Minutes P&Z 08/21/1997MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION August 21, 1997 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a regular session on August 21, 1997 at 7:00 P.M. in the Board Room, Trophy Club Administration Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Mike Hamper Chairperson Donald Cotton Member Gene Hill Member Clayton Reed Member David Schaaf Member Roger Williams Member Rick Gilliland Member STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Cathy Morgas P&Z Administrator Ann Zadeh Ass't. Town Planner Bob Mendoza Exec. Director, Commonwealth Food Services, Inc. Hap Baggett Synergy Properties Gary Tomlin Reporter, 208 Fresh Meadow Dr. Kevin McCollough Resident, 1 Mesa Verde Ct. Scott Briggs Resident, 17 Meadowbrook Dr. Usdi Izpak Resident, 6 Mesa Verde Ct. Kevin Carr Councilman, 15 Edgemere Dr. Chairperson Mike Hamper called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. announcing a quorum was present. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING AN AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE #95-20 TO ALLOW A DRIVE THRU RESTAURANT AT THE VILLAGE, TRACT 2: Hap Baggett, Synergy Properties, and Bob Mendoza, Executive Director of Commonwealth Food Services, Inc, representing Wendy's International, spoke before the Commissioners regarding the request for a zoning change from a restaurant without a drive-thru to a restaurant with a drive-thru. This change would affect Ordinance #95-20, Planned Development #13 the "Village", tract 2. The request would also require a change to the sign restrictions for the menu board commonly used with a Wendy's Restaurant. Page 2 Regular Session P&Z meeting August 21, 1997 Mr. Baggett presented to the Commission the drawings which show the potential signage, sign placement and landscaping. Bob Mendoza gave a brief overview of the Wendy's organization. In his explanation to the Commission he covered: the output on the menu board as state of the art and would cut down on the noise factor. that the drive thru was responsible for 50% or more of the store sales. the non -image building concept has been done on several occasions with other Wendy's. Mr. Mendoza and Mr. Baggett then answered questions from the Commissioners. Chairperson Hamper addressed both Mr. Baggett and Mr. Mendoza and indicated that the Commission is now in a position that it must not look at where the Town has been (relating to commercial properties) but where the Town is going and needs to go. Some general comments from the Commissioners: o Demographics changing o Expedience is important with the current lifestyles o Need a good commercial base to assist with the tax rate o Don't feel it would sell Mr. Hamper asked each Commissioner to state his stance on the issue: Roger Williams, Don Cotton - For Gene Hill, David Schaaf - Against Clayton Reed, Rick Gilliland - Undecided Mr. Hamper advised the applicant that this matter required a public hearing before any action could be taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council. Mr. Baggett indicated to the Commission that he and Mr. Mendoza would be moving ahead and file an application to request a zoning change with the Town Council. No further action was taken. Page 3 Regular Session P&Z meeting August 21, 1997 DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING AN AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE #94-09 SECTION 35 - ACCESSORY STRUCTURES & USES, SUBSECTION C(4) CHANGING THE HEIGHT RESTRICTION ON FREE STANDING STRUCTURES (SPECIFICALLY PLAY EQUIPMENT) AND PLAYHOUSES FROM 8 FEET TO 12 FEET: Following discussion with Ms. Ann Zadeh, Assistant Planner, Rick Gilliland, Commissioner, and Cathy Morgas, Planning and Zoning Administrator, the Commissioners agreed to recommend to the Council that all references to play equipment, playhouses and gym sets be removed from Section 35 - Accessory Structures and Uses and any permitting requirements. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING THE DEFINING OF THE FOLLOWING WORDS: FREE STANDING STRUCTURES, PLAY EQUIPMENT, PLAY AREAS AND HARDSHIP IN ZONING ORDINANCE #94-09: No action to be taken at this time due to discussion on prior agenda item. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING THE SIGN ORDINANCE #95-11, SECTION 5 POLITICAL SIGNS AND A REWRITE AND/OR ADDITION TO THE DEFINITION FOR POLITICAL SIGNS: No action taken at this time. To be on the next meeting's agenda. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES FROM MAY 209 19979 JUNE 5, 1997 & JULY 3, 1997 : Following discussion, Commissioner Cotton moved to approve the minutes for May 20, June 5, and July 3, 1997. Commissioner Williams seconded; motion passed with abstentions from those Commissioners who were not present at the various meetings. OTHER MATTERS: Next meeting will be called as needed. There being no further business, Commissioner Cotton moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:43 p.m. Commissioner Williams seconded; motion carried unanimously. Mike Hamper, _aMper, Chairperson Cathy M4gas, P&Z Administrator