Minutes P&Z 08/05/1993MINUTES OF REGULAR MEET:NG PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 7OWN OF TROPHY CLUD STAT! OF TEXAS 5 COUNTY CDT' 1701'014 The Planning and Zoning Commission for the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular session on Thursday, August 5, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. The meeting was heid at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas, The meeting was held within the Town boundaries and was open, to the Public, janet Kardish Charles Kirby David Schaaf Roger Williams Commissioners Absent: Mike Hamper Vance Booker Bob Paige Staff and Guest present were: Can Boutwell Pauline Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Don Plowman CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Commissioner commissioner Commissioner Chairman Co -Chairman commissioner Town Planner P & Z Administrator Commissioner Schaaf acted as Chairman and called the meeting to order at 7:04 P.M. noting a quorum was present. He then welcomed theCommissioners, staff and guests. Commissioner Schaaf asked the Plowman's if they would like to address the Commission. The Plowman's were interested in that part of the zoning ordinance that addressed child care. Town Planner, Dan Boutwell, informed the Plowman's of the new wording to be approved by the Town Council. DISCUSS AND FINALIZE REFORMATING OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONIPfl111G OREINANCE After a lengthy discussion period ensued with regard to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, OTHER BUSINESS The Commissioners requested The Planning and Zoning Administrator start requiring Landscape Plans before any buiiding permits are issued on Ocnoner 1, 1993. Page rte- Meeting /... 9 The Commission will meet a* -{(.iii on August E. 17,1993 in a joint wouldCommissioner Schaaf like L. a i e height o f walls s7:. S 1 +' .L x i t E k.. r pv ., A, along boulevards . addressed in i t hSubdivision . . . i i€d ss ,Commissioner Kirby made There k� '.J 9_at ma n t�v further rJ..:,u.] .4 o Et...i"-..%E i. _..-.o adjourn the meeting L.d..:sg a t 10:05 P.M. v,xw3mL.€€..,,.ssi _ n -fir Williams seconded the motion. Motion carried ie unanimously. � J t ?L 4 u Secretary