Minutes P&Z 04/20/1987 - Joint SessionMINUTES OF JOINT MEETING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND TOWN COUNCIL TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DENTON ) The Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Joint Session on Monday, April 20th, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club,Texas. The meeting was held within the town boundaries and was open to the public. Present were: Pete Reuss Mike Hamper Vance Booker David Schaaf Bob Paige Ralph Kemp Jim Carter Dick Venetoff Tracey Kunkel Beverly Foley Terry Vance Absent were:. Janet Kardish Aldo Martinago Also present were: David Nolte Dan Boutwell Donna Welsh Jill Fiasconaro CALL TO ORDER Chairman of P & Z Co -Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Councilwoman Councilwoman Councilman Commissioner Councilman Town Marshal Town Planner Town Secretary P & Z Secretary Pete Reuss, Chairman of P & Z called the meeting to order at 7:10 P.M. PRESENTATION BY INDEPENDENT AMERICAN TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL AND PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CONCERNING A PROPOSED LAND USE PLAN. Thomas Gaubert with Independent American made a few opening statements to the Council and P & Z Commission. Mr. Gaubert stated that almost 30 months ago Independent American unveiled the first draft of there Master Plan in a public hearing. The Master Plan was a result of 18 months of work by 13 diffent consultants at a cost of about 400 thousand dollars. The Master Plan was then presented to Westlake since at that time they had control over the zoning in Trophy Club. The City of Westlake took no action on the Master Plan. Over the last 30 months,since Trophy Club incorporated, Independent American has been waiting for the Town to get its feet on the ground, establish ordinances, and experience platting procedures before they presented there proposed land use plan. Mr. Gaubert also stated that Independent American wants to develop quality, an economically buyable project, make a legitimate profit, and develop something that both the Town and Developer can be proud of. At this time Mr. Gaubert turned the presentation over to Craig Cury with The Nelson Corporation. MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING APRIL 20TH, 1987 PAGE 2 PRESENTATION BY INDEPENDENT AMERICAN (CONTINUED) Craig Cury introduced himself as Vice -President and Director of Planning for Nelson Corporation. Mr. Cury stated that there are several items that they took into consideration before designing the Land Use Plan. The Community Survey and Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Trophy Club were used as guidelines to come up with a development concept. Mr Cury would like to see the 950 acres in the north corner of Trophy Club zoned as A Planned Development. They have tried to come up with a plan that fits the land. Mr. Cury feels that if the land is zoned as A Planned Development it would give the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council the opportunity to discuss the issues and request a site plan review, landscaping plan review, and review the property owners association. The proposed Residential Village is intended to accomodate a variety of residential uses. The overall residential density of the Residential Village shall be 3.0 units per gross acre or a total of 2,850 units for the entire area within the Planned Development. The maximum density of any given area to be developed as Medium Density Residential shall be 5 units per acre. There proposed thoroughfares for this section would be different from the Twon Master Plan. They would be more than happy to work with the Town and the County to reach a solution to the problem. There would be a maximum of 243 medium density units throughout the proposed land use plan. There would be 3 types of medium density units: Cluster Homes, Garden Homes and Hillside Villas. Restrictive covenants shall be established for the proposed development and the Town of Trophy Club shall be made a beneficiary thereof. Mr. Cury stated again that they have tried to come up with a plan that best fits the land as well as the communities needs. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Co -Chairman Hamper made the motion to approve the Minutes of the April 6th, 1987 Regular Meeting with the following amendments: The property owner would have to file for the Special Use Permit or Mrs. Foley could with permission in writing from owner. A typing error on page 2 of the Minutes: asked was typed twice. Commissioner Schaaf seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATIONS BY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner kemp made a statement that he is recenting his resignation from the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Reuss told the rest of the Commission that Bass Development would be giving a presentation at the May 4th, 1987 meeting on the Stonegate Addition. Chairman Reuss asked Dan Boutwell, Town Planner, for a summary of the presentation by Independent American Development. Commissioner Kemp made a motion that any matter submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval must have the requested information back to the Commission within 20 days or the request will be denied and must reapply and repay any fees. Co -Chairman Hamper seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING APRIL 20TH, 1987 PAGE 3 PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE DRAFT Jan Clinkenbeard reported to the Commission in place of Janet Kardish who was absent from the meeting. Jan reported that the accuracy of the text was not in compliance with the Goals and Objectives. Mrs. Clinkenbeard stated that any house that is or appears to be attached is prohibited. Minimum- 95% of units R, 12,000 or above. 0-3 units per acre. Maximum- 5% of units R, 7,500 or above. 3-5 units per acre. Mrs. Clinkenbeard told the Commission that there were several changes that needed to be made. Chairman Reuss suggested a workshop meeting be held to discuss the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. COMMISSION TO CONSIDER ACTION WITH RESPECT TO PLANNED AIRPORT BY PEROT GROUP Commissioner Paige volunteered to attend a meeting at the Northwest Independent school District on April 28th, 1987. Commissioner Paige will report back to the rest of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Kemp volunteered to notify Trophy Club homeowners of the meeting on April 28th, 1987. ADJOURN Co -Chairman Hamper made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Paige seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman