Minutes P&Z 10/20/2011c' °a Trophy Club Entities Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Thursday, October 20, 2011 7:00 PM Svore Municipal Building Boardroom Call To Order and announce a quorum. Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with a quorum present. COMMISSION MEMBERS: Present: 7- Vice Chair James Stephens, Commissioner Mike Davidson, Commissioner Dennis Sheridan, Commissioner Dale Forest, Chairman Gene Hill, Commissioner Clayton Reed, and Commissioner Gary Richert STAFF PRESENT: Carolyn Huggins, Community Development Director GUESTS PRESENT: Mayor Connie White Councilwoman Jeannette Tiffany Approximately 20 residents were in attendance. 1. 2011-562-T Review and approve minutes of the October 4, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Forest, seconded by Vice Chair Stephens, that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 6 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert Abstain: 1- Commissioner Davidson Citizen Presentation Residents wished to speak regarding Agenda item #4 2011-569-T PD -30. Chairman Hill asked the residents to wait until that item came up for discussion. PUBLIC HEARING 2. 2011529-T Public Hearing to consider changes to the Town of Trophy Club Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, amending various sections of Chapter 13 -Zoning, including without limitation, amending and adopting new regulations for all public/government owned and Planning and Zoning Commission Page 1 of 4 Meeting Date: October 20, 2011 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 20, 2011 operated uses; and amending a definition for "hotel or motel" and adopting a definition for "Bank or Financial Institution". (ADM -11-008) Tabled and Referred to the Planning & Zoning Commission due back on 1 111 712 011 Ms. Huggins stated that Staff requests removal of this item from the agenda. She stated that Staff is going to continue to do some work on this Item and will bring it back to the Planning and Zoning Commission at the beginning of 2012. She stated that the Items are text changes-- to the "GU" government use district regulations and a definition for hotel/motel and a definition for bank or financial institution -- and do not affect anything currently under consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission or Town Council; therefore, staff will bring this back at a future date and republish at that time. She stated that this removes Item Nos. 2 and 3 from the agenda. REGULAR SESSION 2011.563-T Discussion and Recommendation regarding changes to the Town of Trophy Club Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, amending various sections of Chapter 13 -Zoning, including without limitation, amending and adopting new regulations for all public/government owned and operated uses; and amending a definition for "hotel or motel"; and adopting a definition for "Bank or Financial Institution". (ADM -11-008) Tabled and Referred to the Planning & Zoning Commission due back on 11117/2011 2011569-T Discussion of a Planned Development District for a 26.354 acre tract of land located on State Highway 114 and Trophy Club Drive. Ms. Huggins slated that the Planning and Zoning Commission was planning to go through this document this evening page -by -page, but the document was not received from the applicant until yesterday, October 19, and the Planning and Zoning Commission did not receive it until this evening -- it's on the desk in front of each of you --and it will be on the Town website tomorrow moming for residents access. Ms. Huggins stated that she would like to go through the document and point out the changes that the applicant has made to the document. A list of the changes will also be placed on the Town website. She stated that the Commissioners can take this document home to review it in detail and then come back in two weeks at the November 3 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to go through the document page -by -page. This will give the Commissioners two weeks to review the document in detail. Ms. Huggins explained that the pictures and exhibits have been deleted from the document, but that is strictly for ease of review. The exhibits and pictures are NOT REMOVED from the document permanently -- they will be reinstated.. Also, many typographical errors have been corrected but there are additional errors that still need to be cleaned up and the applicant and staff will continue to correct those errors. Ms. Huggins went through the document and pointed out each revision made by the applicant t Pg. 7, Conditional Use Permit required for Religious and Philanthropic Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 of4 Meeting Date'. October20, 2011 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 20, 2011 organizations 2. Pg. 8, Specific Use Permit required for Beer Wine and Liquor Sales (OH -Premise Consumption Only) 3. Pg. 8, Dinner Theater as a Permitted Use 4. Pg. 9, Specific Use Permit required for a Liquor Store 5. Pg. 9, Performing Arts Center as a Permitted Use 6. Pg. 9, Specific Use Permit required for Restaurant with Alcoholic Beverage Sales (Appropriate TABC License Required) 7. Pg. 9, Theater as a Permitted Use 8. Pg. 9, Oil and Gas Exploration removed from document 9. Pg. 11, Tree Preservation requirements will apply to PC 10, Pg, 12, Tree Removal and Tree Replacement Standards 11, Pg, 16, Maximums added for residential proximity, townhomes and live/work units, multifamily and mixed use buildings, hotel and offices, retail uses, and parking 12. Pg. 17, Limits on Rooftop projections 13. Pg, 36, Maximum density for multifamily 14. Pg. 47, General phasing of uses, infrastructure, drives and sidewalks will be provided with preliminary site plan 15 Pg, 48, Formatting only... should begin with (a) — needs to be corrected as does Pg. 49, #3 the "Process"should begin with (a) through (0 Ms. Huggins stated that a resident dropped off handout for the Commissioners, but as this is not a public hearing it cannot be distributed. There were three residents who requested to speak and the Chairman granted them three minutes each. Jim Moss, 979 Trophy Club Drive, Christina Pearlman, 6 Hamper Ct. (Susan Mass requested that she be allowed to give her minutes to Christina Pearlman.) Lisa Hennessy, 45 Panorama Circle, Commissioner Davidson asked to make a statement I want to thank all of you for not only showing up today but also your support in previous meetings for making sure that the process is followed according to what we set forth many years ago to protect the community. That is what we are here for, that's what we do. By no means was this something that we instigated. This was done outside of this immediate group. I think it is important that when this type of issue comes up that the community gets involved and this is a great thing to see that you all did get involved and as a direct result of your actions, and I didjust a quick check based on the comments that were submitted to us on the previous meeting, of the 14 items listed, you had a direct impact on at least 8 of those. Tome that speaks volumes to what the residents can do even at the P&Z level, let alone at the Council level to make the necessary adjustments to what is being presented. Thank you for standing up for what needs to be done. Clayton Reed: "and keep going" Chairman Hill: The Commission represents a considerable number of years of Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 of 4 Meeting Date: October 20, 2011 Planning&Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 20, 2011 Adjourn experience in the Town. We have dedicated our time and efforts to seeing that things that are done in the Town are done in the proper manner through our ordinances and for the best benefit of the residents, present and future. We intend, so long as 1 have an opportunity to be on this Commission, to continue to do the things that we. have done in the past to protect the residents and the future of the Town of Trophy Club. Thank you for your presence and 1 hope to see you again at future meetings. Referred to the Planning & Zoning Commission due back on 1113/2011 Meeting Adjourned at 7:40 p.m. James, Stephens, Viol, ics hairman Carolyn Huggins,Ca" mmunityDe Development Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 of 4 Meeting Date: October 20, 2011