Minutes P&Z 03/16/1987MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Monday, March 16th, 1987 at 7:00 t. P.M. at the Municipal Utility District. Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. The meeting was held :',thin the Town boundaries and was held open to the public. Pete Reuss Mike Hamper Ralph Kemp Vance Booker Also present were: Roger Brown Jill Fiasconaro CALL TO ORDER Chairman Co -Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Independent American Planning and Zoning Secretary Chairman Reuss called the meeting to order at 7:15 P.M. rioting that a quorum was present. COMMISSION TO MAKE FINAL REVIEW OF 7.5 ZONING ORDINANCE This itern was tabled until the following meeting on March 23rd, 1987. COMMISSION TO DISCUSS CHANGES TO THE 7.5 A"17. R-12 ZONING ORDINANCES: Commissioner Kemp made a motion to ammend to the 7.5 and R12 Zoning Ordinance to require the new developer to pay as many direct and indirect costs created by the new development as possible to reduce the tax load of existing residence.Co-Chairman Hamper seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. PAGE 2 COMMISSION TO DISCUSS CHANGES TO THE PARK LAND DEDICATION ORDINANCE: Commissioner Kemp made a motion to have 5 lots appraised in Section:13 and Section: Country Club Place as soor, as payment of f•1,0d0.0C, is recitved froco Irid&perid ent American aro B. L. Nelson. The appraiser will choos, J lots to appraise that would represent an average evaluation and discuss there choices with thef0eveloper. If there is any disagreement between the developer and the appraiser the matter will be bought back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for them to choose the 5 lots that will be appraised. Co -Chairman Hamper seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Kemp made a motion to ammend several items to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance 0 86-30. Section 1, Purpose: To insure that there will be sufficient park land within the Town of Trophy Club located in accordance with the Piaster Plan to take care of the anticipated and future needs of all present and future residents of the Town. Section 4A : Upon the sutox,ssion of the preliminary plat plan, the developer will subrnit to the Town the current cost of the appraisal for 5 lots and any other fees required by various ordinances of the Town. The appraiser and the developer will meet to select5i lots which are representative of the averaoe land value within the proposed development. In the event of disagreement, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall select the 5 lots that will be appraised.The average square footage value of the lots appraised shall represent the square footage price for Park Land Dedication for that development. Section 4H : The appraiser roust be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Co-Chairmar Hamper seconded the motion. Nn:ion carried unanimously. Commissioner Kemp made a motion to write letters to Independent American and H.L. Nelson to submit $1,000.00 to have lots appraised for park land dedication so the planning and Zoning Commission can give approval of final plats. Co - Chairman Hamper seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. page 3 COMMISSION TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT PLAN FOR SECTION 13: The Commission informed Roger Brown that a list of the reauirements has been provided to Fred Evans. In order for the Planning and Zoning Commission to proceed any further with the approval o` the Plat Plar, for Section 13 these requirements must, be met. Roger Brown will contact the Planning and Zoning Secretary when he has met these requirements and would like to be on the Planning and Zoning agenda. UPDATE FROM PLAN REVIEW COMMITTEE Co -Chairman Hamper reported to the Commission that the homeowner of Lot 1411 Section 11 had submitted plans for an eight foot fence. The plan Review Committee did rot grant a variance to the fence ordinance but did allow the homeowner to construct a six foot fence in its place.. PRESENTATIONS BY COMMISSIONERS No Presentations by Commissioners. ADJOURN Co -Chairman Hamper made a motion to adjourn the meet irig , Commissioner Kemp seconded the notion, motion carried unanimously.