Minutes P&Z 02/16/2012i1W Trophy Club Entities Meeting Minutes ik Planning & Zoning Commission Thursday, February 16, 2012 Call To Order and announce a quorum. 100 Municipal Drive Trophy Club, Texas 76262 7:00 PM Svore Municipal Building Boardroom Chairman Hill called the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. and announced a quorum present (7 members). COMMISSION MEMBERS: Present: 7 - Vice Chair James Stephens, Commissioner Mike Davidson, Commissioner Dennis Sheridan, Commissioner Dale Forest, Chairman Gene Hill, Commissioner Clayton Reed, and Commissioner Gary Richert STAFF PRESENT.• Carolyn Huggins, Community Development Director Tom Rutledge, Town Engineer COUNCIL PRESENT.• Bill Rose 2011-576-T Review and approve minutes of the November 3, 2011, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. A motion was made by Vice Chair Stephens, seconded by Commissioner Reed, that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 7 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert 2. 2012-44-T Review and approve minutes of the January 19, 2012, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Davidson, seconded by Commissioner Richert, that this Agenda Item be Approved . The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 7 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert REGULAR SESSION 3. 2012-45-T Discussion and Recommendation regarding a request for Site Plan approval for Samuel Beck Elementary School, 401 Parkview Drive, Lot 3, Block 1, Northwest Independent School District East Campus Addition. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 1 of 5 Meeting Date: February 16, 2012 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 16, 2012 Chairman Hill asked for any staff comments. Ms. Huggins: This is not a public hearing. A site plan requires a public hearing if it is in association with an amendment to a planned development district or in association with a rezoning request. We are not doing either of those tonight. This is straight zoning, CR, Commercial Recreation zoning, not a PD and there is no rezoning or PD amendment. It is just a public meeting, not a public hearing. Chairman Hill. Mr. Thomas, I understand you have a presentation for us. Mickey Thomas: I am Mickey Thomas with M. J. Thomas Engineering, 3400 Hulen Street, Fort Worth. We're here to present the additions and renovations to Beck Elementary School. We have a new building addition on the north end of the existing Beck Elementary. We have drainage improvements and new parking and fire lanes. We have created a new fire lane that will end in a hammerhead. We'll also create a parent drop-off on the north side of the access. They'll be able to come back around the facility and there will be a south drop-off with an independent 24 -ft. fire lane in between those two so you'll have a lane on the north, a lane on the south, and a 24 -ft. fire lane so no traffic will be able to stop inside the fire lane. The existing building is 66,730 sq. ft. We are adding a new building with 12,715 sq. ft. bringing the gross building square footage to 79,445. Along with replacing some of the existing parking, we are adding nine (9) additional spaces in one location and about 14 in another location. The net increase on the site will be about twelve (12) parking stalls. We worked with the Parks Department and Town staff to come up with this configuration after going through several site plans and configurations associated with the site. This seems to be the one all parties agreed upon to move forward with. We are providing an extension of the bus lane around the fire lane as well with the parking lot. Because of stacking issues with parking we've gone back in and made modifications and provided additional stacking for busing, and stacking for parent drop-off. We've also provided a connection that will allow parents to pull up along the front of the facility and stack. So, we have more than ample stacking. There is an existing 8" water line that loops the facility that comes around and goes to the middle of the building addition. We are going to be capping and plugging that system and moving it out and around the parking lot and down the new fire lane. We'll work with staff to accommodate that. There's an existing fire hydrant, but because of the new pavement it will be relocated, which will be part of the easements that will be associated with the second part of this discussion. We are sprinkling the new building addition. The entire building is being sprinkled. We do have drainage issues and are working with the town on those issues. Part of the drainage from Roanoke runs along the street to the west of the school site. The lots behind the school drain along the back lot line and then come over and get into the school parking lot's surface drain. We're planning to accommodate that drainage with a new public storm sewer that will intercept further down the street. There are existing arch pipes that come out of the Medlin site on the south side of Medlin. Then there is park property. Then there is Beck Elementary. In order to facilitate the additional imperviousness on the site, we've designed a storm drainage system that will pick up some of the additional parking, some of the roof drainage on the facility, some of the new drainage we've installed, and the stuff that drains out of these lots. All of that will enter into the drainage system. We are replacing the existing storm sewer system and all will discharge into an existing box culvert. This will accommodate the improvements that we're providing as well as additional capacity if the school district elects to comes back and do some additional development in the future. There is an existing trail system that runs on the back side of the facility that comes Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 of 5 Meeting Date: February 16, 2012 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 16, 2012 and goes in to the park and comes past our site, then T's and then runs east/west. With the addition of this parking lot it will be going over a portion of that. Weare going to reroute that trail system. In order to facilitate safety of kids we are trying to fence off these areas to try to contain children from getting into the parking lots. In coordination with staff and Parks Department we will not have gates in order to keep the trail open to the public. We're providing a new playground as well as keeping the existing playground. We are providing an ADA ramp at the very north end to take up the change in grade in the elevation. That is about the extent of our improvements. On the landscape plans, there are red X's. They indicate trees that are to be removed with this construction. Some that are away from the normal area of construction are being removed due to storm drainage and grading operations of this project. The other X's indicate removal of trees due to substantial amounts of grading and drainage necessary around the side of the facility. Ones in green are new trees that are being replanted. We do meet and exceed the Town ordinance for landscaping. We'll be happy to entertain any questions you may have. Commissioner Forest: About how many cars will be able to pile up in the loading, in the parent loop on the side of the new building? Mr. Thomas: We have around 1,200 -ft of total stacking distance. You end up with sixty cars, roughly, that can be stacked in those areas, which exceeds the state standards. There will be substantially more stacking distance now with this configuration than what is in the existing state. And that was one of the concerns the staff had going into this site plan. They wanted to make sure we helped elevate some of the traffic congestion issues because they said that was a problem, and it was one of the objectives of the school district to get in here and try to help that out as well. Commissioner Sheridan: A couple of minor typographical errors like number twenty-six and remove number seven. Mr. Thomas: Yes sir, we'll correct that. Vice Chair Stephens: 1 have no questions. Commissioner Reed: I don't have anything. Commissioner Davidson: There is no need for an increase in ADA spaces? It seems like it is staying at eight. It seems like you've added regular parking spaces but no additional ADA spaces. Mr. Thomas: On the existing site there are more ADA spaces than required. Each parking lot is set aside for its own ADA requirement, and each parking lot meets those requirements. Davidson: Since construction is taking place during part of the school year, as well as while other activities are taking place through the summer, how do you plan on fencing that off so that we don't have young ones getting involved? Mehran Aghili, Director of Construction, Northwest Independent School District (NISD), 1800 Highway 114, Justin, Texas: During construction, once we start building the parking lot we will fence off the construction site but have the required ingress and egress in case of emergency. We will use chain link fencing. We will have a job superintendent at the job site who will monitor the integrity of the fence during the construction. Most of the time the major problem we have is the fence doesn't stand up, but we will maintain the fence during the construction. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 of 5 Meeting Date: February 16, 2012 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 16, 2012 Adjourn Davidson: I'm assuming that proper erosion control will be maintained? Mr. Aghili: Yes Sir. Commissioner Richert. Where are the utility lines in relation to the playground in the park area? Mr. Thomas: We're going to be corded off to where we are staying south of the park as close to the right-of-way line of the street as possible. Most of the majority of that construction will be through the grassy area that is directly adjacent to the right-of-way. The reason why we did that, just so you know, is there is an existing storm facility in the road. In order not to disturb traffic and to not have to tear out the entire road and rehabilitate the entire thing and increase the amount of disturbance that's out there, we elected to put it to the side until we were forced to go into the street. There will be a parallel drainage system for a little while, then once it's able to go ahead and combine, we tie it back in and take everything to the large box culverts that go underneath the water park. Richert: When would you hope to do that utility construction part of the plan? Mr. Thomas: The utility construction will be at the beginning of the construction. Chairman Hill. What is the planned duration of your construction? Mr. Aghili: We have an agreement with the town that we need to notify all the parents and neighbors who use the street of the upcoming construction. We anticipate that it will take four or five days for notification after it goes through the Town Council. After we have done that and cleared it through the Town, we are ready to start construction and probably we will be finished with everything in mid-July. The last part of the construction is inside the building. Anything related to public improvements, though, should be done in June. Chairman Hill. So from start to finish approximately five months? Commissioner Davidson: The construction of the bus loop will be done after the school year ends? Mr. Aghili: We plan to do that first so we can then use that parking lot to do construction work on the other side of the site. Mr. Thomas: In order to not take away the entire parking lot, the south parking lot will be expanded first and once those are done we'll move to the northern parking lot. We are well over parked. By Town standards we are required to have 33 spots and we have 126. Vice Chairman Stephens: There isn't a lot of site work that needs to be done on the south side of the site, is there? Mr. Thomas: No Sir. There were no other questions and the Chairman called for a motion. A motion was made by Commissioner Forest, seconded by Commissioner Reed, that this Agenda Item be Recommended for Approval to the Town Council , on 0212012012. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 7 - Vice Chair Stephens, Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert Meeting Adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 of 5 Meeting Date: February 16, 2012 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 16, 2012 l Gene H- -ill, Chairman Carolyn Huggins, Community Development Director Planning and Zoning Commission Page 5 of 5 Meeting Date: February 16, 2012