Minutes P&Z 10/05/1987 - Public HearingMINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TROPHY CLUB, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS • f • •�I�I�•�I The Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club held a Public Hearing on a proposal for a Planned Development District from Independent American Development Phase II at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas on October 5th, 1987 at 7 P.M. The Hearing was held within the Town boundaries and was held open to the Public. Jim Carter Mayor Aldo Martignago Mayor Pro Tem Dick Venetoff Council Member Tracey Kunkel Council Member Terry Vance Council Member Beverly Foley Council Member Mike Hamper Chairman P & Z Vance Booker Co -Chairman P & Z Ralph Kemp Commissioner Janet Kardish Commissioner Bob Paige Commissioner David Schaaf Commissioner Dale Hiestand Commissioner CALL TO ORDER Mayor Carter called the meeting to order at 7:10 P.M. noting that all members of Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission were present. INVOCATION Chuck Frame gave the Invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Aldo Martignago led in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSAL FOR A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FROM INDEPENDENT AMERICAN Mayor Carter asked to hear from Independent American first and then opened the hearing to public comment. Craig Curry with Nelson Corp. represented Independent American for their proposal on a Planned Development District of approximately 991 acres. Independent American has broken down their original submittal of 991 acre Planned Development District into four (4) separate Planned Development Districts with no district exceeding two hundred and fifty (250) acres of land. On a Planned Development District there is"a Site Plan approval process, which gives --the T6wn;an-�opportunity:to ask the Developer for as much detail as wanted at that time. No building permits can be issued until the Site Plan has been approved by Planning and Zoning and Town Council. Private Deed Restrictions must be blessed by the Town. If worded in the Planned Development the Town can become a beneficiary to these Deed Restrictions. The To'wri also has the right to approve the Homeowners Association.Each.of the proposed Planned Developments has a variety of types of developments. The total density MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING 10-5-87 PAGE 2 PROPOSAL FOP. A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FROM INDEPENDENT AMERICAN (CONTINUED) of the 991 acres will be 2.83 units per acre. There will be no more than 2.43 medium density dwelling units for the total 991 acres. The medium density for the overall project is less than 5 percent. There are no proposed attached dwelling units. Mr. Curry feels=like they have developed a good plan and requested approval of the Planned Development Districts. At this time, Mayor Carter opened the meeting to public comment. Below is a list of residents who commented on the proposed Planned Development of 991 acres for Independent American Development. They are listed in order in which they spoke and the tapes of the meeting are available for review at the Town Offices. Eileen Shaw 110 Seminole Drive Bob Hasbach 9 Wentworth Court Marilyn Hallgren 214 Oak Hill Drive Karen Bliss Indian Creek Drive Frank Putt 2 Palmetto Court Kerry Ellen Elliott7 Crickett Court Jack Jacobs 101 Pebble Beach Drive Diane Prator 4 Brookfield Court Mel Noack 2 Shady Oaks Court Dick Kwityn 219 Indian Creek Drive Bob Kecseg 5 Brookfield Court Ed Hayden 210 Oakmont Drive Larry Tutto 11 Edgemere Drive Bettey Dayton 103 Fairway Village Drive Marilyn Hallgren 214 Oak Hill Drive Rudy Boyd 301 Inverness Drive Carol Nolte 226 Oakmont Drive Mayor Carter asked if there were any further comments from anyone in the audience. Since there were none, Mayor Carter turned the meeting over to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their comments and recommendations. Chairman Hamper stated that for several of the new Planning and Zoning members, this was the first time they had heard Independent Americans' proposal. Chairman Hamper also commented that there are several land owners in the community and feels that each developer deserves the same consideration and that this should be considered before moving forward on Independent Americans' proposal. Hamper complimented, Mr: Curry on his presentation and stated that the maps presented at the meeting were much easier to read than the one provided in the packets,that were not received until Saturday, the 3rd of October. Commissioner Schaaf made a motion to continue the Public Hearing to November 9th, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. with a Workshop Meeting between the Planning-arid.Zoning-�Commission and Independent American before the Nov. 9th, 1987. Commissioner Kemp seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously with the Workshop being set for October 19th, 1987. Chairman Hamper turned the meeting back to the Town Council. MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING 10-5-87 PAGE 3 PROPOSAL FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FROM INDEPENDENT AMERICAN (CONT.) Mayorp Carter commented that.,Market Value on the proposed school sites should be very carefully defined: Mayor -Carter -also stated that the 15 acre park site cannot be relocated and cannot be a part of the park land dedication. Mayor Pro_Tem "Martignaao% stated that in the proposed P.D. they utilized the R-12 and R-10 but not the R-7.5 for the Cluster and Garden Home areas. Mr. Curry stated that the Cluster and Garden Homeareascould comply with R-7.5 but the open space in these areas would be left out. The amount of Cluster Homes in one specific area can be controlled through Site Plan Review. Council Member Vance would like to see the Deed Restrictions controlled by the Town. Mr. Curry stated that the Deed Restrictions could be changed to reflect that the Torn be the beneficiary to-the`Deed"Restbidtions. Council Member Kunkel asked how would the street be located in order to have access to the Estate Home area behind 6.9 acre tract located at the corner of Trophy Club Drive and Indian Creek Drive. Council Member Venetoff asked Mr. Curry if he knew the price.of the individual lots in Section 14. Mr. Curry stated that these lots would be some of the higher priced lots in Trophy Club. Council Member Foley asked about the transfer of medium density lots. Mr. Curry stated that if the market was in demand for larger lots the transfer of medium density lots would not occur. Council Member Venetoff made a motion to approve Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation to continue the Public Hearing to November 9th, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Pro Tem Martignago seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Kardish made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Schaaf seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Council Member Kunkel made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Venetoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor - ��,;VL W-�/ Chairman �, _ .�/..I 0 / J*