considered as an alternative to trying to enforce an ordinance. The City could supply trees to the Citizens at a subsidized cost. The motion was passed unanimously. Mr. Boutwell will draft an ordinance for our review and recommendations before submitting to the City Council. STREET AND STORM SEWER ORDINANCE Mr. Boutwell recommended that the Commission go to the N.C.T.O.G. and obtain "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction". This work is a model that most City's have based their ordinances on. He also submitted a written presentation on street design and sewer standards. Commissioner Reuss made a motion for Freese and Nichols to draw up a combined ordinance, (streets and sewers), based or, his written recommendation which includes the City of Plano specifications and the N.C.T.O.G. "Standard Specifications". The motion was withdrawn. Commissioner Aerstin was assigned to review street and storm drainage material and make a report at the next meeting. The next meeting will be March 10. Meeting adjourned. Bruce Renton