Minutes P&Z 10/17/2013a. Trophy Club Entities Meeting Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission 100 Municipal Ddve Trophy Club, Texas 76262 Thursday, October 17, 2013 7:00 PM Svore Municipal Building Boardroom CALL TO ORDER AND ANNOUNCE A QUORUM Chairman Serially called the October 17, 2013, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and announced a quorum present (7 members). COMMISSION MEMBERS: Present: 7 - Chairman Richard Serially, Commissioner Fred Allen, Commissioner Mark Sedley, Commissioner Dennis Sheridan, Commissioner Garrett Reed, Commissioner Brent Card, and Vice Chair Larry Vowell STAFF PRESENT.' Carolyn Huggins, Community Development Director Tom Rutledge, Teague Nall & Perkins GUESTSPRESENT. Travis Clegg, Pelmon Land Solutions Steve Lenart, Neighborhood 7, Phase 3C Warren Corwin, Corwin Engineering Brandon Davidson, Corwin Engineering Chip Boyd, Standard Pacific Richard Brown, Chandler Signs 1. 2013-633-T Review and approve the minutes of the October 3, 2013, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Attachments: MeetingMinutes 100313.pdf Vire Chairman Vowell noted that two spelling corrections were needed on page 2 of 7, the word "cancel" in two places should be "cancel. A motion was made by Commissioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Sadley, that this agenda item be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 6- Chairman Senelly, Commissioner Allen, Commissioner Sedley, Commissioner Reed, Commissioner Card, and Vice Chair Vowell Abstain: 1- Commissioner Sheridan REGULAR SESSION 2. 2013-675-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a recommendation of approval for a Final Plat of Neighborhood 7, Phase 3C, consisting of 107 residential Planning and Zoning Commission Page 1 of 12 Meeting Date: October 17, 2013 Planning 8 Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 17, 2013 lots and 4 open space lots. Applicant: Peloton Land Solutions on behalf of High Trophy Development, LLC attachments: Staff Reood.odf Aoolicationgilf Chairman Serially announced the case and asked Mr. Clegg and Mr Lenart to come forward if they had anything to say. Steve Lenart, Lenart Development, stated that this is the last plat they have for The Highlands. He is here to answer any questions the Commissioners might have along with his engineer, Travis Clegg, Pmahm Land Solutions. He stated that Neighborhood 7, Phase 3C is located north of the dog park and has 107 single family lots. Commissioner Sheridan stated that Lots 89, 90, 91 and 98 abut the flowage easement. Mr. Lenart gave a response but his response did not address Commissioner Sheridan's question because Mr. Lenart misunderstood what area of the plat Commissioner Sheridan was referring to. Mr. Clegg responded to Mr. Sheridan's concerns by stating that those lots am "way out of" the minimum finished fear elevation requirement of 2 -ft. above base flood elevation He stated they can show it on the grading plans or final plat if needed. Commissioner Sheridan stated that he thought there were mon: wellheads on the gas well sites. Mr. Lenart explained that there are two gas well sites adjacent to this plat and explained where they are and that the wellheads are identified. Chairman Seemly stated that the wellheads are shown but not labeled. Mr Clegg responded that the wellhead is identified as a symbol and the symbol is identified in the legend. Commissioner Sheridan stated that the preliminary plat shows four wellheads on the "south"gas well site, whereas the final plat only identifies one. Mr. Lenartand Mr. Clegg both stated that they confirmed the number and location of the wellheads on the gas well sites. Commissioner Sheridan asked what comments are still outstanding. Mr. Clegg gave an explanation that there are 7 or 8 outstanding comments from an October 3 meeting with Staff and those are being addressed Commissioner Sheridan asked if the 30 -day waiver is verbal or written. Ms. Huggins responded that a written waiver is required. Commissioner Sheridan stated that a comment for the Grading Plan requires that approval will be required prior to pre -construction meeting and then in the recommendation it says prior to placement on the Council agenda. Which is it? Ms. Huggins stated that the grading plan comment came late to the table. She stated that the retaining walls were missed on the first review of the plans. The applicant men get the comment (requirement) until last week and because of that staff wanted to allow a little extra time beyond Council's approval of the plat. The pre -construction meeting is typically held about a week after Council approval of the final plat. Mr. Lenart gave a little bit more detailed explanation of the small 3- to 4 -ft. retaining walls refereed to in the grading plan comment. He stated they will provide engineered wall plans by the pre -construction meeting. Commissioner Sheridan: "Thank you, Mr. Chairman, lam favorably inclined." Chairman Serially stated that if there are no further questions or comments he will Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 of 12 Meeting Date: October 17, 2013 Planning 8 Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 17, 2013 ask fora motion to approve with the stipulations so stated in the staff report. A motion was made by Commissioner Sheridan, seconded by Commissioner Allen, that this agenda item be recommended for approval with the stipulation that outstanding comments must be met prior to placement of the final plat on the November 4, 2013, Council agenda. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 7- Chairman Serially, Commissioner Allen, Commissioner Sadley, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Reed, Commissioner Card, and Vice Chair Vowell 2013-676-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a recommendation of approval for a Final Plat of Neighborhood 4, Isle of Tumberry, consisting of 14 residential lots and 4 open space lots. Applicant: Corwin Engineering, Inc. on behalf of Standard Pacific of Texas, Inc. Attachments: Staff Reoort.odf Applicatian.odf Chairman Serially announced the case and asked for a staff report. Ms. Huggins stated that the applicant is requesting approval of a final plat for NH 4, Isle of Tumberry which is located at the end of Veranda Ave. - the bridge is being built to access this property. Each Commissioner has been given some additional information this evening- a copy of the grading plan, a copy of the preliminary plat that was approved in January 2007, and a copy of the free mitigation plans. There are some constmcb'on plan comments outstanding on this project. They are listed on page 18 ofyour packet. (Tom Rutledge arrived to the meeting j These comments have been reviewed with the developer and engineer and revised plans were received by the Town this week and thus the mason for additional information begin given to you this evening One of the hems in front of you is Ne response memo been Corvvin Engineering, addressing the outstanding comments. The tree survey was also submitted this week and in front of you is the mitigation required- 354.36 caliper inches are required for mitigation. The applicantproposes planting 355 caliper inches in common areas throughout the 14 -lot subdivision. Final review of the plans and tree survey will be done by Staff and the Town Engineer and we expect all comments to be resolved and the plans to meet the Subdivision Rules and Regulations by the time the Town Council reviews this plat on November 4. Women Corwin, the applicant's engineer is here this evening to answer any questions you may have. Chip Boyd, representing Standard Pacific, the developer, is here this evening. Warren Corwin, Corwin Engineering, came forward and pointed out on a PowerPoint slide the location of the lots. He showed where Highlands 2A and 2B to the north are located which Standard Pacific and K Hovnanian Homes developed. He stated this is going to be a unique development as the lots are secluded and surrounded by golf course on three sides, and trees, and the entryway is going to be over a bridge through the trees, over a creek and back into the nestled 14 lots. Warren stated that when you go across the crack them is a pretty big hill. The finished floor elevation on the first pad is 585, which is higher than the elevation of the house structure already built on the other side of the Veranda Avenue bridge. This isn't a low point sitting out on the golf course. It is a hill that sits on the golf Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 of 12 Meeting Date: October 17, 2013 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 1T, 2013 course. These lots are higher. Then; was some discussion of the finished floor numbers on the plat and the grading plan. Warren stated that the minimum finished floors are 2 -ft. above the floodplain. The pads are higher than finished floorrequirements. Chairman Serially stated that the Commissioners are seeing some of these documents for the that time this evening Mr. Corin stated that the point he is frying to stress is that those pads are well above any floodplain elevations. Mc Senelly. "and I know that some of us have continued concems about flooding and stream way issues and so forth and so I am going to ask while you are hem for our Commissioners to ask some questions." Commissioner Sheridan: There is "finished floor' and'Ynished pad". The minimum required by Town rules is a slab that sits 2 -ft. above the floodplain. You presented to us a drainage plan that has significantly higher finished pads. I am concerned with lots that have effective floodplain on them, for instance, Lot 1. Mon everything is all done, Lot 1 will still have a comerm floodplain. Why? Mc Corin: The building structure is not going to get anywhere near that comer, plus there is a sewer easement that inns through the back of that lot and a structure can't be built over the sewer easement, so we left that corner so the homeowner can enjoy the size of the lot. Commissioner Sheridan: Does that affect any of our building codes from the home builder's point of view. Ms. Huggins: When a building period is submitted for one of these lots, the builder will be required to give the Town an elevation certificate showing they have met the minimum finished floor elevation. Commissioner Sheridan: Mr. Corin, you understand that we have had significant flooding problems since the preliminary plat of 2007 and that's why some of us are skittish about this. The Town is going to some expense to correct problems that occur years after the builder leaves and the problem becomes the Town's responsibility. Mr. Sheridan: Yocum, . an effective floodplain on this plat and you have a proposed floodplain on this map. You have a CLOMR already done, which is a civil engineering plan to bring this stuff out of the floodplain, correct? Mr. Carvin: There was a CLOMR done with the bridge that was approved. Mr. Sheridan: The plans are to remediate floodplain. Then, once the work is done, meaning you've actually gone out with dozers and graded it, then you have to submit a LOMR to FEMA that shows what was corrected, and the property is out of the floodplain, and you are asking FEMA to approve it. That's the difference between the effective and the proposed This plat is not filed until after all the work is done and all the streets are in and all the infrastructure and the LOMR is approved? Ms. Huggins: No sir. We file the plat after Council approval and before building permits can be issued. Mc Sheridan: That would be before any grading or streets are built? Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 of 12 Meeting Date: October 17, 2013 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 17, 2013 Ms. Huggins: Yes sir. Mr. Shendan: Then afterall this is done they have to mine in and submit a corrected plat. Ms. Huggins: No, they only have to correct it if the proposed floodplain ends up being incorrect. The existing floodplain is what is out there right now, the proposed floodplain is what should be there after the work is done, and, only if that is not correct would they need to amend the plat. Mc Shendan- Can they put infrastructure streets and stuBdown before the LOMR is approved. Ms. Huggins: Yes. Mc Shendan: Can they build a house orget a building permit before the LOMR is approved. Ms. Huggins. They don't have to have it approved, but they must have submitted it to FEMA before the Town can issue a building permit. Mc Corwin: We had the same situation on the lots on the mi erside of the creek in Neighborhood 4. There was a retaining was built in order to lift these lots up and get them out of the floodplain. That was done. The plat was filed Oncethose improvements were done, we did the As Builts and submitted for the LOMR. The subdivision was built during that morass. Mr Sheridan: At that time Wit clausal agree with the final plat it would have to be amended. Ms. Huggins: Yes. Commissioner Allen: It's an island, tight? Isle of Tumberry. Most islands that I know store surrounded by water. Mr. Corwin: There is water flowing underneath the bridge and on the south side. Otherwise, its surrounded by golf course. Mr. Allen. Are there two creeks? Chairman Serially They come together. There is a confluenco on the Corp land.. Mr. Allen: I thought there was a split. Brandon Davidson, Corwin Engineering, explained the location and now of the creek. There rant a split. There is a tributary thatjoins the main branch. There is a ridge between the two streams that prevents the water from crossing over. Chairman Serially. They are different watersheds Mr. Allen: So the isle is not an isle by water definition; ifs only by golf course definition? Mr. Davidson: It is not surrounded on all sides by water Commissioner Sheridan: Are you working on yourpoperty or on the golf curse property too? Planning and Zoning Commission Page 5 of 12 Meeting Date: October 17, 2013 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 17, 2013 Mr Corwin: We Ye had good communication and cooperation from them, but they have a big organization and it takes time to get through their organization. We were going to do some grading on the golf course rather than put the retaining wall in, but because of our time, we wanted to get moving, we wanted to put that into our hands rather than leave something in their hands. We had two options. We could build a retaining wall, which is more expensive, but then we would be in control rather than waiting on their Corporate to process an easement so we decided to keep control of the situation and go with the retaining wall. With the bridge we have temporary golf cart paths so we've had a lot of communication with the golf course. Mr. Sheddan: Does that affect the CLOMR? Mr. Corwin: No. Chairman Senelly. Is that retaining wall you are retuning to the 126 -ft. shown on the south side? Mr. Corwin: On the grading plan — yes. Chairman Senelly. That wall vanes in height from zero to 5-H. Is that correct? Mr. Corwin: Yes. Chairman Senelly: Is a railing required on the top of that wall? Mr. Corwin: No. Chaimlan Senelly: Regarding trees. How many trees are being taken out altogether? Mc Corwin: IPs in the tree survey. We have a landscape architect that does it. Chairman Senelly: Approximately how many trees? Isitmorethan509 Marathon 1001 dust some notion. Mr. Corwin: I don't know. Chairman Senelly: What are some of the species being taken out? Mr. Corwin: I dont know. I'd have to look at it. Chairman Senelly: We have time. While you are looking at that, I have a question following that which is, are the species that you are going to be planting the same as those you are taking out or are they something non-native? Mr. Corwin: Here is the assumption I am going to make. The landscape architects that we use are very reputable and good and 1 would assume they would plant something that is going to be hardy and could live under the conditions of where they are planted in Trophy Club. Mr. Senelly: That may be but my question concems how they are matching the trees taken out. We don't have a requirement to come back with the same species. We have a requirement to replace in terms of the caliper and size of the trees, but 1 am asking something else. 1 am asking because if we am taking out Oaks and putting back Live Oaks which are now in the path of a substantial blight that's come to Texas then you may want to reconsider that. Mr. Davidson: The last page of fhe tree survey shows which species were Planning and Zoning Commission Page 6 of 12 Meeting Date: October 17, 2013 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 17, 2013 replanting. There are muri if woad species. Ms. Huggins: In the Tree Ordinance there is a requirement that protected trees must be replaced by a specific list of frees. The trees they are going to plant to mitigate must come firm that list Chairman Serially. 1 see the list and the list is non-nativesjust for a point of information. Although they are easier to find, some of trees are in jeopardy because of blight situations and I dont think you will find too many Live Oaks down there right now. That's not a tree you find in the forest right now. Bald Cypress, Cedar Elm, Lace Bark Elm - probably not. Mr. Davidson: It appears a large majority of the trees are Cedar Elm. There are some Post Oaks. Chairman Serially My suggestion is to look at that list and compare it with what is being removed versus what will be planted and make sure the Ordinance is being followed conceming the important trees. Commissioner Reed: One of the things I've noticed is developers will plant trees as screens and what not and I don't think there is a lot of forethought put into how they keep these newly planted trees alive. It's well intentioned to plant 50 to 100 trees, but if there isn't any water to the trees summer is going to roll around, the developer will be long gone and we'll have a neighborhood full of dead trees. What is our authority or what is the plan to keep these newly planted trees. Ms. Huggins: Trees plants as mitigation are required to be irrigated. Chairman Senelly. Are there warranties for the trees? Ms. Huggins: to this particular instance the HOA will be responsible for owning and maintaining the area where the trees are being planted. It would be in the developer's best interest to give some sort of warranty to the HOA, but that will be up to the HOA. Mr Corwin: The benefit to this project is the developer is the builder. They are spending neady $900,000 on a bridge just to get to these 14 lots and the entryway to that bridge is where the trees are being planted. The benefit is to get those trees there and get them established to be the entryway into this 14-Iot subdivision. Commissioner Card. The HOA is controlled by the developer still? Ms. Huggins: Yes. Commissioner Sheridan: Since this is not in the PID, which HOA is d? Ms. Huggins: These 14 lots are Trot in the PID, but they are in the PD -27 zoning of The Highlands so they are part of the Tumberry, HOA. Commissioner Allen: Is there a bridge foraccess to the cul-de-sac? Mr. Corwin: No, its a box culvert. Two 10x6 box culverts. Chairman Society. What is the staff recommendation for this item? Ms. Huggins: The staff recommendation is to request approval of the Final Plat with the stipulation that all outstanding comments must be met (and by "met" that means meet the Subdivision Rules & Regulations) before the plat is placed on a Council Planning and Zoning Commission Page 7 of 12 Meeting Date: October 17, 2013 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 17, 2013 agenda, which is currently scheduled for November 4. If the outstanding comments are not met, then we will ask the developer to give us a waiver of the 30 -day rule and the plat will be placed on a future agenda once the Town Engineer and staff have signed off on the plat. Chairman Senelly: Any other comments or questions? Commissioner Card. You said that in the pnorphases you put in retaining walls. Do you expect to do that for these lots? Mr. Corwin: We are going to have some side yard retaining walls. They are shown on the grading plan. Chairman SenellyThe lot -to -lot walls look like they are no more than a couple of feet. Mr. Corwin: Right. Vice Chairman Vowell: Is that just stone? Mr. Corwin: Yes. Vice Chairman Vowell: So even though some of this information has come in as late as this afternoon, staff is still in favor of approval. Ms. Huggins: Yes sir. We are recommending approval because we will have some time now between todays date and the Council agenda to look over the tree survey and infrastructure construction plans to know whether or not it is going to meet the Subdivision Rules and Regulations by November 4. Chairman Senelly. May I hear a motion so stipulating tram our Commissioners? Commissioner Garrett Reed. It seems that every time we meet something has just been done or going to be done. It goes on and on every meeting and I just wanted to voice my imstration with the fact that packages don't come in complete. 1 understand that we are trying to hurry to get you guys built but Ijust want to voice that concern that every time there is a stipulation. Commissioner Allen_ It doesn't have anything to do with the Isle of Tumbery but it is somewhat of a cost keeping the question relevant to what Mr Readjust said and that is that why would we get a package that isn't complete and has to be completed with comments going forward Why does that have to be? Ms. Huggins: Tonight there is one other reason which is that I am going to be gone for two weeks and we have a very small staff in Trophy Club with only one Planner on staff There isn't anyone else to bring projects before you so the next P&Z meeting on November 7 is not going to be held since 1 will not be here. So if these items were not brought before you tonight, they would not be on a P&Z agenda until November 21, which puts them at Council approval on December 2 rather than November 4, which means a month delay for the developer. So that did play into their decision to go on this agenda. The developer was reluctant to come forward tonight because he knew he still had things to be done and he didn't want to have to ask you for approval with stipulations. But, not coming forward tonight meant delaying until December 2 Council approval Commissioner Allen: That's specific to this particularproposal but earlier we had a plat that needed stipulations as well Planning antl Zoning Commission Page 8 of 12 Meeting Date: October 17, 2013 Planning 8 Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 17, 2013 Ms. Huggins: Yes. That devemperis trying to get his final plat completed because Neighborhood 7 is that developer's final plat of the Highlands. He is trying to get his plat completed before the end of the year. Same thing- he knew there would not be a meeting on November? and he also stated that he would want to be on this agenda. Chairman Senelly I want to say something. his uncomfortable for us to have these things occursometimes in this fashion. Itis also uncomfortable for ourapplicants. It's not as if they want to come in with an incomplete, as you put it, application. I will say this. The items that we are stipulating are relatively, in the scheme of things, minor things that appear, can be, accomplished in the timeframe we are talking about. If there were something major here, then 1 can see how we might want to do something other than take action on it. We do have three courses of action: 1) approve it, 2) deny it, or3) table it. I think we simply have to have verygood estimate for anything that we do. Commissioner Reed: It's just... it's a frustration. At some point I would like to have stuff brought before this body complete. I understand- they are all valid points- but my thought is this, being in a developer's shoes myself, these guys know years, if not months ahead, when the end of the year mines, To make us hurry up and do something because they want to hurry up and do something it starts to get a little hustmting. Vice Chairman Vowell: All of the Commissioners may not be aware cities, but Chairman Serially and I meet with Carolyn prior to the meeting to go over the agenda and to see what is coming up. With this particular plat we had some questions that we thought you might ask and we tried to address that which is why Carolyn got on the phone to the applicant this afternoon and this new stack of information was here tonight. We are trying to deal with the situations ahead office, and if there is something missing that we catch we are asking for it. We am trying to make this simpler, but this is a particular case where we didn't get to meet until this morning, typically we try to meet on Wednesday to go over things and try to think about what you guys might want M ask. Chairman Serially : With the stipulations already mentioned and the timeframe limitations we've already set forth, 1 would ask for a motion. Commissioner Allen: So move. Commissioner Sadley. Second. Chairman Senelly: Further discussion or comment? Commissioner Sadley. Trophy Club is a great place to call home. I am glad that Tmphy Club is a great place to do business. 1 feel we have an obligation to keep it both a great place to call home and a great place to do business. The work that you guys are doing, Carolyn is doing, the Town Engineer is doing prior to the meeting, I don't mind looking at things on a rush basis. I have a lot of ac nfidence in the other members of the Commission, I think they know a whole lot more than I do. I think we want to attract people to do business in Trophy Club regardless of whether they are a developer or somebody wanting to go into business. I am proud of Tmphy Club for that. Chairman Serially called for the vote. 5-2, with Commissioner Sheridan and Reed voting against. A motion was made by Commissioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Sadley, that this agenda item be recommended for approval with the stipulation that outstanding comments must be met prior to placement of this item on the November 4, 2013, Council agenda. The motion carried by the Planning and Zoning Commission Page 9 of 12 Meeting Date: October 17, 2013 Planning 0 Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 17, 2013 following vote. Aye: 5- Chairman Senelly, Commissioner Allen, Commissioner Sadler, Commissioner Card, and Vice Chair Vowell No: 2 - Commissioner Sheridan, and Commissioner Reed 4. 2013-677-T Discussion and recommendation regarding a request for approval of a revised Site Plan to add a monument sign to Planned Development No. 23 (PD -23), Trophy Club Medical Plaza. Applicant: Richard Brown, Chandler Signs, LP, LLC on behalf of the property owner, HCP CRSl Trophy Club TX, LP. Attachments: Staff Report - PZ 100313- Add Monument Sion.odf Aoolication.odf Ms. Huggins stated that this request is on behaff of Trophy Club Medical Plaza to allow one additional monument sign to be added to the site. She stated that the medical plaza is located on Highway 114 between the Vineyards apartments on the west and vacant land to the east, that vessel land was recently rezoned to PD -34 for development of a hotel and restaurant and retail pad sites. There are two buildings on the medical plaza site and the proposed location of Me new monument sign is in front of Me westernmost building. An 11x17 hardcopy of the proposed location of the new monument sign was included in yourpacket along with a rendering of the proposed sign. The new sign will give tenants the opportunity to advertise Mat they are located inside the building. Thera are no visibility issues with the location of the sign. There are no easements in the location of the sign. The sign is setback the property distance from the access road The Planning and Zoning Commission is considering this request because staff does not have the authority to grant permission to add a monument sign on a site. That authority is given to the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council, thus, this request before you this evening. A recommendation of approval is requested. Ms. Huggins stated that the applicant, Richard Brown, with Chandler Signs, is here this evening on behalf of the property owner. Mr. Brown, Chandler Signs, stated that the purpose of the sign is rather simple. The tenants in the professional building can't identify which building they are in because there isn't a monument sign in front of the building they are in. They want to put up a simple monument sign built out of stone to match all the other signs that are there. The letters are going to be small— only 3 inches tall— single face. The address numbers will be on there because that is what most people are given to find their way to the building and those will be 8 inches tall. There will be room for six tenants. They will all be dark bronze to match the letters on the other signs. Commissioner Garrett Reed stated that he has used Chandler Signs. He wanted b disclose that to the Commission. He stated that it doesn't/won't make him biased in this decision. He asked if any site line surveys were done. Mr Brown stated that there is a blue leasing sign on the site and that is where the new monument sign will go. The blue leasing sign will come down and the monument sign will take its place. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 10 of 12 Meeting DateOctober 17, 2013 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 17, 2013 Commissioner Reed asked for the dimensions of the sign. Mr. Brown stated thatit is 12-R. long and 4'10" high. Mr. Brown stated that they will comply with all Town requirements. Commissioner Reed asked if the sign is lighted. Mr. Brown stated it will not be lit. Chairman Serially stated that most communities deal with this administratively. He stated that ff there are no other questions or comments he will call for a motion for approval. A motion was made by Commissioner Allen, seconded by Commissioner Sheridan, that this agenda item be recommended for approval to the Town Council on 11/04/2013. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 7- Chairman Senelly, Commissioner Allen, Commissioner Sadley, Commissioner Sheridan, Commissioner Reed, Commissioner Card, and Vice Chair Vowell 2013-634-T Staff liaison update of current and future items; questions and/or discussion. The items PBZ considered on the October 3 agenda will be heard by Council on Monday, October 21: 1) PD -21 amendment to allow electronic cigarette supply store; and 2) PD -22 preliminary and final plats. The PD -22 final plat outstanding comments have been met and we anticipate approval from the Council. At the November 21 P&Z meeting, I will give an update oo the action taken by Council. Dr. Crompton's site plan approval that came before P&Z on August 15 and was approved by Council on September 3 required tree mitigation. Dr Crumpton didnY have room for the necessary trees on site and is required to pay $51,600 into the tree fund. He appealed and the Tree Board heard the appeal on October 8 and recommended a reduction of $20,000 and a payment plan ecdending over 4 years. ($1,000 for each year in business in Tmphy Club) The Town Council is the ultimate authority and will hear the case on Monday, October 21. Mr Beck has submitted an amendment to PD -30. I hoped to have some details to you tonight, but it was submitted last Friday and staff is still reviewing d and 1 would prefer not to give you any details until we are sure of what it is they are looking for it Right now it appears there will be 3 or 4 amendments to the PD. Chairman Senelly. I am going to ask you rather than going into details verbally that you give us a notification by email as to when we might see those things so that we are not surprised at the last minute and have adequate time to review it. I'd rather have the hard copy than a verbal update as misunderstandings could occur. Ms. Huggins; Yes sir. The other projects we are working on, and Tom is working diligently on, are the Plats and Site Plan for Medical Office Buildings in Village Center of PD -27. We hope to have Matto you on November 21. Staff met with the owner of the Montessod School lot and they have their initial plan for developing that site with a second building for restaurant/retail. Not a great site fora restaurant/retail location so he might consider changing that to an office building. There is no official submittal on that. The Holiday Inn continues under review. We've struggled to move that forward with their engineer. Longer term review; We hope to bring a sign ordinance revision to you at some point, but we don't have the staffyet to do that. Planning and Zoning Commission Page 11 of 12 Meeting Date: October 17, 2013 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes October 17, 2013 Chairman Serially: What about the subdivision south of Hanna Ct.9 Ms. Huggins: No official submittal and we haven't heard from them since the zoning change went through. Commissioner Sheridan: No P&Z meeting on November 79 Ms. Huggins. That's counsel. Commissioner Sheridan: Are there any time constraints, limitations or restrictions on Mr. Beck's request for an amendment to a PD. Ms. Huggins: No. An amendment to the PD requires a public hearing andpmpery, owner notification and there is not a specific timeline. In the PD there is a specific timeline for an SUP request, but this does, not fall under that requirement. Commissioner Sheridan: Does it look like we'll see it on November 17? Ms. Huggins: We are hoping it will make that agenda. Chairman Senelly. I'm asked there to be a standing item on our agenda to update us on the things we've taken action on so we are not lett wondering what happened to the pmjact. I think it is important that we keep continuity in mind because this is a place to live and do business over the long haul. Chairman Senelly: Tom, anything you want m tell us? Ms. Huggins: Don't drive on 35W. Mr. Rutledge: 35 northbound is not good and neither is 377. Chaurnan Senelly: I've heard that it doorsill matter where you go tonight - you're stuck. Commissioner Sheridan: Is MP the engineer for DOT on that project9 Mc Rutledge: Not that section. We am starting design on the northern section up by the speedway. 2013-635-T Items for future agendas. None at this time. ADJOURN Cha'Snelly adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m 11 Richdrd Sene//g Chairmen / / �� I nJ Carolyn Huggins, munity Develo enf Director Planning and Zoning Commission Page 12 of 12 Meeting Date: OGober 17.2013