Minutes P&Z 04/18/1991MINUTES OF PLANNING AND TOWN OF STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF DENTON ) REGULAR MEETING ZONING COMMISSION TROPHY CLUB The Planning and Zoning Commission for the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Thursday, April 18th, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas. The meeting was held within the Town boundaries and was open to the Public. Mike Hamper Vance Booker Charles Kirby Dick Morey Roger Williams Janet Kardish Bob Paige Also present were: Pauline Shaw Dan Boutwell Tom Mayfield Jack Alford Gene Hill CALL TO ORDER Chairman Co -Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner P & Z Administrator Town Planner Public Works Member Citizen Council Member Chairman Hamper called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. noting a quorum was present. He then welcomed the Commissioners and guests. COMMISSION TO REVIEW AND CONSIDER MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING HELD 1/17/91 Commissioner Williams made a motion to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 17, 1991 as written. Commissioner Kirby seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE FOR BUILDERS Chairman Hamper informed the Commissioners of the request for directional signage by Mr. Sandlin. A discussion ensued. Commissioner Paige made a motion to table the discussion on directional signage until such time as Mr. Sandlin meets with Chairman Hamper and Ms. Shaw. Commissioner Morey seconded, motion passed unanimously. Page 2 - P & Z Meeting 04-18-91 CONSIDER REQUEST FOR ABANDONMENT OF AN EASEMENT ON LOT 327, BLOCK 1, SECTION THREE 203 FRESH MEADOW DRIVE. Chairman Hamper reviewed the information with the Commissioners. Staff was directed to obtain legal description for that portion of the house setting over the building line. Commissioner Paige made a motion to approve the abandonment subject to obtaining a legal description and the appropriate encroachments from the proper utilities. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER PLANNING AND LOCATION OF EAST ENTRANCE Chairman Hamper asked Council Member Hill to express the Council's charge to the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the East Entrance. Council Member Hill stated the Council wanted to know what the involvement would be with the zoning ordinances concerning the purchase of a lot and constructing a passage way across that lot in an area where it is already platted as residential. Chairman Hamper updated the Commissioners on the findings of the Task Force and his opinion on the decision. He noted he was a non voting member of the Task Force. After a lengthy question, answer and discussion, Commissioner Williams made a motion that the Planning and Zoning Commission supports the Task Force recommendation for an east entrance; but unanimously agrees that the permanent placement for the east entrance is an extension of Trophy Wood Drive, and further stated that a temporary entrance site other than Trophy Wood Drive through the BASS land would be unacceptable, and the Planning and Zoning Commission wishes to reaffirm their previous decision to adhere to the Master Plan. Commissioner Kardish seconded, motion passed unanimously. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER PROPOSALS FROM PLANNING RESOURCES GROUP Mr. Dan Boutwell, Town Planner, discussed his proposal for a Planning and Zoning Commissioner training session and a proposal to update the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Morey made a motion to recommend the Town Council approve the training session proposal for the 1991-92 Planning and Zoning budget. Commissioner Kardish seconded; motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Kardish made a motion to recommend the Town Council approve the updating of the Comprehensive Plan proposal for the 1991-92 Planning and Zoning budget. Commissioner Williams seconded; motion passed unanimously. Page 3 - P&Z Meeting 4/18/91 DISCUSS STATUS OF ALL PRELIMINARY PLATS Chairman Hamper updated the Commissioners on the preliminary plats due to expire. Lake Forest Village 3,4,5 and Trophy Park Reserve A extensions expired on April 18, 1991. The Commission did not received a request for renewal. Castleglen Estates extension will expire August 1, 1991. UPDATE ON CURRENT ACTIVITIES Chairman Hamper noted a new builder, Duffy & Duffy, is building a house on Edgemere. He also stated he had talked with Kenny Anderson with regard to building in Trophy Club. The Chairman directed staff to furnish the Town's new brochures to the Commissioners when available. Chairman Hamper remarked upon the Highway 114 changes regarding access to the Town's Commercial property along Highway 114. He also noted a buffer wall will be erected by the Highway Department. Trophy Lake Drive and Trophy Club Drive will not be closed during construction. Food Lion has made no further contact with the Town. ADJOURN There being no further business, Commissioner Kardish made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Kirby seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Secretary