Minutes P&Z 04/01/2004MINUTES OF A REGULAR • SESSION PLANNINGFOR THE ZONINGi The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Regular Session meeting 1 April 2004, at 7.00 pm in the Boardroom of the Trophy Club Administration Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. Chairman Hill present Vice Chairman Stephens present Commissioner Moss present Commissioner Reed present Commissioner Rodgers present Commissioner Sheridan present STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Kerin C, Fleck Planning & Zoning Coordinator Randy Gerdes Applicant/Charter Associates, Inc. Jimmy Ferrell Lake Cities Church of Christ 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm, and announced a quorum was present, A. AN ORDINANCE OF i OF • • • TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 00P&Z, THE SAMEORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2000 -06 P&Z OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE, AND ADOPTING NEW PROVISIONS Fis .D PLANNED t i. • 24, KNOWN AS a CHURCHCITIES OF • CERTAIN •a OF , ) DESCRIBED a 4.2821 ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED GENERALLY TO THE EAST OF GLEN EAGLES •• THE SOUTHOF INDIANAND TO THE WEST OF PD NO. 7, THE PLANTATIONAPARTMENTS;PROVIDING i' THE SECTIONINCORPORATION OF PREMISES; ADOPTING NEW PROVISIONS TO AMEND EXHIBIT C, "DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS", BY CHANGING PARAGRAPH (v) OF Jk"LANDSCAPING",• PROVIDE a i.*Dit LANDSCAPING SCREENING ALONG THE WEST PARKING LOT, NORTH NORTHWESTAND WEST NORTHWEST OF BUILDINGAND THE SOUTHEAST PERIMETER "LANDSCAPE i• * a• 1 PROPERTY REPLACING *:a i. EVISED F1 N: kfleck\ • a PLANNING : 00 a• 04012004 REG SESS.doc M =0 Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Session Meeting 1 April 2004 1. � R ) • i !. . 1 Y r ► � _ ; its I *' ' ♦' • • • • r • • Chairman Hill briefly recapped the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting held 18 March 2004, and the action taken regarding the amendment request from Lake Cities Church of Christ. Mr, Randy Gerdes addressed the Commission, At the last Commission meeting, a suggestion was made to incorporate East Palatka Holly screening along the west parking lot line, Discussion moved to the parking lot lighting. Chairman Hill said the Glen Eagle's Court residential properties have a direct view of the light bulbs that create a glare in their rear yards. Mr. Gerdes stated the church is currently looking into pricing for shields to be put on the Fights to cut down the glare, Commissioner Moss asked if the timer issue has been resolved for the monument sign, Mr. Gerdes said the timer has been replaced. Commissioner Reed asked about the spacing of the punts. Mr. Gerdes said he was unsure at this time, but it would most likely be at Feast four foot (4') on center. Commissioner Sheridan said the slope of the parking lot in relation to the rear yards on Gen Eagles Court should be taken into consideration when determining spacing and size of the holly, Commissioner Rodgers suggested a minimum installation height should be detailed in the amendment. Chairman Hill asked the applicant to provide staff with more detailed information in order for the Commission to take any action. Ms. Fleck told the applicant to provide a landscape plan indicating the shrubs along the west parking lot as well as text for Exhibit "C", thoroughly detailing the living landscape screen. Additionally, the temporary Certificate of Occupancy on the property will expire before the landscape amendment is approved by Town Council. An extension from the Town Council to the current 60 day time period is necessary, NAdeck\Private\PLANNING & ZONING\MINUTES\2004\APR\04012004 REG SESS.doc [4/29/04 8:59:16 AM] Page 2 Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Session Meeting 7 April 2004 No action was taken on this item, The applicant was instructed to provide the required back-up material in order to be placed on the Commissions next meeting agenda, 15 April 2004, 3. REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES: A. 5 FEBRUARY 2004 A motion was made to approve, as written, Motion: Stephens Second: Reed Ayes: Hill, Rodgers, Sheridan, Moss Nays: None Action: Approved, 6-0 Motion carried. Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:22 pm, Gene Hill, 6Gr:mbJ6' Ke in C, Fleck, Planning & Zoning Coordinator NAkf1eckTrivateTLANNING & ZONING\MINUTES\2004\APR\04012004 REG SESS.doc [4/29/04 8:59:16 AM] Page 3