Minutes P&Z 12/09/1992MINUTES OF PLANNING AND TOWN OF STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DENTON § REGULAR MEETING ZONING COMMISSION TROPHY CLUB The Planning and Zoning Commission for the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Wednesday, December 07, 1992 at 7:00 P.M. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas. The meeting was held within the Town boundaries and was open to the Public. Mike Hamper Vance Booker Janet Kardish Charles Kirby Bob Paige Roger Williams Commissioners Absent: David Schaaf Staff and Guest present were: Pauline Shaw Mr. Rick Horn Mr. Chip Field CALL TO ORDER Chairman Co -Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner P & Z Administrator Carter & Burgess, Inc. Trophy Club Partners I Chairman Hamper called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. noting a quorum was present. He then welcomed the Commissioners, staff and guests. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES FOR 11/19/92 Minutes were not presented at this meeting. PRESENTATION BY TROPHY CLUB PARTNERS I Mr. Rick Horn and Mr. Chip Field presented a revised drawing for the 250 acres north of the elementary school and Baptist Church. The changes were based on the input received from Commissioners at the previous Planning and Zoning meeting. Mr. Field presented the overlay and addressed the meeting as to the increase of cul-de-sacs, eyebrows and curve -a - linear streets. Chairman Hamper urged the Commissioners to vocalize their concerns and not wait for a formal submittal. A lengthy discussion, question and answer period followed. Several Council Members, citizens and Planning and Zoning Commissioners verbalized their opinions. Page 2, P&Z meeting, 12/04Y/92 There concerns are: -Perimeter Fencing -Sidewalks -Lot size -Too many small lots -Not enough cul-de-sacs/curve a linear streets -Proper screening where applicable -Front entry garages -Proposed size of residences DISCUSSION AND FURTHER REVIEW OF COMPREHENSIVE ZONING None was held. PRESENTATION OF ANY OTHER MATTERS. The Commissioners set January 7, 1993 as the next workshop meeting date. ADJOURN There being no further business, Commissioner Paige made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 P.M. Commissioner Kardish seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Secretary