Minutes P&Z 10/21/2010r r, Trophy Club Entities Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76252 Thursday, October 21, 2010 7:00 PM Svore Municipal Building Boardroom Call To Order and announce a quorum. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. with a quorum present. COMMISSION MEMBERS: Present: 6 - Vice Chair James Stephens, Commissioner Mike Davidson, Commissioner Dennis Sheridan, Chairman Gene Hill, Commissioner Clayton Reed, and Commissioner Gary Richert Absent: 1 - Commissioner Dale Forest STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT. Carolyn Huggins, Community Development Director Warren Corwin, Corwin Engineering Kyle Salzman, Jacobs Engineering Jim Wiegert, Jacobs Engineering Steve Lenart, Lenart Development Lance Proctor, Lenart Development Adam Adams, Director or Parks and Recreation Tom Rutledge, Town Engineer, Teague, Nall & Perkins Nick Nelson, Teague, Nall & Perkins Councilman Bill Rose Councilman J. D. Stotts Councilwoman Cantrell Approval of Minutes 2010.572-T Review and approve minutes of the September 16, 2010 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. A motion was made by Vice Chair Stephens, seconded by Commissioner Davidson, that this Agenda Item be Approved. The motion CARRIED by the following vote: Aye: 5 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan, Chairman Hill, and Commissioner Reed Abstain: 1- Commissioner Richert PUBLIC HEARING 2. 2010-581-T Public Hearing to consider a request for approval of the Final Plat of Lot 1, Block 1, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 1 of 11 Meeting Date: October 21, 2010 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 21, 2010 Independence Park East Addition, being a replat of all of Lot 1, Block 1, Trophy Club Recreation Center and a called 12.90 acre tract of land situated in the Joseph Henry Survey, Abstract No. 529, Denton County, Texas and containing a total of 18.90 acres of land. Applicant: Town of Trophy Club (FP -10-037) Chairman Hill opened the public hearing. There were none wishing to speak at this time although further discussion and staff reports and a Parks Department presentation will be given during the discussion portion of this item. This Agenda ItemReferred to the Town Council, due back on 11/1/2010 2010-573-T Public Hearing to consider a request for approval of a Site Plan of Independence Park East, known as Lot 1, Block 1, Independence Park East Addition (18.900 acres) located in the 500 Block of Parkview Drive. Applicant: Town of Trophy Club (SP -10-012). Chairman Hill opened the public hearing. There were none wishing to speak at this time although further discussion and staff mports and a Parks Department presentation will be given during the discussion portion of this item. This Agenda ItemReferred to the Town Council, due back on 11/1/2010 2010574-T Public Hearng to consider a request for approval of a Site Plan for Freedom Park, a 16.01 acre tract of land situated in the T. J. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 7, in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas. Applicant: Town of Trophy Club (SP -10-013). Chairman Hill opened the public hearing. There were none wishing to speak at this time although further discussion and staff reports and a Parks Department presentation will be given during the discussion portion of this item. This Agenda ItentReferred to the Town Council, due back on 11/1/2010 REGULAR SESSION 2010.575-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Final Plat for Neighborhood 4, Phase 2A (24.80 acres) located in The Highlands at Trophy Club. Applicant: Corwin Engineering on behalf of Standard Pacific of Texas, Inc. and K. Hovnanian Hames-DFW, LLC (FP -10-036) A. Subdividers Agreement - Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Subdivider's Agreement for Neighborhood 4, Phase 2A. Chairman Hill announced the case and asked for a staff report. Ms. Huggins stated that this neighborhood is located in the Tumbeny Addition of The Highlands. There are no gas wells in this neighborhood. There is a public space between this neighborhood and NH 6, which is for golf cart goHcourse access between the homes bordering the golf course of Neighborhoods 4 and 6. It is designated on the plat as Public Open Space Lot 1, Block H and will be maintained by the Homeowners Association, which is also noted on the plat. This plat meets the subdivision rules and regulations and staff recommends approval. Waren Corwin, representing K. Hovnanian and Standard Pacific, was present and available to answer any questions from Commissioners. Commissioner Sheridan asked if there is any flood area on or near the plat. Mr. Corwin responded that there is no floodplain on the plat. Commissioner Sheridan asked that all sidewalk easements be identified. All are shown on the plat, but not all are individually identified. He would like each one identified. Mr. Cowin stated that the plat taken to Council will have each identified. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 of 11 Meeting Date: October 21, 2010 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 21, 2070 Commissioner Davidson asked what is pending for review by the Town Engineer. Mr. Rutledge, Teague, Nall & Perkins, responded that some small technical drainage comments are outstanding. Nothing is outstanding that would prohibit this plat from moving forward. He stated that there is a 7x5 box culvert that discharges into the creek and there will be some additional comments about how that will penetrate the creek to protect it from erosion. There was no further discussion from the Commissioners and Chairman Hill called for a motion. A motion was made by Commissioner Sheridan, seconded by Vice Chair Stephens, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval with Conditions to the Town Council, on 11/15/2010. The conditions are that the engineering documents must have Town Engineer approval prior to placement of this plat on a Council agenda. The motion CARRIED by the following vote: Aye: 6 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert 2010-576-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Final Plat for Neighborhood 1, Phase 2A (16.678 acres) located in The Highlands at Trophy Club, northwest of the intersection of Trophy Club Drive and Bobcat Blvd. Applicant: Jacobs on behalf of High Trophy Development, L.P. (FP -10-033) A. Subdividers Agreement. Consider and take appropriate action regarding approval of a Subdividers Agreement for Neighborhood 1, Phase 2A of The Highlands at Trophy Club, between the Town and High Trophy Development, LP Chairman Hill announced the case and asked for a staff report. Ms. Huggins stated that this neighborhood is called Aberdeen Trails. Gas Well Pad 2H is located to the east of the lots located on the east side of Balmain Court. The applicant will be adding two notes to the plat -- before this plat goes to Council — those notes will indicate that the distance from habitable structure to gas wellhead must be a minimum of 200 -ft. and that each builder submitting a building permit fora lot adjacent to a gas well site will be required to submit a survey verifying the distance from wellhead to the nearest point of the habitable structure. Also, the square footage of each lot is not on the plat, but will be added to each lot before this plat goes to Council. Staff did obtain that information from the applicant and verified that each lot is in compliance and meets the minimum lot specifications. Staff recommends approval of this plat at this time. Kyle Salzman, Jacobs Engineering, was present representing the applicant. Commissioner Sheridan asked that the wellheads be identified on the plat. Kyle Salzman, Jacobs Engineering, slated that from theirpempective they do not have an issue adding the wellhead locations to the plat. Chairman Hill asked that the gas wellhead locations be added to the plat before the plat goes to Council. Commissioner Sheridan stated that there is greenspace surrounding the northern edge of the plat. He asked how faraway the 100 -year floodplain is from these lots and will there be any significant back filling of any of the lots. Mr. Salzman responded that the 100 -year floodplain at Lake Grapevine is, he believes, 564 -ft. elevation and it is not close to these lots. He stated that it touches some of the open space but is not within the platted area and is a fair distance from the lots. Commissioner Sheridan asked for a definition of "fair distance". Mr. Salzman responded that in places the elevations for these lots are in the neighborhood of 580. Commissioner Sheridan Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 of 11 Meeting Date: October 21, 2010 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 21, 2010 stated that floodplain, then, isn't an issue here. He asked, Uhat about backfill, for instance, the gap between Lots 38 and 39." Mr. Salzman responded that flowage easement is roughly 6 -ft. above the floodplain elevation— 572 -ft. — the flowage easement comes up near that area which prevented putting a buildable lot there. Commissioner Sheridan asked if significant fill would be put on the lots, significant meaning more then 4 -ft. Mr. Salzman responded that fill was placed a couple of years ago and he doesnY recall how much was put there at that time. Commissioner Sheridan stated that on Block A on the west side of the plat there is a sidewalk that is part of the trail system and the sidewalk should be 61 He stated that the existing sidewalk is 6 -ft. and this will be tied into it even though it isn't marked on this plat, correct? Mr. Salzman responded, "Yes". He stated that it is in the zoning. Ms. Huggins added that the pathway plan is identified in the PD -27 zoning ordinance and the 6 -ft. sidewalk trail requirement will be addressed in the Subdividers Agreement that goes to Council for approval. Commissioner Davidson asked why there was a change in lot design from preliminary plat to final plat. Mr. Salzman didn't have a response but Commissioner Sheridan gave the opinion that this final plat follows the original master plan design rather than the preliminary plat design. There was no further discussion and Chairman Hill called for a motion. A motion was made by Commissioner Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Reed, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval with Conditions to the Town Council, on 1111/2010. The conditions are that engineering documents must have Town Engineer approval prior to placement of this plat on a Council agenda. The motion CARRIED by the following vote: Aye: 6- Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert 2010577-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a Final Plat for Neighborhood 5, Phase 2B (16.198 acres) located in The Highlands at Trophy Club. Applicant: Jacobs on behalf of High Trophy Development, L.P. (FP -10-034) A. Subdividers Agreement. Consider and take appropriate action regarding approval of a Subdivider's Agreement for Neighborhood 5, Phase 2B of The Highlands at Trophy Club, between the Town and High Trophy Development, LP Chairman Hill asked that the gas well pad be identified and, as noted in the previous plat for Neighborhood 1, add the location of the wellheads to the gas well site, as well as adding two notes to the plat regarding distance and permitting of gas well sites. He also asked that the square footage of each lot be added to the plat. Commissioner Sheridan asked that any floodplain close to the platted area be designated on the plat. He also asked that a note be added to the plat designating that no buildable lots are in the floodplain. There was no further discussion and Chairman Hill called for a motion. A motion was made by Commissioner Sheridan, seconded by Vice Chair Stephens, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval with Conditions to the Town Council, ori The conditions are that engineering documents must have Town Engineer approval prior to placement of this plat on a Council agenda. The motion CARRIED by the following vote: Aye: 6 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 of 11 Meeting Date: October 21, 2010 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 21, 2010 2010578-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Final Plat for Neighborhood 6, Phase 3A (21.176 acres) located in The Highlands at Trophy Club. Applicant: Jacobs on behalf of High Trophy Development, L.P. (FP -10-035) A. Subdividers Agreement. Consider and take appropriate action regarding approval of a Subdivider's Agreement for Neighborhood 6, Phase 3A of The Highlands at Trophy Club, between the Town and High Trophy Development, LP Chairman Hill announced the case and asked for a staff report. Ms. Huggins stated that this is the first plat brought before the Commission for Neighborhood 6, which will be known as Prestwick Hollow of The Highlands. This plat brings forward 51 lots in Neighborhood 6. These are all Lot Type 2lots, which require a minimum 10,000 sq. ff. lot 11,000 if adjacent to a golf course. This plat meets the Town's subdivision rules and regulations and staff recommends approval. Kyle Salzman, Jacobs Engineering, was present representing the applicant. Chairman Hill asked that a lot on an adjoining property (outside the platted area) be identified before this plat goes to Council. Applicant will do so. There was no further discussion and Chairman HIII called for a motion. A motion was made by Commissioner Reed, seconded by Vice Chair Stephens, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval with Conditions to the Town Council, on 1111/2010. The conditions are that engineering documents must have Town Engineer approval prior to placement of this plat on a Council agenda. The motion CARRIED by the following vote: Aye: 6 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed and Commissioner Richert 2010-580-T Consider and lake appropriate action regarding a request for approval of the Final Plat of Lot 1, Block 1, Independence Park East Addition, being a replal of all of Lot 1, Block 1, Trophy Club Recreation Center and a called 12.90 acre tract of land situated in the Joseph Henry Survey, Abstract No. 529, Denton County, Texas and containing a total of 18.90 acres of land. Applicant: Town of Trophy Club (FP -10-037) Chairman Hill asked for a staff report. Ms. Huggins stated that the Final Plat of Independence Park East is a replal of the Recreation Center lot, which is where the community pool is located. Some amenities of the park— a ball field, some parking spaces— cross the lot lines of the recreation center lot which is why the replat is necessary. The recreation center lot is being replatted to include the 12.900 acres of what was called Northwest Park of PD -27, which was rezoned in April to Commercial Recreation and renamed in June to Independence Park East. The name of the park is Independence Park East because it is on the east side of Parkview Drive. On the west side of Parkview Drive is the original Independence Park, which will now be called Independence Park West. This plat meets the Town's platting regulations and staff recommends approval. Commissioner Davidson asked if the drainage easement would impact the two ball fields. Mr. Adams stated that there aren't any drainage structures above ground that will impact the ball fields. The drainage culvert is buried. There was no further discussion and Chairman Hill called for a motion. A motion was made by Vice Chair Stephens, seconded by Commissioner Reed, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval to the Town Council, on 11/112010. The motion CARRIED by the following vote: Planning and Zoning Commission Page 5 of 11 Meeting Date: October21, 2010 Planning 8 Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 21, 2010 Aye: 6- Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert 10. 2010-582-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan of Independence Park East, known as Lot 1, Block 1, Independence Park East Addition (18.900 acres) located in the 500 Block of Parkview Drive. Applicant: Town of Trophy Club (SP -10-012). Chairman Hill announced the case and asked for a staff report. Ms. Huggins stated that the Site Plan meets the Town regulations except in two areas. The first is the lighting at the property line of Lot 6, Neighborhood 9, which is a higher candle foot power than allowed by ordinance. Staff is asking for a waiver. A berm and large caliper trees (approximately 6 -in.) will be planted to mitigate the light bleeding over onto Lot 6. The second waiver is for the number of trees along Parkview Drive. The ordinance requires 4" caliper trees planted on 30 -ft. centers and Staff is asking for a waiver to allow 3" caliper trees on 40-ff. centers. Staffis recommending approval of the site plan with granting of two waivers. Adam Adams, Parrs and Recreation Director, gave a PowerPoint presentation of the development plans for Independence Park East, pointing out four ball fields, two multiuse fields, parking (201 spaces), and landscaping (approximately 180 trees and 525 shrubs). He pointed out the lighting in the right field adjacent be Lot 6, Neighborhood 9 which will shine over the masonry wall into Lot 6. Mr. Adams explained that for baseball strong lighting is required for safety in catching a ball in the air. At the perimeter of the property (the base of the wall) the lighting is within the allowed candle toot because the wall blocks the light. The ground will be bermed and large trees (6 -inch caliper) will be planted along the perimeter of Lot 6 at the point needed to diffuse the light. Commissioner Davidson asked for an explanation of the decorative street treatments that will be used on this site. Mr. Rutledge stated that the pavers will be stained concrete at the cul-de-sac in the park and at the main drive from the street. There were no further comments or discussion from the Planning and Zoning Commissioners. Councilman Starts came to the podium. Comments/Questions: In his opinion the waiver for the trees is valid. He asked a question regarding the arbor height, the sidewalk width, the depth of the concrete and the decorative landscaping. He also asked about the area and slope around the concession stand Men Mr. Stotts completed his comments, Chairman Hill called for a motion. A motion was made by Commissioner Davidson, seconded by Vice Chair Stephens, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval with Conditions to the Town Council, on 11/112010. The conditions are granting a waiver for: (1) Lighting at the property line of Lot 6, Neighborhood 9, which will be mitigated by a berm and planting of large caliper trees; and (2) the front landscape buffer along Parkview Drive may contain 3" caliper trees planted on 40 -ft. centers rather than 4" caliper trees planted on 30 -ft. centers. The motion CARRIED by the following vote: Aye: 6 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert 11. 2010583-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of the Preliminary Plat of Lot 1, Block 1, Freedom Park Addition, a 16.100 acre tract of land situated in the T. J. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 7, in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton Planning and Zoning Commission Page 6 of 11 Meeting Date'. October 21, 2010 Planning 8 Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 21, 2010 County, Texas. Applicant: Town of Trophy Club (PP -10-019) Chairman Hill announced the case and asked that the applicant's engineer identify the gas well site to the north of the park. Commissioner Sheridan asked that the wellheads be identified on the plat. He asked how the floodplain area will be maintained that is located inside the plat. Mr. Adams responded that it will be lett in a natural state. Commissioner Sheridan asked if it would be open to the public. Mr. Adams responded that it will be open to the public. Commissioner Sheridan asked a number of questions regarding drainage. He is concerned than an 1 B"culvert (on the east side of the plat) isnY adequate to handle the water Now across this property. Town Engineer, Tom Rutledge, responded that the culvert is on Corps of Engineer property and controlled by the Corps, but is adequate to handle the flow, which is noted on the plat, but not in a table format which is where Mr. Sheridan had been looking for the data. Mr. Rutledge also Pointed out two future storm drains from Neighborhood 7 into the park. He stated that Neighborhood 7 is anticipated to come on line in approximately two years and when that neighborhood develops Staff and the Town Engineer will be able to review the construction plans and require adequate storm drains at that time. There were no further comments or discussion from the Planning and Zoning Commissioners. Councilman Stotts came to the podium. He stated that he was previously on the Park Board and they looked at this property a lot and saw all kinds ofplans. He stated that this plan is new to him and he has some thoughts. Regarding drainage he is concerned that the area is, and will continue to be, filled with junk. He feels that if there is a big rain event, the pads will have to be closed. Mr. Rutledge responded that the park will not need to be closed. It is outside the 100 -year event. Mr. Adams added a few comments regarding the floodplain area of the park as a passive use area. The active use areas extend to the tree line, but not into the trees although dogs are welcome to go into those areas. Commissioner Sheridan noted that a 42" storm drain pipe empties onto the park in the far northwest corner of the park and depending on the slope the water flow could be significant. Mr. Rutledge responded that when that pipe is built the builder would be required to flatten it out at the bottom so that the velocity of water is slowed by lack of slope. Rip rap could then be installed and used to further slow the velocity of water The intent is to save the trees — they will be pruned and trimmed — but this is a dog park and the intent is to let the dogs run among the trees and keep the park as natural as possible, including allowing water to come onto the park rather than digging up the ground and trees to install large underground storm drains. Mr. Sheridan asked if a Swale to fame the water along the northern property line is a possibility, moving the fence inside the rip rap. Mr. Rutledge started to answer Commissioner Sheridan but Councilman Stotts spoke from the podium. "I have a question about that and it is somewhat related to that 42 -in. and 30 -in. drain. So some of the original plans when we were all dreaming about putting the ball fields here we looked at having the 42 and 30 inch drain going together and that would be a ways down which would then remove any concerns about swampland inside the park. What was the approximate cost per foot to do something like that?" Mr. Rutledge responded that the Corps of Engineer would not allow going past 572, which influenced and changed the direction of the design of the park. A 42 -inch pipe is approximately $130 perlmear foot. Mr. Rutledge reminded the Commissioners and Council that the construction plans for Neighborhood 7 aren't designed yet and when they are the applicant will be required to get an easement from the Town to Planning and Zoning Commission Page 7 of 11 Meeting Date: October 21, 2010 Planning 8 Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 21, 2010 bring the storm drain onto the property and thus the Town will be able to control how that happens. Commissioner Sheridan asked if a detention is possible on the other side. Mr. Rutledge responded that there is not. Councilman Stotts spoke again from the podium. "What is the current acreage for the small and large dog sections? It seems quite a bit larger than what 'we'originally proposed." Those figures were not readily available, but staff will add those figures to the site plan prior to Council. Mr. Stotts stated that there seems to be a lot more fencing which could drive up the costs and he stated that the shape seems "funky". Mr. Rutledge responded that the terrain and contouring drove the shape of the two areas. Mr. Stotts made several comments about the trees identified on the plans, clarification was given. Mr. Stotts asked if any fields are possible at this park. Mr. Adams stated that none are planned at this park, again, the contouring of this park makes it difficult to add a usable field due to the large flowage easement that is located through a large portion of the middle ofthe park. Mr. Stotts stated that Balmoral isnY built yet and he asked how the park will be built and accessed until Balmoral is built. Ms. Huggins responded that staff is in discussion with the developer of Neighborhood 7 to go ahead and build a small portion of Balmoral so that access to the park off of Balmoral is possible. Mr. Stotts asked how access to the Shanklin property is going to be provided. Mr. Rutledge responded that access to the Shanklin property is by the gravel road leading to the gas wells. Mr. Stotts stated that he believed that road would go away with this project. Ms Huggins responded that portions of it will be realigned around the park site and staff is in discussions with Encana and the developer to improve the dirt road to Gas Well sites 3-H and 15-H, which is also Ms. Sheri access to her property. Mr. Stotts stated that he will have additional comments on the site plan. Chairman Hill asked if there were any further comments or discussion from the Commissioners. There were none and Chairman Hill called for a motion on the preliminary plat. A motion was made by Commissioner Sheridan, seconded by Vice Chair Stephens, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval with Conditions to the Town Council, on 11/1/2010. The conditions are that the gas well site be identified and drainage data chart added for the plats that will be seen by Council. The motion CARRIED by the following vole: Aye: 6 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert 12. 2010-584-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Final Plat of Lot 1, Block 1, Freedom Park Addition, a 16.100 acre tract of land situated in the T. J. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 7, in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas. Applicant: Town of Trophy Club (FP -10-038) Chairman Hill announced the case. Ms. Huggins stated that this request is for a final plat for Freedom Park, and the gas well site will be identified on the plat copies given to Council. Ms. Huggins stated that the plat meets Town ordinances and Staff recommends approval. Commissioner Sheridan asked if the flowage easement could be shown on the Final plat. Mr. Rutledge explained that flowage easements cannot be stated as metes and bounds in order o be placed on the plat, but the note on the plat indicates the property is subject to a flowage easement. The gas line easement will be added to the final plat. It was shown on the preliminary plat, but not on the final plat. A motion was made by Commissioner Reed, seconded by Vice Chair Stephens, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 8 of 11 Meeting Date: October 21, 2010 Planning B Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 21, 2010 that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval to the Town Council, on 11/112010. The motion CARRIED by the following vote: Aye: 6- Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert 13. 2010.585-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Site Plan of Freedom Park, a 16.100 acre tract of land situated in the T. J. Allen Survey, Abstract No. 7, in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas. Applicant: Town of Trophy Club (SP -10-013). Chairman Hill announced the case and Mr. Adams, Parks and Recreation Director, gave a presentation of the planned development of the park. Commissioner Sheridan asked if this is being paid for by bond money and the Town is maintaining it. Mr. Adams responded that a small portion will be paid for by the Public Improvement District and the rest by bond money and the Town will be maintaining the park. Mr. Sheridan asked if maintenance of this park is already in the budget. Mr. Adams explained that Freedom Park will only have waterimpact on the current year (FY 10.11) budget. The park will come on-line in the following budget year (2011-12). Mr. Sheridan askedif there would be a tax increase because of it. Mr. Adams stated that he couldnY answer that question. Commissioner Davidson asked a question regarding fencing. Ms. Huggins explained that a waiver is being requested to use chain link rather than ornamental wrought imn. Commissioner Sheridan asked if the Corps of Engineer will allow fencing on the Corp property Mr. Rutledge responded that the Corps will allow it. Ms. Huggins stated that the Site Plan meets the Town regulations (for site plan approval and PD -27) except in two areas. The first is to allow chain link fencing along Trophy Park Drive, as well as along the north side of the dog park property abutting residential. The second is to allow the fence along Balmoral to be placed 5 -ft. off the property line and that chain link material be allowed. Staff recommends approval of the site plan and granting of these two waivers. Commissioner Davidson asked if a masonry fence is required along Trophy Park Drive and Balmoral. Ms. Huggins explained that it is not needed for a park, but is required if fronting a residential neighborhood in PD -27. Councilman Stotts asked for more information for the fencing along Balmoral — how much spacing from the curb to the fence? Mr. Rutledge explained that from the back of curb there will be 44 of grass and a 5 -ft. wide sidewalk (all of which is right-of-way). Then the property line begins and by PD -27 regulations, there is a 25 -ft. setback and the fence would normally be placed on the building line, 251 from the right-of-way. Staff is asking for a waiver to allow the fence to be placed 5 -ft. of the property line. So, there will be back of curb, 4 -ft. digress, 6 -ft. of sidewalk, 5 -ft. of grass, and then the chain link fencing of Freedom Park. Granting of this waiver will allow an additional 20 -ft. ofarea for the "large dog" fenced yard. Mr. Rutledge explained that the sidewalk won't be put in until Neighborhood 7 is developed. He explained that it's practical to wait until Neighborhood 7 is developed so that the sidewalk follows the curve of the street. Mr. Stotts asked for the size of the concrete mow strip under the fence. Mr. Rutledge explained that they are about 12 -inches wide and they go about 16 to 16 -inches in depth. He stated that with dog parks it is important to have depth so they don't dig under the fence and so that maintenance is easier. Mr. Stotts asked it the mow strips would go around all the chain link fenced areas. Mr. Rutledge confirmed that they will. Mr. Stotts commented that he believes the chain link waiver is a good idea. He asked if the PID funds were expended. Mr. Adams responded that they are almost done with the PID funds assigned to this park. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 9 of 11 Meeting Date: October 21, 2010 Planning S Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 21, 2010 Adjourn Mr. Stotts had other questions regarding the PID funds but recognized those were outside the realm of a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting so he will address those in a different forum. Mr. Stotts asked if the bathrooms and the pavilion are alternates. Mr. Adams confirmed that they are alternates. Mr. Stotts asked how the water will be handled through the fence. Mr. Rutledge stated that the fence design incorporates water flow through the fence. The fence will convey the water but keep the dogs separated. Councilman Rose stated that Royal Troon has a masonry wall between the neighborhood and the park. He asked ifthat is a different standard that what is required here. Ms. Huggins explained that PD -27 requires wrought iron fencing between residential and a pads. At the time that Neighborhood 9 was developed, the developer requested a waiver to allow a masonry wall to be built to give the residents more privacy from the park. The waiver was granted and the masonry wall was built (and paid for) by the developer. Councilwoman Cantrell slated that she would prefer to see some othertype of fencing, than chain link, along Trophy Park Drive and Balmoral Drive. She asked how many acres are usable areas before the tree line. Mr. Rutledge responded that there is about 10 acres of usable area before the tree line. Fine actual acreage of the large dog play area is 4.18 acres and the small dog area is 2.32 acres; total usable area: 8.61 acres.) Ms. Central) stated that the total acreage of the park is 16 acres and she wondered what the percentage of usable park is based on the money the Town is putting into it. She also commented that she is very concerned that the pavilion wont look as good as desired. She stated that she knows it is an option, but she stated that she talked to Mr. Seidel about possible stone faces to the poles to make them look a little dressier. She stated theta lot of money was spent on the ballparks so she'd like to see this one done right. She repeated that she has an issue with chain link fencing along the main roads. There were no further comments and Chairman Hill called for a motion. Commissioner Sheridan made a motion recommending approval of the Site Plan for Freedom Park, disallowing the waivers for chain link fencing. The motion did not receive a second. A motion was made by Commissioner Reed, seconded by Vice Chair Stephens, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval with Conditions to the Town Council, on 111112010. The conditions are recommendation of approval of the waivers for chain link fencing along Trophy Park Drive, Balmoral Drive, and along the north side of the dog park abutting residential, and allowing the placement of the east chain link fence along Balmoral to be 5 -ft. off the property line. The motion CARRIED by the following vote: Aye: 5 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert No: 1- Commissioner Sheridan This meeting Adjourned 8:50 p.m. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 10 of 11 Meeting Date: October 21, 2010 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 21, 2010 Gerisi Chairman Carolyn Huggii Community DevOopYnent Director Planning and Zoning Commission Page 11 of 11 Meeting Date'. October21, 2010