Minutes P&Z 03/04/1993MINUTES OF PLANNING AND TOWN Or STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DENTON 5 REGULAR MEETING ZONING COMMISSION TROPHY CLUB The Planning and Zoning Commission for the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular Session on Thursday, March 4, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas. The meeting was held within the Town boundaries and was open to the Public. Mike Hamper Janet Kardish Charles Kirby David Schaaf Roger Williams Commissioners Absent: Vance Booker Bob Paige Staff and Guest Dan Boutwell Pauline Shaw Tom Mayfield Roger Brown Karen Deal Donna Welsh Jim Carter Patti Stoltz Doug Glaspell Gene Hill • present were: Co -Chairman Commissioner Town Planner P & Z Administrator Trinity Learning Center Trinity Learning Center Trinity Learning Center Town Manager Mayor Council Member Council Member Mayor Pro Tem called the meeting to order at 7:04 P.M. was present. He then welcomed the tali and guests. Chairman Hamper opened the meeting then addressed the audience. He informed the audience as to how the meeting would be handled. chairman Hamper stated no input would be taken from the audience on the matter of the final plat for Trinity Learning Center or on the discussion of the site pla for Trinity Learning Center due to the audience being able t state their opinions at a public hearing on March 16, 1993. This meeting is for the Planning and Zoning Commission to as questions of the applicant and discuss the items. One person obJected to the lack of participation from the audience. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES) FOR THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF 2/18/93 AND JOINT PUBLIC HEARING 22/116/9-33 Si-hAaf mAdp A motion to aD-orove the minutes of Page 2, P&Z Meeting, 3/04/93 the February 18, 1993 regular meeting and the minutes of the Joint Public Hearing of February 16, 19913) as presented. Commissioner Kirby seconded; motion passed unanimously. REVIEW AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING FINAL PLAT FOR LOT 1, BLOCK 1 TRINITY LEARNING CENTER ADDITION Chairman Hamper opened the discussion on the final plat for Trinity Learning Center. Commissioner Schaaf noted the drainage ditch must be straightened out to comply with the plat. Chairman Hamper noted all utilities have approved the plat. After the discussion period, Commissioner Kirby made a motion to approved the plat as presented and make a recommendation to the Town Council to also approve the plat. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motion passed 3 to 1. Commissioners Kirby, Williams and Schaaf for and Commissioner Kardish against. chairman Hamper requested Mr. Tom Mayfield present the site plan for Trinity Learning Center. Mr. Mayfield presented the site plan and fielded questions from the Planning and Zoning Commissioners. He stated the State of Texas would determine the number of children to be kept in the day care after the building was complete. Town Planner, Dan Boutwell noted and additional island was needed in the parking area to comply with the zoning ordinance. He then explained the purpose of Neighborhood Services District and clarified that it was not for retail use. Mr. Boutwell further explained that Planning Principles were used in determining where the Neighborhood services would best fit. Chairman Hamper thanked Mr. Mayfield and Mr. Brown for presenting the site plan and for the thorough job in planning the day care. There being no further business, Commissioner Schaaf made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 P.M. and to meet again on March 16, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman