Minutes P&Z 01/04/2001MINUTES OF A PUBLIC HEARING & REGULAR SESSION FOR THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Public Hearing & Regular Session on 4 January 2001, at 6:30 P.M. in the Boardroom of the Trophy Club Administration Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. COMMISSIONERS ATTENDANCE: Chairman Hill Vice Chairman Gilliland Commissioner Ashby Commissioner Reed Commissioner Rodgers Commissioner Shegon Commissioner Sheridan STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: present arrived at 6:38 pm present present present present present Kerin C. Fleck Planning & Zoning Coordinator Dan Boutwell Planning Consultant John Harbin Applicant/Developer Julie Chambers Resident 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m., and announced a quorum was present. PUBLIC HEARING 2. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION TO OPEN PUBLIC HEARING. 3. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING RELATIVE TO THE FOLLOWING: A. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING A SITE PLAN FOR A 6.000 ACRE TRACT OF LAND ZONED CR COMMERCIAL RECREATION, LOCATED TO THE NORTH OF THE LAKES of TROPHY CLUB, (APPLICANT: JOHN HARBIN, VICE PRESIDENT, BECK PROPERTIES). 1 Planning & Zoning Public Hearing & Regular Session 4 January 2001 Dan Boutwell addressed the Commission and gave a brief overview of the process involved with site plan approval. Mr. Harbin addressed the Commission. Mr. Harbin addressed the comments from Mr. Boutwell's memo dated, 4 December 2000, and stated that all items have been addressed. The building for the concessions and the restrooms will be an open truss structure constructed of natural stone as opposed to man made stone. The roof will be the or slate. The sign will be constructed of the same stone as the concession structure with a cast stone trim. It will have raised brass letters on a black granite surface. Chairman Hill asked if the fire hydrant spacing and water and sanitary sewer line locations were acceptable. Ms. Fleck was directed to have the Fire Department and Water Department review the plans prior to the Town Council meeting, 5 February 2001. Mr. Harbin stated that the driveway entrance on the future roadway was lined up to match the entrance of the future residential subdivision. No members of the audience requested to speak about the agenda item. 4. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION TO CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING AND/OR CONTINUE TO A DATE CERTAIN. A motion was made to close the public hearing. Motion: Reed Second: Ashby Ayes: Hill, Gilliland, Sheridan, Rodgers, Shegon Nays: None Action: 7-0 Motion carried. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION TO CONVENE INTO A REGULAR SESSION. A A o i,q 1002 IN I M L9171 0' Knw 10 i•I I F A. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING A SITE PLAN FOR A 6.000 ACRE TRACT OF LAND ZONED CR COMMERCIAL RECREATION, LOCATED TO THE NORTH OF THE LAKES of TROPHY CLUB, (APPLICANT: JOHN HARBIN, VICE PRESIDENT, BECK PROPERTIES). Commissioner Ashby stated concerns about the utility issues in regard to the future streets. Mr. Boufwell stated that this item might be a contingency for the approval of this item; the Fire Department review and approval of the utility plan. Commissioner Ashby also asked about the placement of the perimeter wall. Mr. Harbin stated that the building line for the wall has already been noted on the final plat. Commissioner Sheridan asked if staff reviews were not a standard practice for item approvals. Ms. Fleck said that due to receiving the site plan information later than usual, reviews were not able to be made by the various departments in order to include for the Commissions review. Commissioner Sheridan asked that the plan to ensure there are no possible equipment. Fire Department review the landscape areas that might inhibit public safety Commissioner Sheridan also asked about the building for the concession and restroom structure. Mr. Boutwell stated that the construction plans would be submitted to the building department for their review. Vice Chairman Gilliland had no comments. Commissioner Rodgers had no comments. Commissioner Shegon asked about the lighting for the facility. Mr. Harbin stated that he was proposing a maximum foot-candle of 20.0. The facility has been designed for recreational play, not tournament play, and the lighting will reflect that. All the lights will be on timers, and there will also be a master clock that will turn all the timers off at a time the Town dictates. Mr. Harbin suggested that the issue of lighting also be included in the motion as a contingency. Commissioner Reed had no comments. 91 Chairman Hill asked about the location of the pumps for the pool. Mr. Harbin stated that they would be enclosed by a structure to shield the equipment from public view, with the electric transformer in the same location. A motion was made to approve the site plan with the following contingencies: a. The Fire Department and Water Department must review and approve b. The site plan shall indicate a note for timers to be set for individual facility usage, and there will be a master clock to override all other timers, to turn off at a time determined by the Town C. No overhang lights, they will be shielded and will comply with the lighting plan d. Maximum foot candles will be 20.0 and 0.0 at the street Motion: Ashby Second: Reed Ayes: Hill, Gilliland, Sheridan, Rodgers, and Shegon Nays: None Action: 7-0 Motion carried. 7. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING A REPLAT FOR THE FOLLOWING: LOT 10R, BLOCK 1, THE ESTATES OF HOGAN'S GLEN, PHASE 11 AND LOTS 11 R AND 5R, BLOCK 1, WATERS EDGE AT HOGAN'S GLEN. Mr. Boutwell informed the Commission and Mr. Harbin that a replat in a residential subdivision requires a public hearing, therefore this item must be heard at a later date, once the public hearing requirements have been met. Mr. Harbin made an official request to pull the item and reset it for a later agenda. Mr. Boutwell said that because the agenda item called for a discussion also, the Commission could listen to Mr. Harbin' s comments. Mr. Harbin explained the reason for the replat. The resident of lot 10, on the corner of Stephen's Court and Hogan's Drive wanted to add on to his house, which necessitated a larger lot. Therefore, the resident bought the lot behind him, and approached Mr. Harbin about replatting the lots to create one large lot. In order to keep the same number of lots, Mr. Harbin would like to split lot 5 on the corner of Katie Lane and Hogan's Drive, into two separate lots. This replat will keep the number of lots the same, while changing the configuration of each lot. All lots will meet the minimum square footage and set back requirements of the district. L1 Mr. Harbin addressed the comments from Gary Teague's review of the replat. No action was taken regarding this item. 21. DISCUSSION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING REVISION TO STRATEGIC PLAN FOR VISION 2010. Chairman Hill summarized the recommendations he will be presenting on behalf of the Commission at the, 27 January 2001, Vision 201 Oworkshop. 9. REPORTS FROM COMMISSIONERS, OTHER MATTERS. There were no reports from the Commissioners. Ms. Fleck updated the Commission on plans for a Planning & Zoning workshop to be held at the end of January or the beginning of February. 7. ADJOURNMENT. Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting at 8:35 pm. Gerill,6hairman -. 6. K rin C. Fleck, Planning Zoning Coordinator KCF/PLANNING&ZONING/MINUTES/2001 /JAN/ 01042001 PH& REG SESS [1 /22/01 1:53:36 PM} 0