Minutes P&Z 05/19/2005 MINUTES OF A REGULAR SESSION FOR THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB 19 MAY 2005 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Trophy Club, Texas met in a Regular Session meeting 19 May 2005, at 7:00 pm in the Board Room of the Trophy Club Administration Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Trophy Club, Texas 76262. COMMISSIONERS ATTENDANCE: Chairman Hill present Vice Chairman Stephens present Commissioner Bradley present Commissioner Moss present Commissioner Reed present Commissioner Rodgers present Commissioner Sheridan present STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Kerin C. Fleck Planning & Zoning Coordinator Tim Welch Welch Engineering A.1 CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM. Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm, and announced a quorum was present. B.1 DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATIVE TO: PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR LOTS 1-40, BLOCK 4 OF THE VILLAS @ WATERS EDGE, LOCATED GENERALLY TO THE EAST OF KATIE LANE AND STEPHEN'S COURT, TO THE WEST OF MEADOWBROOK LANE AND TO THE SOUTH OF HARMONY PARK. Ms. Fleck briefed the Commission. The Villas at Waters Edge Preliminary Plat is for approximately 10.433 acres, 37 residential lots, 2 open space lots and 1 green belt lot. The land is currently zoned PD-22, Waters Edge at Hogan’s Glen. The plat appears to be in compliance with the Town’s Subdivision Regulations. Tim Welch addressed the Commission, stating that The Villas is a neighborhood in the Waters Edge Planned Development, Town Ordinance No. 2000-09 P&Z. Chairman Hill asked if the greenbelt will have a trail system and access to the park. Mr. Welch stated it would have a trail system which will be only for use by the residents of Hogan’s Glen. There will also be a linear trail amidst green space in the center of the development, as approved with the original PD Ordinance. C:\Documents and Settings\sdeprater\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK1C\05192005 REG SESS.doc Page 1 Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Session Meeting 19 May 2005 EG SESS.doc [3/3/08 11:58:01 AM] Page 2 C:\Documents and Settings\sdeprater\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK1C\05192005 R Chairman Hill inquired about the drainage and utility easement going from the cul-de- sac circle between lots 22 and 23 leading to an open space that is identified as a pending detention pond. Due to the drainage design constraints in this area, we are looking at a possibility dues to the limited capacity of drainage coming down off East Hillside Drive, to maybe collect water from inlets, running a storm drain system back into the possible detention pond, doing a discharge of water down the golf course along the sides where there is a natural drainage area. The plan, however have not been finalized to date. Worst-case scenario would be fro the detention pond to hold the post development conditions. The view corridor is Lot 40. This area is provided so the golf course view will not be obstructed by any development activities. The proposed fencing is the same fence that is Pending detention pond. Fencing discussed. Detention, drainage. – JM BB – size of the lots. JR – clarify access from Meadowbrook….Tree preservation? Rear setback, buffer of trees. Along the Harmony Park side. DS – Private streets – HOA to maintain Mr. Welch request that the P&Z approve the 25 front building line be revised to 15’. Dianne Zeigler – open space. Pedestrian side gate. Motion to approve DS revise to 15’ building line Second – JS Unanimous. This item will be forwarded to the Town Council 6 June 2005. B.2 DISCUSS AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION RELATIVE TO: REVISION TO TOWN ORDINANCE NO. 2002-42 P&Z (CONSTRUCTION OF FENCES). C.1 REVIEW AND APPROVE MINUTES. A. 7 APRIL 2005 B. 27 APRIL 2005 D.1 Adjournment. Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Session Meeting 19 May 2005 C:\Documents and Settings\sdeprater\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK1C\05192005 REG SESS.doc [3/3/08 11:58:01 AM] Page 3 hairman Hill adjourned the meeting at approximately 8:20 pm. _________________ ene Hill, Chairman (SEAL) erin C. Fleck, Planning & Zoning Coordinator C _____________________ G ____________________________________________ K