Minutes P&Z 10/04/20121��m�������p�y �U � Entities Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Planning & Zoning Commission Thursday, October 4, 2012 7:00 PIM Svore Municipal Building Boardroom CALL T0ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Chairman Hill called the meeting umorder om7:V1pxn and announced that o quorum was present (5 members). COMMISSION MEMBERS: Present: 5- Commissioner Mike Davidson, Commissioner Dale Forest, Chairman Gene Hill, Commissioner Clayton Reed, and Commissioner Gary Richert Absent: 2- Vice Chair James Stephens, and Commissioner Dennis Sheridan STAFF AND GUESTS PRESENT. Stephen Seidel, Assistant Town Manager Mike Wilson, Teague Nall & Perkins Steve Lenart, Lenart Development Co. Lauren Gilstrap, JacobsEngineering Group Jim N0e0e/tJacobs Engineering Group Jennifer McKnight, District Manager, Municipal Utility District Kathy Trotter, Resident, 3Y0Skyline Drive 1. 2012-483-T Review and approve minutes ofthe September 2O.2O12Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Commissioner Forest made omotion toapprove the minutes ofthe September oo.3V1uPlanning and Zoning Commission meeting. The motion was seconded byCommissioner Davidson. The motion was approved unanimously. Aye: 5- Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert REGULAR SESSION %. 2012-484-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding arequest for approval ofaFinal Plat for Canterbury Hills, Phase I B (22.090 acres) located out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832inthe Town ofTrophy Club, Denton County, Texas. Chairman Hill announced the case and asked the applicant /ncome forward. Lauren Gilotrap,Jacobs Engineering, came forward tostate that they were present representing the applicant. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 1ox* Meeting Date: October 4.mnx Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 4, 2012 Chairman Hill gave an overview of the case from the staff report. Stephen Seidel, Assistant Town Manager, informed Chairman Hill that a resident had signed up to speak on this agenda item. Chairman Hill asked the resident to come forward. Kathy Trotter, 310 Syline Drive, stated that she has a lift station behind her home and she objects to the lack of space around the lift station. She feels this plat is a poor design. The MUD is planning to move their road into the parkland area and she brought this up two years ago when the town rezoned the property. She submitted a petition signed by about 920 people in her neighborhood for the lack of space on the lift station and that they have to move the road into the parkland. She stated that most of the other lift stations in Town have adequate space around them like there was an actual plan. The trucks come and go with adequate turnaround space. This one doesn't seem to be planned very well. She stated that on the east side of the drainage area there are three (3) lots but on the west side there is her house, the lift station, the road and three (3) other lots squeezed into the same amount of land. Assistant Town Manager Stephen Seidel explained that the area that Ms. Trotter is referring to is actually in Phase 2 of Canterbury Hills. He stated that the MUD has provided final comments to the applicant's engineer related to what they need to have done with the lift station. The Town Engineer has worked in conjunction with the developer and the MUD. He stated that there are no existing issues for the new lift station in Phase 9B. Chairman Hill asked the Commissioners for comments. Commissioner Davidson asked if the lift station behind Lots 43 and 44 will stay there? Assistant Town Manager Seidel responded that it could be discussed with the next agenda item. There was no further discussion and Chairman Hill called for a motion. Commissioner Reed made a motion recommending approval of the Final Plat for Canterbury Hills Phase 1 B. Commissioner Richert seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. The Town Council will hear this item on October 15, 2012. Aye: 5 - Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert 3. 2012-353-T Consider and take appropriate action regarding a request for approval of a Final Plat for Canterbury Hills, Phase 2 (21.552 acres) located out of the M. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 832 in the Town of Trophy Club, Denton County, Texas. Chairman Hill announced the case and asked the applicant to come forward. The Jacobs Engineering representative stated that they were available to answer any questions the Commissioners may have. Chairman Hill gave an overview of the case from the staff report and then asked for discussion or questions from the Commissioners. Commissioner Forest asked for clarification regarding Ms. Trotter's comments on the previous plat. Assistant Town Manager Seidel explained that the plat for consideration meets the Town's subdivision rules and regulations. He explained that the service road to the lift station is an on-going discussion between the Municipal Utility District (MUD) and the Town. it is a serviceway that is currently partially located on park property as well as partially located on developer property. The developer now wants to develop the property. The Town is working the MUD in order to provide access to the lift station that will not only service the existing area of Eagle's Ridge but also the new lots coming in to Canterbury Hills. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 of 4 Meeting Date: October 4, 2012 Planning & Zoning Commission Fleeting Minutes October 4, 2012 Chairman Hill stated that he was out on the property a week or so ago and the existing road is partially on what is shown as Lot 56 on the plat. The MUD representative, Jim Thomas, and Chairman Hill looked at it. There are trees on the park property. There is the feasibility of coming off of Ridgeview Lane and across that park sector to reach the lift station without impacting more than a very minimal number of small trees. The parkland has been platted and it exists there and it is outside the boundaries of the project the Planning and Zoning Commission is looking at. So, that makes it a rather moot point of the discussion. We really do not have the authority to do anything or commit to anything on that parkland. Assistant Town Manager Seidel stated that he would like to make note to the Commission and the audience and Mrs. Trotter that the Town and the MUD are sensitive to the trees that are located in there and the developer is as well and want to do what's best for everyone, but there is the need to go in there and service that Lift Station from time to time, especially in emergency situations. They have to be able to get the equipment in, but they are very sensitive to trying to mitigate as few trees as possible in that while trying to accommodate the need to service a very vital piece of their equipment. Commissioner Reed stated that he could understand Ms. Trotter's concerns but he could not see where the Planning and Zoning Commission has authority in this matter. it seems to be a MUD issue rather than approval of this final plat. Ms. Trotter responded that it seems that no one wants to take responsibility. The MUD says the Town and the Town says MUD. Chairman Hill stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission has no authority with either of those agencies. Ms. Trotter responded that the Planning and Zoning Commission does have authority over whether or not the plat moves forward as it is. Mr. Seidel explained that there are state rules and regulations regarding how a plat can be passed, and this plat meets all those requirements. My commitment to you is that there are discussions going on between the MUD Manager and the Town Manager on how best to rectify this situation because we want to be able to preserve as many of those trees as possible while being able to preserve the access to the lift station when it needs maintenance or there's an emergency type situation. Chairman Hill asked if there were any other comments or questions from the Commission. Commissioner Davidson asked for a tree count for the area, as noted on the agenda. Steve Lenart, Lenart Development, 520 Central Parkway East, Plano, Texas, stated that they will provide a tree survey before this item goes to Council. "We can happily do that. We've staked it, probably five to six times in the last couple weeks so everybody can look at it, and we're happy to survey that area. Whatever needs to be done. Again, 1 just want to bring up the same point -- we're in compliance with our zoning. We are a victim of past issues that happened where a road was put where it wasn't supposed to be. We're not trying to create an issue here but, quite frankly we have to be able to develop the property to the fullest extent that we have the ability to. But with regards to that, anything that needs to be done with a tree survey we can have that done. " Mr. Seidel asked the MUD Manager, Jennifer McKnight, if she knew how many trees would be impacted. Thirteen? Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 of 4 Meeting Date: October 4, 2012 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting {Minutes October 4, 2012 Jennifer McKnight, District Manager, MUD, stated that she believed it would be 14, but that may be able to be reduced a little bit. She stated that they are looking at working with the Town and Mr. Lenart's group. "We've looked at instead of having kind of a turnaround I've talked to the field crew and they can just pull in there and kind of back the truck out and that's going to further reduce the number of trees that would be impacted. We're looking at several options. " Chairman Hill called for a motion. Commissioner Davidson made a motion recommending approval of the Final Plat for Canterbury Hills Phase 2. Commissioner Reed seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. The Town Council will hear this item on October 15, 2012. Aye: 5 - Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Forest, Chairman Hill, Commissioner Reed, and Commissioner Richert Meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m. Gene- ill, Chairman E` r Carolyn Huggins, Community Development Director Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 of 4 Meeting Date: October 4, 2012