Minutes P&Z 01/26/2005MINUTES OF A REGULAR SESSION FOR THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 26 JANUARY 2005 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Regular Session meeting 26 January 2005, at 7:00 pm in the Boardroom of the Trophy Club Administration Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. COMMISSIONERS ATTENDANCE: Chairman Hill present Vice Chairman Stephens present Commissioner Bradley present Commissioner Moss present Commissioner Reed present Commissioner Rodgers present Commissioner Sheridan present STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Kerin C. Fleck Planning & Zoning Coordinator Patricia Adams Town Attorney Karen Mitchell Planning Consultant A.l CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm, and announced a quorum was present. The Commission convened into executive session at 7:05 pm. 0.1 PURSUANT TO TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, ANNOTATED, SUBCHAPTER 551, SECTION 551.071 (a) 8, (b) "CONSULTATION WlTH ATTORNEY", THE COMMISSION WILL ENTER INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING: (A) CONSULTA'I'ION WlTH TOWN ATTORNEY ON A MATCER IN WHICH THE DUTY OF THE ATTORNEY TO THE GOVERNMENTAL BODY UNDER THE DISCIPLINARY RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT OF THE STATE BAR OF TEXAS CLEARLY CON FLlCT WlTH THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT. (1) LEGAL ADVICE RELA'I'IVE TO PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE (2) LEGAL ADVICE RELATIVE TO SCOPE OF PLANNING 8, ZONING COMMISSION AUTHORITY (3) LEGAL ADVICE RELATIVE TO OPEN MEETINGS ACT AND VOTING The Comrr~ission reconvened into Regular Session at 7:47 pm ~:\kfleck\~rivate\~~~~~l~~ & ZONING\MEETINGS\MINUTES\2005\001 JAN\01262005 REG SESS.doc Page 1 Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Session Meeting 26 January 2005 C.l DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATIVE TO AN ORDINANCE REPEALING TOWN ORDINANCE NO. 2004-02 P&Z, AND ADOPTING NEW PROVISIONS RELATING TO SIGN REGULATIONS. Ms. Fleck introduced the sign ordinance and gave a brief summary of the changes proposed. Minor changes were made to Section 2, "Definitions", a new section was created as Section 6, "Temporary Signs" which also address political and banner signs. Additional provisions were added to Section 10, "Nonconforming Uses", Section 12, "Maintenance of Signs", Section 13, "Violations", Section 14 "Enforcement", Section 15, "Enforcement Remedies" and Section 16, "Prohibition". Discussion among the Commission ensued. A motion was made to table action on the proposed changes to a date certain of 3 February 2005, pending additional provisions be added regarding off-site signage. Motion: Sheridan Second: Reed Ayes: Hill, Bradley, Moss, Rodgers, Stephens Nays: None Action: Approved, 7-0 Motion carried. C.l REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES: A. 18NOVEMBER2004 B. 2 DECEMBER 2004 A motion was made to approve the minutes of 18 November 2004, as amended. Motion: Reed Second: Stephens Ayes: Bradley, Moss Nays: None Abstain: Hill, Rodgers, Sheridan Action: 4-0-3 Motion carried. A motion was made to approve the minutes of 2 December 2004, as written. Motion: Reed Second: Sheridan Ayes: Hill, Bradley Nays: None Abstain: Moss, Rodgers, Stephens Action: 4-0-3 Motion carried. The Corr~mission directed Ms. Fleck to make changes as directed to the minutes of 18 November 2004 and bring back before the Commission at the next meeting. N:\kfleck\Private\PLANNlNG 8 ZONING\MEETINGS\MINUTES\2005\001 JAN\01262005 REG SESS.doc [6/16/06 11:12:51 AM] Page 2 Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Session Meeting 26 January 2005 D.l ADJOURNMENT. Chairman Hill adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:14 pm. ~erlrj~. Fleck, planding & Zonlng Coordinator N:\kfleck\Private\PLANNlNG 8 ZONING\MEETINGS\MINUTES\2005\001 JAN\01262005 REG SESS.doc [6/16/06 11:12:51 AM] Page 3