Minutes P&Z 08/03/1987MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Monday, August 3rd, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas. The meeting was held within the Town boundaries and was held open to the public. Mike Hamper Vance Booker Ralph Kemp Janet Kardish David Schaaf Dale Hiestand Absent was: Bob Paige Also present was: Jill Fiasconaro Chairman Co -Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner P & Z Secretary The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hamper at 7:00 P.M. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES FOR THE JULY 20TH, 1987 REGULAR MEETING Commissioner Schaaf made a motion to approve the Minutes of the July 20th, 1987 Regular Meeting. Commissioner Kardish seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATIONS BY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Kardish asked if a variance was given on a front facing three car garage in Oak Hill. Chairman Hamper stated that there is no deed restriction in that section for front facing garages. Chairman Hamper added that the plans were reviewed and approved by the Plan Review Committee. Commissioner Kemp asked the Planning and Zoning Commission to re-examine the Park Land Dedication Ordinance. Commissioner Kemp feels that the 2.7 inhabitant per household is -not a valid figure in like of the size of house and demographic make-up of the people that are buying in Trophy Club. Commissioner Kemp feels that the 2.7 figure is too low. Commissioner Kemp feels that the Town needs an Ordinance to demolish uncompleted and abandoned construction if not completed within a certain time period. Chairman Hamper has done some investigating in this matter and stated that the Uniform Building Code does have provisions for abandoned construction. Chairman Hamper does feel that an Ordinance would be a better tool for enforcement. Commissioner Kemp asked Chairman Hamper to check with John Hill about preparing an Ordinance. Commissioner Schaaf asked about the Multi -family dwelling unit inspections and if these existing units in Trophy Club had been inspected. Ms. Fiasconaro stated that the Multi -family Units had been inspected by Bill Legrand but that several units did not comply. The owners of these units were given a certain time frame in which they were to comply. Chairman Hamper stated that only health and safety items are inspected. Regular Meeting 8-3-87 Page 2 PRESENTATIONS BY COMMISSIONERS(CONTINUED) Commissioner Schaaf asked what the maximum fine is for violations to the Unsightly Weed Ordinance. The maximum fine is $1,000.00 a day. Chairman Hamper discussed the proposal from Independent American on a Planned Development, which was mailed to City Council and Planning and Zoning members this last weekend. Chairman Hamper has discussed this proposal with the Mayor and John Hill. The decision oras made to inform Independent American that there is no Ordinance in place at this time and therefore cannot be put on Planning and Zoning agenda at this time. Craig Curry with Nelson Corp. was advised in writing of the Town situation. Mr. Curry asked the Town Council if the proposed FD could be reviewed simultaneously with the Zoning Ordinance. The Town Council decided that it would not be practical to consider 2 items of such magnitude at the same time. The reason the proposal from Independent American had not been distributed was because it was not an agenda item. Commissioner Kemp asked if there could be a public hearing so that residents of Trophy Club could comment on the proposed Planned Development. Chairman Hamper stated that a Joint Planning and Zoning and Town Council Meeting was held and open for public comments. UPDATE FROM PLAN REVIEW COMMITTEE The Plan Review Committee resolved the percentage of brick and siding problems in.Village West. In the deed restrictions for Village West there is not a required percentage of brick or masonry. The builder, Birkdale Homes, is in compliance with their application for building permit. Birkdale Homes will be using around 75% brick. The complaintant was informed and Chairman Hamper met with Bill Richardson of the ACC. COMMISSION TO CONSIDER A VARIANCE TO SIGN ORDINANCE: REQUESTED BY BIRKDALE HOMES *See attached drrawin44-� Discussion insued. Cofr¢nissioner Schaaf made a motion to deny the variance to the Sign Ordinance. Commissioner Kardish seconded the motion. The motion failed with 2 votes in favor to deny the variance and 3 votes against the motion to deny the variance. Commissioner Kemp made a motion to approve the variance to the Sign Ordinance for an unlit sign for a 1 year time period. Co -Chairman Booker seconded the motion. The motion was approved with 3 votes in -favor of the variance and 2 votes against the variance. A representative from Eagle Development attended the meeting to also ask for a variance to the Sign Ordinance. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to consider the variance even though it had not been submitted 72 hours in advance. Commissioner Kemp made a motion to deny the variance to the Sign Ordinance. Commissioner Kardish seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Eagle Development was then asked to remove the Grand Opening banner above the garage of the home in Village West. DISCUSS AND REVIEW COMPREHENSIVE ZONING MAP Discussion insued. The Planning and Zoning Commission had several questions on the Zoning Map that they wanted answered by the Town Attorney, John Hill. A list of these questions has been provided to John Hill. No action was taken on the Comprehensive Zoning Map. Regular Meeting 8-3-87 Page 3 COMMISSION TO DISCUSS PROCEDURAL MATTERS Chairman Hamper asked the Commission how they felt about having informational type meetings. These types of meetings would only occur if it was impossible to schedule on a regular meeting night. The Commission did not have any problems with these types of meetings. An example of such meetings would be a short presentation by a representative of IBM on the construction being done on Hwy. 114. Chairman Hamper asked when it would be convenient for the Commission to have the Orientation Seminar. Two dates were discussed, Sept. 16th or Sept. 23rd, The Commission decided that September 23rd, 1987 at 7:30 A.M. would be the best date to hold the Seminar. Chairman Hamper stated that originally the Planning and Zoning Commission only met once a month. Chairman Hamper would like to see the meetings cut back to once a month in the future. Commissioner Kemp asked if the Town Staff would draft a letter to the developer or owners of Section 13 asking them to clean up this section. ADJOURN Co -Chairman Booker made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner. Schaaf seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Plaflning and Zoning Secretary ;Rj n Z OCC ♦♦`�/� 1 O)U O I Rf LU 0 1 , 1 1 44 7 rS 1 J