Minutes P&Z 05/04/1987 - Joint SessionMDR= OF JOINT MEETING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND TOWN COUNCIL TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DENTON ) The Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council of the Town of Trophy Club met in Joint Session on Monday, May 4th, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas. Tine meeting was held within the Town boundaries and was held open to the public. Pete Reuss Mike IT Ralph Kemp Vance Booker David Schaaf Bob Paige Janet Kardish Jill Fiasconaro Chairman Co -Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner P & Z Secretary Jim Carter Terry Vance Beverly Foley Tracey Kunkel Donna Welsh David Nolte Dan Boutwell Mayor Councilman Councilwoman Councilwoman To;m Secretary Toi-m Marshall Town Plannc-r PRESENTATION: BASS DEVELOPMENT TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL AND COMMISSION CONCERNING CONCEPT PLAN FOR STONEGATE ADDITION. Bruce Prine and Pat Adkins gave the presentation on the attached information. No action was taken. Hearing only. SET DATE FOR WORKSHOP MEETING TO DISCUSS INDEPENDENT AMERICAN LAND USE PLAN. The Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission agreed to meet in a Joint Workshop Meeting on Monday, May 18th, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. at the Municipal Utility District Building to discuss Independent American's Land Use Plan for the To,,,m of Trophy Club. AT THIS TIME THE PLANNING MID ZONING COM�`_ISSION WENT INTO THEIR REGULAR MEETING CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Co -Chairman Hamper made a motion to approve the Minutes of the April 20th, 1987 Regular Meeting with the following amendments: The motion that any matter submitted to the Planniong and Zoning Commission for approval must have the requested information back to the Commission within 20 days or the request will be denied and must reapply and repay any fees was seconded by Hamper and voted in favor unanimously. Include comments on Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance from Commissioners. Commissioner Paige seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATIONS BY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Kemp asked if the Baptist Church had received their final inspections and certificate of occupancy. The Baptist Church had not completed construction at this time. Commissioner Kemp stated that a certificate of occupancy should not be issued until the landscaping is completed. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 4TH, 1987 PAGE 2 PRESENTATIONS BY COMMISSIONERS (CONT.) Co- Chairman Hamper told the rest of the Commission that the staff had brought a problem concerning the building inspections to his attention. The problem is not with the quality of the inspections but the times in which the inspections are being made. Bill LeGrand works fulltime with the City of Southlake and is unable to make building inspections during working hours. Co- Chairman Hamper felt that this problem should be resolved as soon as possible and would like to interview for the building inspectors position. Chairman Reuss asked for volunteers for a committee to interview for this position. Co -Chairman Hamper, Commissioner Paige, Commissioner Kemp and Commissioner Schaaf volunteered for this committee. Co -Chairman Hamper would contact the other committee members to inform them of the interview meeting. Commissioner Schaaf told the Commission that he attended the meeting on April 28th, 1987 concerning the proposed airport by the Perot Group. The presentation that was made at this meeting was identical to the presentation that was given to the Town Council.There was no additional information given. The FAA did not comment on any questions asked by the audience. At the public hearing they indicated that it would be both a corporate and private airport. They are not planning on having another runway at this time but do see the need for another runway in the future. T'ne Perot Group has not received approval from the FAA on the location of the runway, could differ by as much as 150 feet. The direction of this runway will be North and South. REVIEW OF THREE QUARTER (3/4) VOTE RULE Co -Chairman Hamper made the motion to ask the T'oin Council to adopt an Ordinance that would state: Town Council must have 3/4 vote to override any decision on any item that the Planning and Zoning Commission approves or denies unanimously ( of those voting). Commissioner Paige seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. REVIEW OF SUB -DIVISION REGULATIONS Commissioner Paige made a motion to charge $50.00 for a copy of the Sub -Division Regulations. Hamper seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Kemp made a motion to approve the Sub -Division Regulations with the following amendments: Sight Triangle Diagram: needs to show curb outside of property line. Elevation -Standard Curb Inlets-5' and 10' Curb Inlets Diagram: Omit On page 6.10 use the word Pedestrian Path instead of Sidewalk. Number all pages of Sub -Division Regulation Booklet. Commissioner Kardish seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. UPDATE FROM PLAN REVIEW COMMITTEE Co -Chairman Hamper presented a problem on Lot 1319 Section 10. The builder, David Long, needs a variance for building over front and side building setbacks. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MAY 4TH, 1987 PAGE 3 UPDATE FROM PLAN REVI5V COMMITTEE (CONE.) Commissioner Paige made a motion to approve the variance on Lot 1315 Section 10 for encroachment to front and side building lines. Commissioner Schaaf seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. I,_"?Ii1oWN Commissioner Paige made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Schaaf seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 11'1,�Lltlbl Chairman el A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 178.769 acres _ 672 lots TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB Denton County, Texas Prepared By: DON A. TIPTON, INC. 6330 Belt Line Road, Suite "C' Garland, Texas 75043 214-$26-2967 I I ." y STOIVEGATE A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION Stonegate is a planned development district that will provide a well structured residential development. Stonegate is designed to provide for a quality oriented residential environment compatible with the existing Trophy Club conditions and philosophies. Stonegate consists of 672 detached residential uses involving 178.769 acres of land. One of the main features of the proposed development is the development of the park area, consisting of 16.5 acres of land. This improvement will involve approximately two acres of lake area after final development, and will provide a major amenity to the Town of Trophy Club and to the Stonegate development. , Stonegate will, provide a positive community image with the implementation of innovative land use, planning, and landscaping treatments for entries. This proposed planned development will provide residential character consistant with the Town of Trophy Club philosophies and existing conditions. o I i� f o o � r e p coop O lz