Minutes P&Z 11/18/1993MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TOWN OF TROPHY CLUE, STATE OF TEXAS 5 5 COUNTY OF DENTON § The Planning and Zoning Commission for the Town of Trophy Club met in Regular session on Thursday, November 18, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. The meeting was held at the Municipal Utility District Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas. The meeting was held within the Town boundaries and was open to the Public. Mike Hamper Vance Booker Don Cotton TOM Mayfield Dob Paige Roger Williams Commissioners Absent: David Schaaf Staff and Guest present were: Dan Doutwell Anne Zadeh Pauline Shaw john Hill CALL TO ORDER Chairman Co -Chairman commissioner commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Town Planner Town Planner' Asst. P & Z Administrator Town Attorney Chairman Hamper called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. noting a quorum was present. He then welcomed the Commissioners, staff and guests. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 21r 1993 Commissioner Williams made a motion to approve the minutes trom the Reguiar Meeting October 21, 1993. Commissioner Mayfield seconded; motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS Chairman Hamper commented on a meeting heid with Mr. Halp Daggett representing Jeff Deck Properties to hear their tentative plans for development. lie then discussed the possibility of other conditional use permits to come before the Planning and Zoning. one would be for permission to sell liquor. chairman .1clarnper had Mr. Boutwell to introduce his associate Ms. Ann Zadeh to the Commissioners. Page 2, P&Z Meeting 11/18/93 ms. Shaw updated the Commissioners on the and belonging to Westlake City iimits in Village West. She stated there is a thirty foot strip of land which surrounds most of Trophy Club in Westlake City limits. Ms. Shaw then reported that a letter from Ms. Dava. Disney of !8 Mont rev was received. Ms. Disnev is requesting to be placed on the Planning and Zoning Commissions next agenda on December 16, 1993 to discuss the new day care in the home ordinance. A brief discussion was held with regard to metal roofing. DISCUSS STREETS THAT END ADRUPTLY AT THE TOWN BOUNDARY Chairman Hamper request Mr. John Hill to address this issue. Mr. Hill stated the Town could not require the owner of the property abutting Roanoke to cul-de-sac and replat unless it was a public safety issue. fir. Boutwell stated that Monterey Drive was ok; but Durango was a long street and needs to be fixed. This should not have been platted as it was. it is possible to bring Sonora through with the loss of two lots and eight lots Would need to be replatted. MR. DAN 13OUT WELL AND MR. jOHN HILL TO DISCUSS USE AND APPLICATION OF' A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Chairman Hamper turned the meeting over to Messrs. Boutell and Hill for discussion on conditional uses. Mr. Boutwell gave an overview of the ordinance as it applies to conditional use permits and that Conditional use permits are for a different use from the zoned use. Mr. Hill stated a Conditional Use is like a base with an overlay. A discussion ensued with several questions, some being what is the use for, what needs to be on a site plan, proper notification and approval process. Mr. Hill noted a conditional use establishes a set of conditions to be followed or met. it does not set a Drecedence because each use is decided on it own merits and is site specitic. Messrs. Boutwell and Hill discussed the public hearing process is to hear both the proponents and opponents facts. is the Planning and Zoning Commission required to put conditions on the use? No they may but are not required to. Ttey may place time limitations on the use if the land owner- njould voiuntarily restrict their time use. Before the Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval, they may tom.; care" certain conditions on tKe use specitic to tLat site. Page 3, P&Z Meeting 11/18/93 Mr. Hill also informed the Commissioners that the zoning runs with the land and not the person. Chairman Hamper thanked Mess ers. Boutwell and Hill for their time and information provided regarding conditional uses. ADiOURN There being no further business, Commissioner Cotton made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 P.M. commissioner Williams seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman