Minutes P&Z 07/20/1987MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Monday, July 20th, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas. The meeting was held within the Town boundaries and was held open to the public. Mike Hamper Chairman David Schaaf Commissioner Janet Kardish Commissioner Bob Paige Commissioner Dale Hiestand Commissioner Absent were: Ralph Kemp Commissioner Vance Booker Commissioner Also present were: Beverly Foley Councilwoman Jill Fiasconaro P & Z Secretary The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hamper at 7:00 P.M. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES FOR THE JUNE 15TH, 1987 REGULAR MEETING Commissioner Hiestand made a motion to approve the Minutes of the June 15th, 1987 Regular Session. Commissioner Paige seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATIONS BY COMMISSIONERS Chairman Hamper discussed a Orientation Seminar. Dan Boutwell, Town Planner, has provided the Town with a proposal on the Orientation Seminar. The Seminar will be video taped so that New Commissioners will be able to review in the future. Chairman Hamper would like to set a date for the Seminar soon. The other Commissioners agreed and would like to have the Seminar on a Wednesday. Town Council, Plan Review Committee and Town Staff would also be invited. Chairman Hamper also stated that Vance Booker has been appointed as the Co -Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Dale Hiestand is now a member of the Plan Review Committee. Also Julian Jones is now Co -Chairman of the Plan Review Committee. Chairman Hamper gave a brief report on the Building Department. There were 155 inspections made in the month of June_ There were 37 General Code and Ordinance Violations investigations. There were 23 permits issued in the month.of June 1987. There were 7 new construction permits, 3 swimming pool permits, 12 electrical permits and 1 fence permit. Tim Fleming, Building Official,is working to have Ordinances drafted to adopt the 1985 Uniform Building Code, Mechanical,:Code and 1987 Electrical Coder Chairman Hamper mentioned that the Perot Group would be providing transportation to Austin for the hearing on East/West Hwy. The trip will be made the 29th of July at 6:00 A.M. Regular Meeting 7-20-87 Page 2 PRESENTATIONS BY COMMISSIONERS (CONTINUED) Commissioner Schaaf stated there is a builders sign west of Stop & Go on Hwy. 114 on commercial property. This sign is in violation of the Towns Sign Ordinance and should be looked into. Commissioner Kardish asked if there is an Ordinance in nlace.that would regulate the location of play equipment? Chairman Hamper stated there is no Ordinance in place at this time. Commissioner Schaaf asked if the Planning and Zoning Commission could request more information as to what the intersection at T.W. King Rd. and Hwy. 114 would look like once construction -has been completed on IBM project? Chairman Hamper stated.that he had spoken to Bill Richardson and -that he would provide Chairmari.Hamper withr'.some information that he was expecting from IBM on these projects. UPDATE FROM PLAN REVIEW COMMITTEE At the Plan Review Committee meeting , July 20th, 1987, they met with Birkdale Homes to clarify a few points on construction standards in Village West. The Plan Review Committee wants to be sure that the construction standards in Village West are complied with,just as all of Trophy Club. The Plan Review Committee wants to be sure that the quality maintains itself at the highest level no matter where you build in Trophy Club. The Plan=Review Committee is also concerned with drainage problems, especially with the construction of swimming pools. The Plan Review Committee wants to be sure that the drainage of these pools are drained to the storm sewer and not onto neighboring -proper£y." - . CONSIDERATION OF REPLATTING APPROVAL FOR SERGIO BOSCO: LOTS 764 & 765 SECTION 9 TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS Mr. Bosco is owner of both lots. He has constructed a house on one lot and wishes to construct a swimming pool on the other. In order for Mr. Bosco to do this, the town is requiring him to replat and combine both lots as one. Commissioner Paige made a motion to approve the replatting of Lots 764 & 765 Section 9 in the Town of Trophy Club contingent upon Dan Boutwells',-Tovm Planner with Freese & Nichols Engineering Co. , review and Town Councils approval. Commissioner Hiestand seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously with Commissioner Schaaf abstaining -from the motion. DISCUSSION REGARDING PARK FOR TOTS Chairman Hamper felt that the Park for Tots needed to be discussed because this matter was still on the P & Z Docket and it is now completed and operational. There have been questions asked as to what the statis is on the park. At the time the park was put on the P & Z Docket,the Town Planner and Legal Staff informed Pete Reuss that the Planning and Zoning Commission had. no jurisdiction over the park. Chairman Hamper told the Commission that they could do one of two things, take no action or approve or disapprove a non -conforming use. Beverly Foley informed the P & Z Commission that there are plans to add to the park in September of 1987. The park is now unaer R-12 Zoning. The pari is over 50'% complete. Regular Meeting 7-20-87 Page 3 PARK FOR TOTS (CONTINUED) Commissioner Paige made a motion to approve the Park for Tots as a non -conforming use to allow for the completion of the Park according to the documents received from Mrs. Foley at the meeting. Commissioner Hiestand seconded the motion. Motion failed with 2 votes in favor and 3 votes against the motion. Chairman Hamper asked Mrs. Foley to come back to the Planning and Zoning Commission before adding to the park and file a request for non -conforming use. REVIEW OF COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE The Planning and Zoning Commision set a Workshop Meeting for July 28th, 1987 to discuss and review the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. The meeting will be held at the Municipal Utility District, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Teams. ADJOURN Commissioner Schaaf made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Kardish seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Vt74will Chairman