Minutes P&Z 12/16/20100Trophy Club Entities Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Thursday, December 16, 2010 7:00 PM Svore Municipal Building Boardroom Call To Order and announce a quorum. The meeting was called to order at 7.00 p.m. with a quorum present. COMMISSION MEMBERS: Present: 7 - Vice Chair James Stephens, Commissioner Mike Davidson, Commissioner Dennis Sheridan, Commissioner Dale Forest, Chairman Gene Hill, Commissioner Clayton Reed, and Commissioner Gary Richert STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT: Carolyn Huggins, Community Development Director Tom Rutledge, Teague, Nall & Perkins Austin Baird, Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Engineering Konstantine Bakintas, P.E., Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. Pete Ehrenberg, Trophy Club Equities Tom Ehrenberg, Trophy Club Equities Bill Rose, Councilman Approval of Minutes 1. 2010-656-T Review and approve minutes of the October 21, 2010 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Davidson, seconded by Commissioner Reed, that this Agenda Item be Approved. The motion CARRIED by the following vote: Aye: 6 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Shendan, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert Abstain: 1- Commissioner Forest PUBLIC HEARING 2. 2010-656-T Public Hearing regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan of Lot 1, Block 1, Trophy Club Commons, being a 6.570 acre tract of land located in the J. Eads Survey, Abstract 392 and the J. Sutton Survey, Abstract 1154, Applicant: Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. on behalf of Trophy Club Equities (SP -09-010) This agenda Item referred to the Town Council agenda date of January 3, 2011. Planning 8 Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes December 15, 2010 REGULAR SESSION 2010-654-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Preliminary Plat of Lot 1, Block 1, Trophy Club Commons, being a 6.570 acre tract of land located in the J. Eads Survey, Abstract 392 and the J. Sutton Survey, Abstract 1154. Applicant: Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. on behalf of Trophy Club Equities (PP -09-017) Chairman Hill announced the case and asked the applicant if they wished to introduce themselves. Austin Baird with Baird, Hampton & Brown, the engineers and surveyors for the project, introduced himself and also introduced the developers for the project, Pete and Tom Ehrenberg, Trophy Club Equities. Mr. Baird stated that this is a single lot development with five (5) buildings in a mixed use office complex located at the intersection of Trophy Lake Drive and Trophy Club Drive for the Commission's consideration. Chairman Hill asked for staff's report. Ms. Huggins stated that this property is located across the street (Trophy Club Drive) from the Tom Thumb shopping center. She stated that this property is "straight" zoning — "CG" Commercial General zoning. Approximately half the site is within the 100 -year floodplain. The plan for the property is for a professional office complex as well as a day care facility. The history of this property is as follows: This property was rezoned in 2008 from "CR" Commercial Recreation to "CG"Commemial General. In April, 2009, the applicant submitted a preliminary and final plat of this property, as well as site plan and engineering documents. The applicants plans called for parking in the floodplain area of this property. Staff and the Town Engineer met with the Applicant in September 2009 to discuss the parking lot in the Floodplain. Although allowed by Town regulations, staff would require a disclaimer on the site plan that the Town would not be liable for any damage that might occur due to use of the parking lot. We know from past experience that water does flow through that area and during heavy rains the water has the potential to rise rapidly— high enough to float any vehicles packed in that area. The applicant decided to pursue the possibility of reclaiming some land out of floodplain and In November 2009, the Town received a Feasibility Flood Study from the applicant's engineer which indicated that they would resubmit the platting and site plan documents for a portion (Phase 1) of the project while taking steps necessary for floodplain reclamation of the area where they wish to place a parking lot. On April 30, 2010, the applicant resubmitted all platting, site plan and construction documents and on July 20, 2010, the applicant submitted a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) for Town approval. The CLOMR has received Town approval and the applicant can now submit it to FEMA for their review and approval. Staff's recommendation is for approval of the preliminary plat as the plat meets the requirements of the Town's Subdivision Rules and Regulations. Chairman Hill asked for the FEMA status of the CLOMR. Mr. Baird responded that the CLOMR has not yet been submitted to FEMA pending Planning and Zoning Commission and Council approval of the plats and site plan of the project. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes December 16, 2010 Chairman Hill asked if he is reading the plat diagram correctly that if the revised CLOMR is approved the parking lot level will be elevated slightly above the 590 contour on a segment of the floodplain? Mr. Baird responded that he believes that's correct. Chairman Hill then asked what type of landfill will be used to raise the parking lot area of Phase 2 if FEMA approves the realignment of the floodplain. Mr. Baird responded that the majority of it will be native, on-site material that is spoils from the reworking of the existing channel and the reshaping of the creek cross-section through the property. Chairman Hill asked its portion of the existing creek bed will be realigned. Mr. Baird stated that the existing creek bed will not be realigned, but the over -bank areas will be reshaped. He stated that the channel will be opened up so that it passes the water more efficiently through the property and, in turn, provides the soil necessary to raise the areas needed out of the floodplain. Chairman Hill asked if any additional materials would be used to stabilize the creek banks or the broad floodplain to prevent erosion of the elevated segment during flood periods. Mr. Baird responded, "Yes, Sir." He stated that as part of the CL OMR and the construction that happens in Phase 2 when the channel work is conducted, proper backfill compaction will happen. "In the areas of steeper slopes we are providing a turf reinforcement mat to prevent erosion and the rest of the area will be vegetated for long term protection." Vice Chairman Stephens asked where the reshaping of Marshall Creek will begin and and. Mr. Baird responded that all of the work is contained within the property so it will begin at the downstream headwalls of the culvert that currently crosses underneath Tmphy Club Drive. He stated that it progresses downstream and the existing grace will be rematched at the downstream property line. Commissioner Davidson asked if there is intent to put vertical type walls or to reshape the channel. Will it be natural contour? Mr. Baird slated that the only vertical walls anticipated are adjacent to the day care building. There is a playground planned next to the day care and it must be relatively flat so there was some difference in that area that had to be made up. Commissioner Davidson asked how this is going to impact the flow of water to Trophy Club Drive. Mr. Baird responded that it won't. He stated that this property is downstream of Trophy Club Drive so it passes Trophy Club Drive before it reaches the property. He stated that through the CLOMR they have shown a no net impact, no rise in water surface elevations to adjacent or up -stream properties. Commissioner Sheridan stated that because of the serious flood involved in this area, and the homeowners in the area on the other side of Trophy Club Drive and to the east of this property, he is concemed that the Commissioners didn't get a drainage plan with the site plan package. He stated that in approving the preliminary, final and site plan this evening, "We need to be very conscious of the flood situation in that area". He asked when the (nal plat is (led with the County. Ms. Huggins responded that it is (led anytime after Council approval and prior to Issuance of any building permits. Commissioner Sheridan asked if the applicant is waiting for Council approval of the plats and site plan prior to submitting the CLOMR. Mr. Baird confirmed that they are. Commissioner Sheridan asked how long it will take to receive an answer from FEMA. Mr. Baird stated that it varies. Each submission can take as little as 90 days or up to more than six months depending on the complexity of the project. Commissioner Sheridan asked what the odds are of an unfavorable answer. Staff, the Town Engineer, and the applicant's engineer didn't have an answer for that question. Commissioner Sheridan stated that once the Town Council approves the plats and site plans, then the CLOMR is submitted and then the final plat is filed with the County and Phase 1 work can begin. He stated that the plat has the location of the floodplain on it pending approval of a CLOMR that will be submitted to FEMA. Commissioner Sheridan's concern is that if the CLOMR is not approved than the plat Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes December 75, 2010 will have to be redone. Ms. Huggins stated the plat would have to be amended. Commissioner Sheridan asked if it would come back to P&Z if it needs to be amended. Ms. Huggins stated that it would.. Commissioner Sheridan asked if it would have been simpler to break the plat into phases. Ms. Huggins responded that it was discussed with the applicant but the applicant preferred to bring forward the entire lot/plat. Commissioner Sheridan commented that he prefers that in the notes "BM" be spelled out as Benchmark. He asked that the utility easement on the southeast comer of the site be identified as what type of easement it is and whether it is documented (recorded) or done by plat. Mr. Baird responded that it is by plat and it will be better identified as such on the documents that go to Council. Commissioner Sheridan asked if the easement is continuous along the front of the property along Trophy Club Drive. Mr. Baird responded that it is. Commissioner Sheridan asked if one of the other franchise utilities wanted to use it, could they. They cannot. Mr. Rutledge explained that a franchise utility cannot use or claim an easement that hasn't been set aside for them. Commissioner Sheridan stated that the drainage easement on the north side of the plat has a solid line and he would like to see it dashed so that it conforms to the easement and shows where easement ends. There were no other comments and Chairman Hill called for a motion. A motion was made by Vice Chair Stephens, seconded by Commissioner Reed, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval to the Town Council. The motion CARRIED by the following vote: Aye: 7 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert 2010.555-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Final Plat of Lot 1, Block 1, Trophy Club Commons, being a 6.570 acre tract of land located in the J. Eads Survey, Abstract 392 and the J, Sutton Survey, Abstract 1154. Applicant: Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. on behalf of Trophy Club Equities (FP -09-031) Chairman Hill announced the case and commented that on various pages of the site plan the proposed building numbers need to be corrected and the building numbers within the parking tables should be corrected as well. Mr. Baird responded that they are aware of the errors, and corrections will be made on the copies provided to Council. Vice Chairman Stephens commented that on the final plat there is a typographical error on Note No. 9. [wothout instead of without] Commissioner Davidson noted a typographical error on the first page of the site plan package. (cine instead of circle] A motion was made by Vice Chair Stephens, seconded by Commissioner Forest, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval to the Town Council. The motion CARRIED by the following vote: Aye: 7 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert 2010-557-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan of Lot 1, Block 1, Trophy Club Commons, being a 6.570 acre tract of land located in the J. Eads Survey, Abstract 392 and the J. Sutton Survey, Abstract 1154. Applicant: Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes December 16, 2010 Baird, Hampton & Brown, Inc. on behalf of Trophy Club Equities (SP -09-010) A. Developer's Agreement. Consider and lake appropriate action regarding approval of a Developer's Agreement for Trophy Club Commons between the Town and Trophy Club Equities. Chairman Hill announced the case and asked for a staff report. Ms. Huggins stated that the applicant is proposing to construct five (5) professional office buildings, one of which (Building No. 1) will be a day care facility. This site plan proposes development that is appropriate forthe "CG"Commemlal General district. The applicant is requesting approval of the overall site plan (Sheet C 2.0) even though the applicant will only be constructing Phase 1 until the CLOMR is approved. Phase 1 will consist of three buildings and a temporary asphalt parking lot. Phase 2 will consist of two buildings and a permanent concrete parking lot with the removal of the asphalt parking lot. If Phase 2 construction does not occur within a specific period of time, the temporary asphalt parking lot will be replaced with permanent concrete paving that meets Town standards. The specific period of time between temporary asphalt and permanent concrete will be addressed in a Developer's agreement, which will be reviewed and approved by the Town Council. Ms. Huggins explained that the ordinance requires 24 loading/unloading spaces for day care (assumed to be located in front of building). The plan shows five (5) spaces in front of the day care. Based on meetings with the applicant/developer, they will use spaces across the parking lot for this requirement. The site plan package provides a lighting plan detailing the layout of fixtures, elevations, lamp type, and average illumination of each fixture. Exterior lighting fixtures shall not exceed a maximum height of 25 feet, measured from the adjacent ground, shall direct light toward the ground, and shall be shielded. The plan complies. Ms. Huggins explained that in the Landscape plan there are trees required along Trophy Club Drive to screen the parking areas from the street. The Landscape Plan calls for 3" caliper frees but the applicant has been informed that per the regulations the frees must be a minimum of 4" caliper. The applicant has agreed to change the plans before this item is heard by Council. Ms. Huggins stated that the combined landscape plans for Phase 1 and Phase 2 will provide the required amount of tree mitigation per Town regulations. Ms. Huggins stated that the building elevations are included in the package. All principal and accessory buildings and structures are to be of exterior fire resistant construction having one hundred If 00) percent of the total exterior walls, excluding doors, windows and porches, constructed of brick or stone including the area above the first floor ceiling plate line. The applicant's plans call for a combination of stone and brick which meets the Town's masonry requirements. Ms. Huggins stated that a traffic impact analysis (TIA) was done for this proifect and improvements to the intersection of Trophy Club Drive and Trophy Lake Drive will be needed in the near future. Ms. Huggins explained that the Town has taken steps to create an engineered plan for a roundabout at the intersection of Trophy Club Drive and Trophy Lake Drive and this plan received Council approval on December 6, 2010. The developer, Mr. Ehrenberg, has indicated a willingness to give right-of-way needed to allow building of a roundabout at this intersection. The applicant's engineer will be given the engineered plans and the right-of-way will be dedicated by separate Instrument. As a result of the roundabout design, Trophy Club Commons will be an exit only egress from the development into the roundabout. Ingress to the site will be off of Planning& Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes December 16, 2010 Trophy Club Drive across from the Tom Thumb truck entrance. The Trophy Club Commons owner is required to remove a portion of the center median along Trophy Club Drive for a dedicated left tum lane into the Trophy Club Commons site. Ms. Huggins stated that the applicant is requesting overall site plan approval for a two-phase project. Staff recommends approval with the stipulation that the trees along Trophy Club Drive shall be a minimum of 4 caliper inches each. Vice Chairman Stephens asked if the applicant has a problem with the right turn only exit at the roundabout and the modification of the median for a left tum entrance off of Trophy Club Drive. Ms. Huggins stated that the Town is requiring those features. Mr. Baird confirmed that they will follow that design. Vice Chairman Stephens asked for an explanation of the loading/unloading plan for the day care. Mr. Baird stated that the intent is to use the site as one cohesive piece. All of the parking lot will be available to all tenants and users at any given time. There are five loading/unloading spaces directly in front of the day care which would, obviously, be the most convenient for drop off, but the lot directly across the drive and the large parking lot southeast of the building would also be available. Vice Chairman Stephens asked how many entrances there are to the day care. Mr. Baird explained that there is one primary entrance centrally located on the building and the others are emergency exits only, including rear emergency exits. Vice Chairman Stephens asked if the Fire Department looked at the plans and gave approval. Ms. Huggins responded that Chief Thomas was given plans and has indicated approval. Commissioner Davidson asked if there is handicap access and parking spaces included? Ms. Huggins indicated that there is a handicap accessible parking space in front of the day care and a number of others throughout the site which, in total, meet the requirements. Commissioner Davidson asked if any of the phommetrics bleed over into the adjacent homes [residential] area. Ms. Huggins stated that they meet the town requirements of 0.1 candle foot at the property line. Commissioner Davidson asked if the roundabout will atter truck access into the other shopping center. Ms. Huggins stated that truck access into Planned Development No. 21 (the Tom Thumb shopping center) will not be altered. During staff discussion and consideration of the roundabout and road improvements, truck access for PD -21 was considered and the access will remain as is. Commissioner Davidson stated, "So were not going to get a semi hung up in the roundabout." Mr. Rutledge stated that the roundabout has been designed to allow truck traffic. He also clarified that what is currently represented on the site plan is not the final design of the roundabout that Council has approved Commissioner Davidson asked if the Town has an issue with the Marshall Creek area over Trophy Club Drive. He stated that he recognizes that this is a "no impact place" but he can't help but think that a heavy rain will impact this site even more so depending on what type of change they've made to the drainage on their aide. He stated that there will be more concrete and more run off which will contribute to the potential level of water coming through Marshall Creek. Will this site, notjust the parking lot, but the buildings themselves, be safe. Mr. Baird responded that they have specifically designed and laid out the site so that all building finished floor elevations are above the 100 -year flood stages. Commissioner Davidson asked, "By how much". Mr. Baird responded that it varies, but at least a one -foot above minimum. Commissioner Davidson commented that the lowerparking lot will be 590. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes December 16, 2010 Mr. Baird stated that the parking lot itself is also contained above the 100 -year floodplain elevation so the parking lot will not be inundated and the buildings will be bulk above that elevation. Commissioner Richert noted that on the project location page Trophy Club Drive and Trophy Lake Drive are not shown. He requested they be shown. Mr. Baird responded that they will revise and identify those streets more clearly. Commissioner Sheridan asked if there is a Town code for the pad elevation and finished floor elevation for the buildings? Mr. Rutledge stated that it is designated as minimum finish floor. Commissioner Sheridan stated that for the record he objects to not seeing the drainage and grading plans for this project. He also objects to not having a signage plan for the project. He stated that it is his understanding that the signage is handled by the Town's ordinances and since this is straight zoning they apply for a permit and get the sign. He stated that in the past there has been conflict between the landscaping, which is approved by P&Z, and signage. He believes that the signage for this project will interfere with the landscaping presented on the landscape plan and he would like to see signage along with the landscape plan. His opinion is that the landscape plan, as submitted, does not cc -exist with a good commercial signage plan. Commissioner Sheridan asked that a legend be added to explain some of the symbols in the front yard. He stated that he is guessing that some of the symbols am light poles, but there are no indications on the site plan as to what they are. He stated there are big square boxes along Trophy Club Drive inside the 30 -ft. front yard and he would like to know what those are. Mr. Baird stated that he believes they are the back flow preventors for the private water line loop through the complex - underground vaults. Commissioner Sheridan asked that any undesignated symbol on the site plan be part of the legend. Mr. Baird stated that they will do so. Commissioner Sheridan stated that since flooding is such a critical issue to this particular site and the surrounding areas that have flooded notjust in the past, but recently, there is a proposed 16 -inch storm drain that will handle one of the drainage areas and there are three inlets. What type of inlets are those? Mr. Baird responded that they are grate inlets in grass. Commissioner Sheridan stated that inside the drainage easement on Sheet C.2 is a solid black line and he is assuming it is a retaining wall. Mr. Baird responded that it is. Commissioner Sheridan asked that it be designated as such. Chairman Hill stated that it is designated as such on the landscape plan. Commissioner Sheridan asked that it be designated on Sheet C.2 as a retaining wall. Commissioner Sheridan asked if the zigzag in the playground area is a ramp. Mr. Baird responded that it is a ramp system. Mr. Sheridan asked for the height of the wall. Mr. Baird responded that it varies and is in the 6 -ft. range at the maximum. Commissioner Sheridan asked if there is a fence around the playground. Mr. Baird responded that there is. Commissioner Sheridan asked that it be shown and that the type offence (wrought iron] be designated. Commissioner Sheridan asked if they are allowed any other type of material. Ms. Huggins responded that it must be wrought iron [any area abutting golf course shall be wrought iron]. Commissioner Sheridan asked for an explanation of the light line in the playground area. Mr. Baird stated that it is the limit of the playground- where the fence will be located. Commissioner Sheridan asked if there are codes or issues with playground equipment that the Planning and Zoning Commission should be concerned with. Ms. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes December 16, 2010 Huggins responded that the Building Permit and Inspections Department would address those concerns. Commissioner Sheridan stated that the parking spaces directly in front of the building are 30 -ft. deep. Are those for vans or something? Mr. Baird responded that it is a function of the angle of approach so that the minimum depth on the shortest tangent is still long enough for an average car. Commissioner Sheridan asked how someone is going to get into parking spaces one and two without backing up to get into those spaces. Mr. Baird stated that the intent is to utilize the larger packing lot to the southeast and use that as a directional parking lot to guide the nature and flow of traffic, and allow access to those spaces. Commissioner Sheridan stated that it seems very constricted to try to park there and with the fire hydrant location he would want some bollards to protect the hydrant. Commissioner Sheridan asked for the handicap ramps to be called out. He stated that former Planning and Zoning Commissioner Bob Ashby would insist on it. Commissioner Sheridan stated that this is a triangular piece of property and without a drainage plan to review he has to assume where the water is going to go and he assumes that there is no detention and it is all going offsite. He stated that water from the area around the exit onto the roundabout is all going through the parking lot and fire lane -- that seems to be the main drainage area. Mr. Baird staled that the site predominantly drains to the southeast parking lot. Commissioner Sheridan asked if the construction plans am reviewed for adequate handling of storm water. Mr. Rutledge explained that this is a private site and the applicant is responsible for designing the grading and drainage for on-site improvements that are considered private (that are not publicly maintained by the Town). The applicant is responsible by his own design to ensure that his site does not have, for example, ponding water. The Town does not review the grading and drainage of a private site because if, for example, for some reason the applicant's grading plan is inaccurate then the Town will have inherited, by its review, that the plan doesn't meet some ADA code or such. The drainage, as long as it is on the applicant's site, is considered private. When it leaves the site, then that's when the Town is interested in how it is received into the public water ways and into any public storm drain system. Commissioner Sheridan asked if the 18"sewer is accepting water from off-site. Mr. Rutledge stated that it is a public system receiving water offsite and the easement is required so that the Town can guarantee that it will be able to receive water. Commissioner Sheridan asked if the northern property is developed for any higher intensity would it be required to detain water. Mr. Rutledge stated that they would be required to do a drainage study that would ensure that their water runoff could be handled by the existing storm drain system. If it could not handle it, they would have to mitigate that, possibly by detention. Commissioner Sheridan stated that on Sheet A2.1, the rear elevation of Building 1, the emergency exits appear to be coming out within a few feet of a retaining wall without a sidewalk. Mr. Baird stated that there is a sidewalk wrapping around the back of the building connecting the rear doorways. Commissioner Sheridan asked if there will be a rail on top of the retaining wall. Mr. Baird responded that there will be where height dictates it. He stated that there are handicap accessibility standards where if there is a vertical difference greater than a foot a handrail is required and in all instances they will provide one. Commissioner Sheridan asked if a rail can be required opposite an emergency door no matter what the height? Mr. Rutledge responded that the building code requires a pedestrian guard rail on any drop greater than 30 inches. Planning 8 Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes December 16, 2010 Adjourn Commissioner Sheridan asked how the kids are getting to the playground. Mr. Baird responded through the front door, primarily, and down the sidewalk and the ramp to the playground. For approximately an additional ten minutes Mr. Sheridan had additional comments: about the building numbering and which building would have retail; about the egress and the roundabout radius; about signage for the egress and for the roundabout. Vice Chairman Stephens and Commissioner Davidson offered a few comments regarding the roundabout construction and signage. A motion was made by Vice Chair Stephens, seconded by Commissioner Reed, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval to the Town Council, with the stipulation that the trees along Trophy Club Drive shall be a minimum of 4" caliper, The motion CARRIED by the following vote: Aye: 7- Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert This meeting Adjourned at 8:06 p.m. Gone Hill, Chairman ' aqm�L�04()J Carolyn Huggins, Immunity Develi Director