Town Council Minutes - 11/17/2020 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MINUTES TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 17,2020;7 P.M. The Trophy Club Town Council met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, November 17,2020. The meeting was held at Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive in the Council Chambers. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: C.Nick Sanders Mayor Sean Bone Council Member,Place 3 Karl Monger Council Member, Place 4 Michael Geraci Council Member, Place 5(via teleconference) ABSENT: Philip Shoffner Mayor Pro Tern STAFF PRESENT: Steve Norwood Town Manager Wade Carroll Assistant Town Manager Leticia Vacek Town Secretary/RMO David Dodd Town Attorney Patrick Arata Police Chief Jack Taylor Fire Chief Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation Tommy Uzee Director of Community Development Mike Erwin Finance Manager Jill Lind Communications/Marketing Manager Haley Archer Human Resources Manager CALL TO ORDER Mayor Sanders called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and noted a quorum with Council Members Bone, Monger, and Geraci denoting that Mayor Pro Tern Shoffner was out of town on business and had submitted documentation. INVOCATION The Invocation was delivered by Rev. Edlen Cowley of Fellowship United Methodist Church. Rev. Cowley thanked Mayor Sanders for his 15 years of service to the community and also thanked Eric Jensen for his service as a great chapter of leadership comes to a close. He added he was grateful for the new chapter in leadership and service to Trophy Club that begins tonight. He prayed for blessings upon incoming Mayor Alicia Fleury and Council Members Greg Wilson,and Greg Lamont. He prayed for continued blessings for Council Members Bone,Geraci,Monger,and Mayor Pro Tern Shoffner as this new chapter begins. Rev. Cowley prayed that our community be a bright shining beacon as it is suppose to be. Lastly,he prayed for all Trophy Club Community Leaders in this season of Covid19 and that we overcome. PLEDGES The Pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag were led by Council Member Bone. PUBLIC COMMENT Town Secretary Vacek confirmed there was only one speaker. Mayor Sanders called upon Dr. Wanda Franklin to speak. Dr. Franklin of 4 Turnbury Court spoke that in November she saw a man in their yard with their sign that read "Trump"which did not state Vote or Elect Trump. She noted that it was on her property and not city right of way. She added that when her husband went outside,their sign was by the bags of leaves that were placed for pickup the next day in front of her driveway. She called the city and was told by the City Manager that according to the City Ordinance all signs must be removed after election day. She added that she was told that the Town of Trophy Club November 17,2020 Page 1 of 6 Council wanted to keep the Town as nice as possible and therefore,their sign was removed and placed on their lawn. She added that they owned their own home,were not in an HOA and all their property taxes were paid and up to date. She added that she carries a constitution handbook in her purse for reference and being a 9th generation Texican, whose father was a Texas Ranger for 37 years; one should not come onto private property and remove a personal sign without knocking on the door letting that person know why their sign is being removed;which is called trespassing. Additionally, she stated that now she is aware of the Sign Ordinance and that it should have been provided to all residents that have signs in their lawns to allow the residents to remove their own signs. She stated that according to her attorney;it should not have been removed in this manner and if this should happen again she will file a lawsuit against the Town of Trophy Club and City Council. She added that she would require that every sign that is offensive to her be removed in order to show beauty for our community and gave several examples of "my son is#45 on the Football Team or my daughter is in the Honor Society;Trophy Club Garage Sale,to Early Voting starts Today signs, perhaps the Halloween and Christmas Decorations too". She asked the Town of Trophy Club provide an apology for their actions. TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT Business Spotlight—The Ship Shop(S.Norwood) Mr. Dave Sanders,owner of the Ship Shop thanked the Mayor and Council for allowing him time to speak regarding the services offered at the Ship Shop. He stated that they are located between Vinny's and Christina's and are the resource for shipping/shipping material. He added that he and his wife purchased the Ship Shop in 2019 after retiring from GM. He noted that they have added new inventory, implemented a new point of sales system and hired two employees,which he had to let go due to Covid19. Mayor Sanders thanked Dave Sanders for the information on the Ship Shop. PRESENTATIONS Recognition of Former Council Members Alicia Fleury and Eric Jensen(Mayor Sanders). As is customary,Mayor Sanders presented Alicia L.Fleury a Crystal Award for her dedication and service to the Town of Trophy Club as a Former Council Member from May 2017 through February 2020. It was stated that Eric Jensen would not be present and the award would be delivered to him. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Take appropriate action on the Town Council Regular Session Minutes dated October 27,2020(L.Vacek) 2. Take appropriate action regarding Ordinance 2020-22 amending Subsection 1,Annual Capital Improvement and Maintenance Charge of Section A1.014 Water and Wastewater Fees for Public Improvement District No. 1,within Appendix A,Fee Schedule,of the Trophy Club Code of Ordinances,to adopt a monthly surcharge for PID Residents;providing for an effective date(M.Erwin). 3. Take appropriate action regarding the Fourth Quarter Investment Report for Fiscal Year 2020(M.Erwin). 4. Take appropriate action approving Resolution 2020-20 for the Annual Updating of the Town's Investment Policy(M. Erwin). 5. Take appropriate action to approve the purchase of Microsoft Licensing for Microsoft 365 and VMware support and subscription production from SHI Government Solutions in an amount not to exceed$47,966.08 (W.Carroll). Council Member Bone moved to approve Consent Items 1 through 5. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by those present. Motion: 4-1-0 November 17,2020 Page 2 of 6 Mayor Sanders spoke at this time stating that this was his last Council Meeting as Mayor and thanked Town Staff as they have always worked in a professional manner and have always been very responsive and was very appreciative. He also thanked the Council for their continued stewardship of Trophy Club. Although not present,he also thanked Mayor Pro Tern Shoff ner who served with him for the past 6 years on Council and appreciated his thoroughness, guidance, and leadership. He thanked the citizens of Trophy Club who participated in the parades, flag planting, board/commissions or volunteered time on an event. Mayor Sanders also thanked everyone that offered food, support,and condolences to he and Lynda after the passing of their son,Wade,to Covid.He thanked everyone and prayed all will be blessed for their kindness. Lastly, he gave a very special thanks to his wife, Lynda Sanders for putting up with elections and elected official events and things. He indicated that they joke about her shopping at Tom Thumb quickly; it is never quick. He expressed his appreciation to Lynda for her support. Mayor Sanders recognized newly elected Mayor Alicia Fleury,Council Member Greg Wilson,and Council Member Greg Lamont. He prayed that they have divine wisdom as they make their decisions on Council. INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 6. Take appropriate action adopting Ordinance 2020-20 Canvassing the Official Returns and declaring the Election Results of the Town's General/Special Elections held on November 3,2020 for the purpose of electing one(1) Mayor,one(1)Council Member for Place No. 1,and one(1)Council Member for Place No.2 for full terms of office expiring May 2023(L.Vacek). COUNCIL DENTON DENTON DENTON TARRANT TARRANT TARRANT TOTAL MEMBER PL. EARLY ABSENTEE ELECTION EARLY ABSENTEE ELECTION VOTES 1 VOTES VOTES DAY VOTES VOTES DAY VOTES VOTES Greg Lamont 3,883 271 236 168 16 16 4,590 Rhylan Rowe 2,211 135 124 61 3 7 2,541 COUNCIL DENTON DENTON DENTON TARRANT TARRANT TARRANT TOTAL MEMBER PL. EARLY ABSENTEE ELECTION EARLY ABSENTEE ELECTION VOTES 2 VOTES VOTES DAY VOTES VOTES DAY VOTES VOTES Greg Wilson 4,682 322 296 200 14 21 5,535 MAYOR DENTON DENTON DENTON TARRANT TARRANT TARRANT TOTAL EARLY ABSENTEE ELECTION EARLY ABSENTEE ELECTION VOTES VOTES VOTES DAY VOTES VOTES DAY VOTES VOTES Alicia Fleury 3,469 271 216 145 14 16 4,131 Eric Jensen 2,918 149 164 93 6 9 3,339 7. Take appropriate action adopting Ordinance 2020-21 Canvassing the Official Returns and declaring the Election Results of the Town's Special Charter Amendment Election held on November 3,2020(L.Vacek). PROPOSITION DENTON DENTON DENTON TARRANT TARRANT TARRANT TOTAL A EARLY ABSENTEE ELECTION EARLY ABSENTEE ELECTION VOTES VOTES VOTES DAY VOTES VOTES DAY VOTES VOTES For 4,066 308 241 149 14 13 4,791 Against 1,859 103 108 90 6 11 2,177 November 17, 2020 Page 3 of 6 PROPOSITION DENTON DENTON DENTON TARRANT TARRANT TARRANT TOTAL B EARLY ABSENTEE ELECTION EARLY ABSENTEE ELECTION VOTES VOTES VOTES DAY VOTES VOTES DAY VOTES VOTES For 3,157 218 195 138 8 12 3,728 Against 2,785 197 159 97 14 13 3,265 PROPOSITION DENTON DENTON DENTON TARRANT TARRANT TARRANT TOTAL C EARLY ABSENTEE ELECTION EARLY ABSENTEE ELECTION VOTES VOTES VOTES DAY VOTES VOTES DAY VOTES VOTES For 4,457 343 261 163 14 18 5,256 Against 1,228 62 83 51 5 6 1,435 Mayor Sanders addressed items 6 and 7 concurrently and asked Town Secretary Vacek to present. Mrs. Vacek reported that Trophy Club had 9,801 voters in Denton County and 360 voters in Tarrant County for a total of 10,161 registered voters. Of the registered in Denton County;7,938 voted while 283 voters cast ballots registered in Tarrant County for a total of 8,221 votes cast in Trophy Club which is above what was anticipated. Mrs. Vacek announced the official totals for each race and each of the three propositions on the ballot for the Charter Amendment Election and recommended approval for the adoption of Ordinance 2020-20 for Item 6 and Ordinance 2020-21 for Item 7. Council Member Monger moved to adopt Ordinance 2020-20 and Ordinance 2020-21 as presented. Council Member Bone seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by those present. Motion: 4-1-0 8. Issuance of Certificates of Election(Mayor Sanders). *Council Member Place 1,Greg Lamont *Council Member Place 2,Greg Wilson *Mayor,Alicia L. Fleury Mayor Sanders individually presented Council Member Lamont, Council Member Wilson, and Mayor Fleury their Certificate of Election. He announced that a reception would be held in the EOC with refreshments and cake. 9. Ceremonial Swearing-In of Greg Lamont,Town of Trophy Club Council Member Place 1(Mayor Sanders). 10. Ceremonial Swearing-in of Greg Wilson,Town of Trophy Club Council Member Place 2(Mayor Sanders). 11. Ceremonial Swearing-in of Alicia L.Fleury,Mayor of Trophy Club(Mayor Sanders). Mayor Sanders ceremonially administered the Oath of Office to Greg Lamont, Greg Wilson, and Alicia Fleury individually. It was noted that the Statement of Elected Officer had been administered by Town Secretary Vacek. After the administration of the Oath;the newly elected Mayor and Council Members took their place on the dais. Mayor Fleury recognized Council Member Lamont to speak. Council Member Lamont thanked Mayor Nick Sanders for his many years of service to Trophy Club. He noted that he will always remember the respect showed whether they agreed or disagreed on an issue or vote. He officially congratulated Alicia Fleury as Mayor and noted she would bring harmony and a good working relationship to the Council for the betterment of Trophy Club. With regard to his election; he stated that he would like to thank everyone and for the 4,590 voters that voted for him. Lastly,he thanked his lovely wife,Janet with all his heart,for campaigning; especially the 22 days of Early Voting in which she stood by his side greeting voters and having conversations with voters which made the day go by quickly. He mentioned two of the best comments made to him November 17, 2020 Page 4 of 6 and Janet was from a voter who cast his ballot for him because they had "kind eyes" and the other was the voter that stated to Greg Lamont, "tell your son that I voted for him". He stated that he was proud of Trophy Club for electing a truly diverse Council;an Asian-American Woman,an African-American,and a really old guy from New York City. Council Member Greg Wilson thanked all that voted for him even though he was unopposed. He especially thanked his Wife and Daughter who were encouraging and supportive throughout the election. He thanked the Town for their confidence and trust in him to serve in making decisions on their behalf. He requested prayers for the Council. He also thanked Mayor Nick Sanders and Lynda for their service and support. He requested a prayer now that the election concluded that all the election chaos be over with. Mayor Fleury recognized Council Member Lamont and his love of Trophy Club. She expressed looking forward to working with him as he always has had the best interest of the Town at heart. She welcomed Council Member Wilson to the Council and glad he made the jump from the MUD. She also expressed working alongside current Council Members Monger, Geraci, Shoff ner, and Bone. She stated this time of year is the perfect time to reflect upon what we are grateful for by recognizing her family. She thanked the residents of Trophy Club that voted for her. She stated it was not easy since the election season turned into 9 months from the typical 2-month process and noted she could have birthed a child and that would have been less painful. She stated that we cannot control what others say and do but can control what one does and says and with that she focused on positivity by staying active within the community as she had done since moving to Trophy Club with her sons one decade ago. She referenced various Mayoral duties from the Texas Municipal League of presiding, head of ceremonial events, issue proclamations,support local businesses;appear at regular events, and as her Mom would say; "Alicia was born for this". She added that the Mayor serves as spokesperson for the Town;is interviewed and photographed;serves as featured speaker before clubs and organizations, and facilitates communication. Mayor Fleury promised to fulfill these duties to the best of her ability and to work with our Town Manager(CEO)and look out for the best interest at heart of our Residents(Shareholders). She thanked Mayor Nick Sanders,her friend,for his leadership,guidance, and support and explained he will be missed. She added that he would continue to remain involved and thanked Lynda Sanders for her support of same as it is a team effort. She ended by stating that we are all neighbors no matter our political views locally or nationally, as we are in this together. Lastly, she stated that it is our job on Council to represent all of Trophy Club. Council Member Monger recognized Mayor Sanders for his calm,even-keel demeanor,and the twinkle in his eye no matter the situation. He thanked Mayor Sanders for his grace and also thanked Lynda for instilling these attributes into him. He welcomed both Gregs to Council and was delighted to have another Veteran on the Council; and thanked Council Member Wilson for his service. He congratulated Mayor Fleury and recalled placing her opponent's door hanger on her front door when she ran for Council Member. He stated that he is delighted to know and has the utmost respect for Alicia,which is a great example of disagreeing with someone and becoming friends.He noted that he was looking forward to working with her and the Council as we are all in this together. 12. Take appropriate action regarding the Mayor Pro Tem Selection(Mayor Fleury). Mayor Fleury addressed the Mayor Pro Tem position pointing out that in the past said item had been discussed in executive session. She stated that she felt very strongly of the qualities and duties stated for the Mayor Pro Tem position from the Texas Municipal League to perform all of the duties in the absence of the Mayor of which key duties include presiding over Council Meetings,attending meetings within our region. She added that organizations it is most helpful and serves the Town best that the Mayor Pro Tem has the knowledge,desire,and most importantly; the time to serve as Mayor Pro Tem. Council Member Monger moved to nominate Greg Lamont as Mayor Pro Tem. Council Member Bone seconded the motion. Mayor Fleury asked for any other nominations. There being none, Mayor Fleury called for the vote to appoint Greg Lamont as Mayor Pro Tem. Mayor Fleury noted the vote was unanimous. The motion carried unanimously by those present. Motion: 4-1-0 November 17,2020 Page 5 of 6 It was noted that Council Member Geraci was having technical difficulties and could not be heard. At this time, Melissa Geraci addressed Mayor Fleury and Council on behalf of Council Member Geraci as he looked on via teleconference. Mrs. Melissa Geraci thanked Mayor Sanders for his service and wished him the best of luck in his future endeavors. She congratulated Greg Lamont on his election and stated that he looked forward to continue to serve with him. She welcomed Greg Wilson and thanked him for his service on the MUD and more importantly,his service to our country. Lastly, she congratulated Mayor Fleury on her election and noted her involvement within the community, the PTA and in promoting local businesses. She added that he looks forward to what they can accomplish together for Trophy Club. Council Member Geraci smiled and waved to all. Mayor Fleury thanked Melissa Geraci for Council Member Geraci's comments. Council Member Bone congratulated Greg Lamont and Greg Wilson on their election to Council and congratulated Alicia as Mayor, noting that many good things will be accomplished for the Town of Trophy Club with the willingness to serve during this interesting time. He mentioned Mayor Nick Sanders who did not see eye to eye on many things and thanked him for his grace throughout. Council Member Bone thanked Mayor Sanders for his generosity, kindness,and all the things he had done for Trophy Club, and looked forward to seeing him in the future. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Fleury recessed the meeting to convene in executive session at 7:58 pm to address the following item. 13. Pursuant to the following designated section of the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act),the Council will convene into executive session to discuss the following: a) Discussion and possible action—Deliberate Economic Development Negotiations regarding a commercial prospect pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.087(economic development matters). 14. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Mayor Fleury reconvened the meeting at 8:28 pm and announced no action was taken. a) Take appropriate action regarding Executive Session. None ADJOURNMENT Ma Fleury a urned he meeting at 8:28 pm. icia Vacek,TRMC/CMC Fleury, Mayor w ecretary/RMO Town of Trophy Club,Texas November 17, 2020 Page 6 of 6