Minutes P&Z 05/21/1998MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION/WORKSHOP SESSION TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 21, 1998 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Regular Session on May 21, 1998 at 7:00 P.M. in the Boardroom of the Trophy Club Administration Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Mike Hamper Chairperson Clayton Reed Member Donald Cotton Member David Schaaf Member Gene Hill Member COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Rick Gilliland Member STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Cathy Morgas P&Z Administrator Dan Boutwell Town Planner, MPRG Roger Williams Resident Donna Krause President, TCWC Gary Tomlin Reporter, Trophy Club "Buzz" Laura Zuber Member, TCWC Chuck Boedecker Resident, 1118 Trophy Club Dr. 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM: Chairperson Mike Hamper called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. announcing a quorum was present. 2. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING THE ISSUE OF CHANGING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO INCLUDE GARAGE SALES AS A PERMITTED USE. (Donna Krause) TCWC President, Donna Krause, requested that the zoning ordinance be changed to reflect 2 bi-annual garage sales. Chairman Hamper stated that the P&Z would analyze the request and make a recommendation to the Council on how to handle garage sales in the future. Town Planner, Dan Boutwell, made the following comments: ♦ There are local cities/towns that do close off certain areas for special events; ➢ l0k runs ➢ For example Grapefest in Grapevine. These are town sanctioned, community sponsored events; there are not exclusive rights to these events. Page 2 P&Z Regular Session May 21, 1998 ♦ There are only certain rules that are relaxed for these events. ♦ Certain roads/streets are closed off, Redirection of traffic. ♦ Health and safety issues are always observed. ➢ Bathrooms have to be set up. ➢ Fire lanes must be maintained. ➢ A provision for personnel to maintain safety standards would be necessary. Commissioner Hill moved to continue the discussion of this agenda item at the next regular meeting and to inform the TCWC of that date. Commissioner Cotton seconded; motion passed unanimously. 3. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING THE HIKE AND BIKE LANES THROUGHOUT TROPHY CLUB: Charles Boedecker, 1118 Trophy Club Dr., addressed the Commission regarding the hikeibike lanes. Following some discussion, Commissioner Hill moved to continue the discussion at the next regular meeting. Commissioner Reed seconded; motion passed unanimously. 4. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING THE SIGN ORDINANCE #97- 26, SECTION 8, COMMERCIAL SIGNS: Town Planner Boutwell, updated the Commissioners on his research involving other cities commercial sign requirements. Commissioner Reed moved to table this item to the next regular meeting. Commissioner Hill seconded; motion passed unanimously. 5. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING THE UPDATING OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE: The Commission discussed the updating of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance with Town Planner Boutwell. 6. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES: The Commission reviewed the minutes from April 7, 1998. Commissioner Reed moved to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Cotton seconded; motion passed unanimously. 7. OTHER MATTERS: A. Joint Meeting - June 2, 1998 - Zoning on 4.2, 3.8 & 166 acres P&Z Administrator, Cathy Morgas updated the Commission regarding the joint meeting with the Town Council on June 2, 1998. "The next regular meeting will be June 18,1998. Page 3 P&Z Regular Session May 21, 1998 8. ADJOURN: There being no further business to discuss, Commissioner Hill moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:13 p.m. Commissioner Reed seconded; motion passed unanimously. Mike Hamper, Chairperson Cathy MorgA, P& Z Administrator 07/08/98 Mai