Minutes P&Z 06/15/1989 - Joint Public HearingMINUTES OF PUIIL.IC HEARING TOWN COUNCIL AND PLANNING; AND ZONING COMMISSION ,TUNE 15, 1959 THE STATE OF TEXAS ) 7 COUNTY OF DENT"ON ) The Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission met in joint session for a Public Hearing. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building and was open to the Public. Jim Carter George Doran Marilyn Hallgren Bob Sylvia Mayor - Mayor Pro Tem Council Member Council Member Absent were: Council Members Vance and Engelbeck Mike Hamper Chairman, P & Dale Heistand Commissioner Kerry Ellen Elliott Commissioner Vance Booker Commissioner Absent werag Commissioners Ka.rdish, Schaaf ,_=..nd Paige. CALL TO ORDER Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. INVOCATION Council Member Sylvia gave the Invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Elliott led in the Pledge of Allegiance. THE TOWN COUNCIL AND PLANNING AND CONING COMMISSION TO CONTINUE A PUBL..IC HEARING FROM APRIL. 20TH, 1909 ON THE ZONING OF CERTAIN TRACTS OF LAND LOCATED WITHIN THE "TOWN BOUNDARIES AND OWNED BY THE FOLLOWING DEVELOPERS. A) INDEPENDENT" AMERICAN APPROX. 1.0 ACHES, PROPOSED ZONING P.D. S) INDEPENDEN-i AMERICAN: APPROX. 4.3 ACRES, PROPOSED ZONING P.D. C) INDEPENDENT AMERICAN: APPROX. 2.1 ACRES, PROPOSED CONING P.D. Page 2 D) INDEPENDENT AMERICAN: APPROX. 3.3 ACRES, PROPOSED ZONING P.D. PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Hamper gave opening remarks about Independent Americans P.D. application on these properties" The applications were reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission at their June 1st meeting. Commissioner Elliott made a motion to recommend denial to the Council on the applications submitted by Independent American at the June 1st Planning and Zoning meeting for items "A - C" on the agenda" Commissioner Heistand seconded, motion carried unanimously" Council Member Sylvia made a motion to deny the applications submitted by Independent American for items "A - C" on the agenda, Council Member Hallgren seconded, motion carried unanimously" Commissioner Elliott made a motion to approve the P.D. Ordinance on the 10 acres, "item A on the agenda" as submitted, Commissioner Booker seconded, motion carried unanimously" Mayor Pro Tem Doran made a motion to approve the 10 acre P.D. Ordinance as submitted, Council Member Sylvia seconded, motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Elliott made a motion to approve the P.D. Ordinance for 6.4155 acres, items "R & C" on the agenda, as amended, Commissioner Booker seconded, motion carried unanimously" Council Member Hallgren made a motion to approve the P.D. Ordinance for 6.4155 acres, items "B & C" on the agenda, as amended, Council Member Sylvia seconded, motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Elliott made a motion to zone the 3^3 acres, item '/D" on the agenda as R'12, Commissioner Heistand seconded, motion carried unanimously. Mayor Pro Tem Doran made a motion to zone the 3"3 acres, item "/Do on the agenda as R-12, Council Member Hallgren secondedv motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Heistand made a motion to adjourn the Public Hearing, Commissioner Elliott seconded, motion carried unanimously. Page 3 Council Member Hearing, Mayor unanimously, ADJOURN Sylvia made a motion to adjourn the Public Pro Tem Doren seconded, motion carried Commissioner Elliott made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Heistand seconded, motion carried unanimously. Council Member Sylvia made a motion to adjourn, Council Member Hallgren seconded, motion carried unanimously. MAYOR SECRETARY