Town Council Minutes - 04/27/ 2021TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MINUTES Tuesday, April 27, 2021; 7 PM The Trophy Club Town Council met in a Regular Session on Tuesday, April 27, 2021. The meeting was held at Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive in the Council Chambers. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Alicia L. Fleury Mayor Greg Lamont Mayor Pro Tern, Place 1 Greg Wilson Council Member, Place 2 Sean Bone Council Member, Place 3 Karl Monger Council Member, Place 4 Michael Geraci Council Member, Place 5 TOWN COUNCIL MEMBER ABSENT: Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6 STAFF PRESENT: Steve Norwood Town Manager Wade Carroll Assistant Town Manager Leticia Vacek Town Secretary/RMO David Dodd Town Attorney Patrick Arata Police Chief Jack Taylor Fire Chief Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation Matt Cox Director of Community Development Mike Erwin Finance Manager Jill Lind Communications & Marketing Manager Haley Archer Human Resources Manager CALL TO ORDER Mayor Fleury called the meeting to order at 7pm. Mayor Fleury thanked Reverend Cowley for his many years of service at Fellowship United Methodist Church in Trophy Club. She congratulated him on receiving a promotion as District Superintendent of the United Methodist Church. She added that Reverend Cowley would be moving to Richardson in May. Mayor Fleury shared that Reverend Cowley's last day will be May 6, 2021 where he will participate in the Trophy Club National Day of Prayer Program and will be missed by the Trophy Club community. She presented him with a Trophy Club cooler with other swag items as a token of appreciation. INVOCATION Reverend Edlen Cowley, Fellowship United Methodist Church, delivered the Invocation. He prayed for the blessing and privilege to give praise to God's name. He asked that God's presence be felt in the meeting with Mayor Fleury, the Council Members and the town residents, to guide the leaders to make great decisions, to end the COVID-19 pandemic, and lead and guide the Town. PLEDGES Mayor Pro Tern Lamont led the pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag. PUBLIC COMMENT(S) Town Secretary Vacek confirmed there were no speakers for public comment. April 27, 2021 Page 1 of 7 ANNOUNCEMENTS) AND REPORT(S) I. Issuance of Proclamation 2021-07 proclaiming May 6, 2021 as Day of Prayer in Trophy Club to coincide with National Day of Prayer. (Mayor Fleury) Mayor Fleury recognized Darren Davis, Master of Ceremonies for the National Day of Prayer since 2002, Pastor Jeff Brooks, Lake Cities Church of Christ; Pastor Joel Quile, Bara Church; Reverend Cowley, Fellowship United Methodist Church; Ms. Erma Thomas, National Day of Prayer Task Force Coordinator; and Pastor Barry Clingan, The Church at Trophy Lakes. Mayor Fleury read, and moved to approve Proclamation 2021-07. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Bone, Monger, Wilson, Geraci, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont and Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: Shoffner Mayor Fleury announced this year's National Day of Prayer event would take place on May 6, 2021 at noon at Lake Cities Church of Christ in Trophy Club. She added that more information could be found on the Facebook Live "National Day of Prayer 76262". Mayor Fleury thanked all Pastoral Leaders present for their commitment to the Town. She also presented Proclamation 2021-07 to the Trophy Club Clergy and Mrs. Thomas. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont thanked Reverend Cowley for his service to Trophy Club, and mentioned how proud he is to know him and wished him the best in his next endeavor. 2. Issuance of Proclamation 2021-08 proclaiming National Military Appreciation Month observed during the month of May 2021. (Mayor Fleury) Mayor Fleury recognized and asked that all military, past, present, veterans, active duty, reserve, and all military relatives in the audience stand. She thanked everyone for their service. Mayor Fleury, Council Members Wilson, Geraci and Monger read Proclamation 2021-08. Mayor Fleury moved to approve the proclamation. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont seconded the motion. Council Member Monger asked for a word change from brave "soldiers" to brave "service members". Mayor Fleury noted this change of wording. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Bone, Monger, Wilson, Geraci, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont and Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: Shoffner Mayor Fleury presented Proclamation 2021-08 to Trophy Club Resident Raymond Jenkins, who served in the Marine Corps from 1993 — 2001 as a Nuclear Biological and Chemical Defense Specialist Operations NCO. In 2005, he joined the Army National Guard serving multiple roles, with deployments including Iraq and Afghanistan. He also served the military as a civilian contractor training soldiers, and received awards that include the Bronze Star, three Army Commendation Medals, two Army Achievement Medals, and two Navy Marine Corps Achievement Medals. Mayor Fleury noted that Mr. Jenkins, being new to the community, is an active volunteer with Metroport Veterans Association and GallantFew. She also mentioned that Council Members Wilson, Monger and Geraci are military veterans and included them in the reading of Proclamation 2021-08. She commented on Council Member Monger's passion for the phrase "thank you for our freedom, not just thank you for your service". 3. Announcement of new Community Development Director— Matt Cox. (S. Norwood) Mr. Norwood introduced Mr. Matt Cox, the new Director of Community Development. He shared that Mr. Cox previously served six years with the City of Roanoke; previous to Roanoke, with the City of Celina. Prior to working April 27, 2021 Page 2 of 7 for municipalities, he owned a construction/landscaping business for 18 years. Mr. Norwood stated that Mr. Cox will oversee the Planning, Inspections, Streets and front counter staff. It was noted that Mr. Cox resides in Bedford and is the proud father of three girls. Mayor Fleury welcomed Mr. Cox to the Trophy Club Town Staff 4. Overview of the Mid -Year Fiscal Year 2021 Town of Trophy Club Budget. (5. Norwood and M. Erwin) Mr. Erwin presented a six-month overview of the Town's Budget. He reported that grants received to date are $1,800 with the Town budgeting $220,000, and noted the Juvenile Detective Grant has not received any reimbursement at this time. Mr. Erwin stated that he anticipates funds from the American Recovery Act. He shared that building permits and licenses should hit their budgeted number but are below previous years' levels, which brought in approximately $200,000. He added that he projects this year's number to be close to $40,000. He reported that property tax is at $7,058,000, with the Town budgeting $7,220,000, for an estimated $200,000 balance to be collected. He added that sales tax is up 12% compared to last year, with the total number budgeted at $1,050,000. The Hotel Occupancy Tax Funds (HOT) is down compared to March 2019 and 2020. At this time, the Town has received $114,000 the first 6 months, has seen some recovery and anticipates meeting the budgeted number, with previous years receiving around $600,000 a year in HOT Revenue Funds. The EDC Fund balance is up 10%. Mr. Erwin provided a list of banks and institutions where the Town funds are located. In previous years, the Council has received a complete departmental budget breakdown. Going forward, said information is now located on the Town's website that will display financial details on a monthly basis by department. Mr. Erwin recognized Ms. April Duvall for creating an interactive budget, displaying each departmental line item, allowing a view of the Town's budget. He shared that the objective was to present the proposed FY 2021-22 Budget interactively. 5. County Government Month Report — Dianne Edmondson, Denton County Commissioner Precinct 4. (5. Norwood) Denton County Precinct 4 Commissioner Edmondson provided a presentation on County Government and shared that the County has four County Commissioners. The County has a $319,000,000 Budget and recently was able to decrease the budget by $2.7 million and adopt a tax rate less than the previous year. Ms. Edmondson reported the County adopted a senior tax freeze for those age 65 or older, as well as a Homestead Exemption that includes a 1% exemption which equals a $5,000 minimum. Ms. Edmondson shared that public safety is the largest part of the budget. She honed in on the growing demand of Judicial Legal and has asked the Legislature to provide the means for two additional courts, which will house the District Court and County Court of Law. She provided a list of departments that fall under Public Safety and added that it is the #1 expectation from citizens. She commented on the operations of the TMS Vaccine Clinic, which has been toured by officials from as far away as France as well as Dallas County who complimented the clinic on being a "Rock Star". To date, the clinic has administered over 400,000 vaccines and vaccinated everyone who was on the waiting list, where at one time that number was over 504,000. The CARES Act and Uncle Sam has provided $147.7 million initially, which has been distributed and anticipates an additional $172,000,000. Denton County worked with United Way to provide grants to nonprofit organizations, as well as provided $6.5 million in housing relief that included 4,242 households, 7,180 months of mortgages, assisted families in 332 towns, as well as distributed $386,651,156 to 2,454 local businesses to help them stay afloat during the pandemic. She reported that food pantry requests were up 500% and the funds help provide Thanksgiving and Christmas meals, fresh food and refrigeration storage for the local pantries, with an overall distribution of $39.8 million to 36 Denton County communities, with $650,000 distributed to Trophy Club. Ms. Edmondson reported there are eight major funding sources, with the majority received from property taxes. She noted the annual property tax home value in Denton County is $341,090, which equals a total property tax of $7,795. She also noted that the majority of these dollars are given to the school district and that Denton County receives 10% of the property tax. She reported Denton County being the lowest in tax rate of all 15 counties, and the importance of keeping the tax rate low. She also shared that Denton County has an average of 82 people per day moving in with an estimated population being 1 million in 2023. Precinct 4 has a minimum of 40,000 homes in the development stage, which will equal 140,000 new residents. She shared the importance of collaborating with area communities and moving forward to help control the growth. April 27, 2021 Page 3 of 7 Mayor Pro Tern Lamont reminded citizens that the tax exemption is automatic with no filing necessary for anyone 65 or older. Ms. Edmondson confirmed but reminded everyone that a Homestead Exemption Form would have to be filed. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont asked if the new county building had a projected completion date. Ms. Edmondson reported the projected completion date is the end of 2021, as construction is a year behind. Ms. Edmondson also thanked all veterans and families for their service and freedom. Mayor Fleury thanked Commissioner Edmondson. 6. Update on the Pickleball Project. (T. Jaramillo) Mr. Jaramillo gave an update on the status of pickleball courts, with the Town engaging with Halff and Associates to perform a Needs Assessment. Mr. Jaramillo shared the consultants chose Independence Park East as the prime location for the pickleball courts with different options being reviewed that include the installation of 8-10 courts and/or Championship Courts. Mr. Jaramillo will bring forth the recommendations to Council in May/June that will address the expansion of restrooms, food truck area usage during tournaments, adequate parking for all sporting events, noise barriers, as well as the financial cost for this entire project. Mr. Jaramillo also commented on the importance of pickleball tourism and hosting tournaments to enhance revenue. Council Member Geraci asked if the food trucks would support the food service or be an upgrade to the existing concessions. Mr. Jaramillo stated this specific question would be addressed with the consultants in their report to Council. 7. Update on Memorial Day. (S. Norwood) Mr. Norwood reported on the Memorial Day Celebration which will be held on May 31, 2021 at Medlin Cemetery from 10 AM —11 AM, with available parking and shuttle service from the Trophy Club Country Club. Council Member Monger asked the event not be announced as a celebration but as a Memorial Day Commemoration, in order to be respectful. INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 8. Take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Meeting Minutes dated April 13, 2021 and Town Council Work Session Meeting Minutes dated April 14, 2021. (L. Vacek) Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve the Town Council Meeting Minutes dated April 13, 2021 and Town Council Work Session Meeting Minutes dated April 14, 2021. Council Member Wilson seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows. AYE: Bone, Monger, Wilson, Geraci, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, and Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: Shoffner 9. Take appropriate action regarding Resolution 2021-01 Nominating Sue Tejml to the Denco Area 9-1-1 District Board of Managers. (L. Vacek) Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve Resolution 2021-01 to nominate Sue Tejml to the Denco Area 9-1-1 District Board of Managers. Council Member Geraci seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows. AYE: Bone, Monger, Wilson, Geraci, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont, and Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: Shoffner Mayor Fleury added that several cities are nominating Ms. Tejml, who has served since 2013 and expressed her desire to continue serving in this capacity. Ms. Tejml is an Attorney -at -Law and her term will expire in September 2021. April 27, 2021 Page 4 of 7 10. Take appropriate action regarding Ordinance 2021-08 for the transferring of funds from the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund to the General Fund to compensate for staff support and administrative expenses. (S. Norwood) Mr. Norwood reported this item was discussed at the January 2021 Council Retreat and shared there are expenses associated primarily with the July Wh Event and other events that involve the Marketing, Parks & Recreation, Police and Fire/EMS as well as Finance that provide administrative support. Finance Manager Erwin stated the transfer would include keeping the general fund expenditures in one place. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont asked for the specific number that needs to be included in a motion. Mr. Erwin stated Budget Amendment #2 would be in the amount of $94,582. Mr. Norwood added this would be on an annual basis. Mr. Erwin reported this equals to a 15% transfer of the normal HOT revenue funds. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve Ordinance 2021-08 (Budget Amendment #2) to transfer $94,582 from the HOT Fund to the General Fund to cover administrative expenses. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Bone, Monger, Wilson, Geraci, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont, and Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: Shoffner 11. Take appropriate action on Ordinance 2021-09 transferring COVID-19 relief funds to the Fire and Police Department Overtime Line Item for increased costs of supporting calls for service directly attributed to COVID- 19. (S. Norwood) Mr. Norwood reported this Ordinance would cover the Police and Fire Departments' overtime costs associated with COVID-19 services. Mr. Norwood shared the fund balance is less than $150,000, and the importance of the funds helping with the overtime expenses and being mindful of the new normal for everyone. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont reported on attending the previous MUD Meeting, where a request was made to obtain a list of expenses and amount the Town has received to date. Mayor Fleury commented on the Fire Services Budget having one line item that was a little off and these funds could be allocated towards the Fire Services. Mr. Erwin reported this would be split between Fire EMS and the Police Departments. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve Ordinance 2021-09 (Budget Amendment #3) transferring COVID-19 Relief Funds to the Fire and Police Department Overtime Line Items for increased costs of supporting calls for service directly attributed to COVID-19 in the amount of $45,637.28. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Bone, Monger, Wilson, Geraci, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont, and Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: Shoffner 12. Review and introduction of amendments to the Town Council Rules of Procedures; Section 1.03.035(a) to state that Draft Agendas be emailed to Council at a minimum of 1 week prior the Regular Town Council Meetings, and Section 1.03.035(d) to state that Submission of Draft Agenda Items be submitted (utilizing PrimeGov) to the Town Secretary's Office by 12 noon the preceding Monday. (L. Vacek) Mayor Pro Tern Lamont made a motion to replace Section 1.03.035(a) of the Rules of Procedures to read as follows: that Draft Agendas be emailed to Council at a minimum of 1 week prior to the Regular Town Council Meetings. Council Member Geraci seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Bone, Monger, Wilson, Geraci, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont, and Mayor Fleury April 27, 2021 Page 5 of 7 NAY: None ABSENT: Shoffner Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to delete Section 1.03.035(d). Council Member Monger seconded the motion. Mayor Fleury explained this allows Council to submit edits to the Draft Agenda up until the Agenda is posted. Council Member Geraci asked for clarification on the verbiage "preceding Monday". Mayor Fleury stated that it gives Council more flexibility for edits to the Agenda prior to posting. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Bone, Monger, Wilson, Geraci, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont, and Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: Shoffner 13. Future Agenda Items List (S. Norwood) Mr. Norwood reported that emails had been sent regarding an update on the second statue to the Council Public Art Subcommittee. Mr. Norwood shared there had been discussion regarding strategic goals and previously sent an email regarding the Citizen's Survey. He also shared the numbers are staggering, and though the "450" number has been reached to make the survey statistically valid, the Town will continue accepting surveys one more week before tabulating the results, with information available on the Town website to obtain a survey if citizens did not receive one. He commented on the Hazardous Mitigation Plan being completed and submitted last month by Freese & Nichols with no penalty. Council Member Monger asked that the Saturday Town Clean Up be added to a Future Agenda and to explain how it will be handled going forward. Mayor Fleury confirmed said item is listed on the next update. Mr. Norwood said a new site selection and plan would be included. Mayor Fleury reminded all Trophy Club citizens to send in their surveys, and noted the importance of having each voice heard while planning the Town's future. She added that this is the best way to let Council know how everyone feels. She also announced that the last day of voting will be held on Election Day, May 1, 2021 and reminded all to vote. 14. TABLED ITEM — Take appropriate action on the repair of Trophy Park Road to be completed by Reynolds Asphalt through the approved Interlocal Agreement with the City of Grand Prairie not to exceed $76,307; Tabled at the Regular Meeting of April 13, 2021. (W. Carroll) Mayor Pro Tern Lamont made a motion to remove this item from the table and from consideration; with the repairs to be made by in-house personnel with no additional cost to Trophy Club taxpayers. Council Member Geraci seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE: Bone, Monger, Wilson, Geraci, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont, and Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT: Shoffner EXECUTIVE SESSION: 15. Executive Session pursuant to the following section of the Texas Government Code, Annotated, Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act), Section 551.074 Personnel Matters — Annual Review of Town Manager. (Mayor Fleury) Mayor Fleury recessed the meeting into Executive Session at 7:55 PM. April 27, 2021 Page 6 of 7 REGULAR SESSION: Mayor Fleury reconvened the meeting into Regular Session at 9:06 PM and stated no action would be taken. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Fleury adjourned the meeting at 9:07 PM. AtLt:Lk, TRMC/CMC/MMC Town Secretary/RMO April 27, 2021 Page 7 of 7