Town Council Minutes - 06/08/2021 TOWN OF TROPHY CLUB TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MINUTES Tuesday,June 8,2021;7 PM The Trophy Club Town Council met in a Regular Session on Tuesday,June 8,2021. The meeting was held at Town Hall, 1 Trophy Wood Drive in the Council Chambers. TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Alicia L.Fleury Mayor Greg Lamont Mayor Pro Tern, Place 1 Greg Wilson Council Member,Place 2 Dennis Sheridan Council Member, Place 3 Karl Monger Council Member, Place 4 Michael Geraci Council Member, Place 5(participated via Video Conference) TOWN COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Philip Shoffner Council Member, Place 6 STAFF PRESENT: Wade Carroll Acting Town Manager Leticia Vacek Town Secretary/RMO David Dodd Town Attorney Patrick Arata Police Chief Jack Taylor Fire Chief Tony Jaramillo Director of Parks and Recreation Matt Cox Director of Community Development Mike Erwin Finance Manager Jill Lind Communications&Marketing Manager Haley Archer Human Resources Manager Sumner Haye Recreation Superintendent CALL TO ORDER Mayor Fleury called the meeting to order at 7 PM. INVOCATION Acting Town Manager Carroll thanked our Heavenly Father for this day. He asked for blessings upon the leaders and citizens present. He prayed for those that are away from family. He asked that God's work continue with everyone to make the best decisions leading Trophy Club into the future. PLEDGES Council Member Sheridan led the pledges to the American Flag and Texas Flag. Mayor Fleury offered a sincere apology to Mrs.Tiffany Nimphius,Parks&Recreation Chairwoman who was present. She stated that leaders take responsibility and accept accountability, and that is what she will do now and added that in no way did she mean to diminish the contributions Mrs. Nimphius has made,or any Trophy Club Volunteer, or made them feel unappreciated for what they do for our Town. She added that she hopes her apology is accepted and can move forward and do what is best for Trophy Club;thus,"I hope you accept my apology Mrs. Nimphius". PUBLIC COMMENT(S) Mayor Fleury asked if anyone had registered to speak. Town Secretary Vacek noted the speaker's forms had been gathered and provided same. Mayor Fleury called the first speaker,Mr. Erthel Mincey. Mr. Erthel Mincey, 4 Shady Court, addressed Item 10 (Townhome Open-Air Accessory Structures). He noted attending the Planning&Zoning Meeting and got the impression the issue had not been studied in detail. He felt June 8,2021 Page 1 of 8 the point of a concrete structure,sometimes sizable,could complicate an already bad situation with the run-off from PD-30,the Creek and the silting. He asked that said issue be sent back for further study. Mr. Greg Jessup, 129 Claire, also addressed Item 10 stating that he requested approval of a pergola through the Planning &Zoning Board. The pergola is for their townhome's backyard to help with the heat, and provide some privacy from the hotel that overlooks their backyard. He added that in January 2021, he had engaged a contractor, who prepared the plans, and received HOA approval. He shared that his patio, at this point, has four cedar posts and when he applied for a Trophy Club permit,he found out there were other processes. He stated that the Planning &Zoning Board unanimously passed his request and was present to follow-up on his request. Mayor Fleury stated that Town Council could not respond in regards to Item 10 at this time and advised Messrs. Mincey and Jessup to stay for the Public Hearing Item so that they may interact with a full discussion and answers. Mrs.Tiffany Nimphius,214 Fresh Meadows,stated she appreciated what Mayor Fleury said and noted she prepared statement that she read. "We are all volunteers, including yourselves. However,the way you treat volunteers will have a huge impact on who is willing to put themselves out there for this Town. You are expected to respect Board positions and those who fill them. What happened two weeks ago was uncalled for, inexcusable and completely unfounded. I was accused of violating a Handbook and not abiding by a meeting schedule,a meeting schedule that was put in play 4.5 years ago with zero consideration to what had been discussed and determined after that date. The willful ignorance to ignore the decision to meet more consistently tells me that the situation was personal in nature. Then came the Social Media Posts that were nothing more than gas lighting. Based on public response, what happened two weeks perfectly exemplifies an act of moral turpitude. Your actions have set a tone for your tenure and it has only been 7 months. There is ample time to repair the damage. I hope you strive to do that. truly enjoy giving back to this community and will not allow the personal attacks to deter me. Moving forward, if you feel that I or any other volunteer can do things differently, I implore that you approach that person one on one. Let us avoid the public accosting and sandbagging of volunteering in the future. Thank you." Mayor Fleury thanked Mrs. Nimphius. Danny Mayer,2201 Prestwick Avenue,shared his thoughts regarding the May 25,2021 Council Meeting. He shared his opinion that Trophy Club has an affliction that has divided the citizens and created chaos for years. He stated these symptoms were very visible with the social media posts that included accusations,misrepresentation of facts, and personal attacks,as well as character assassination. He added that it it was time for Trophy Club to find a cure and that it start at the top with where Council,who set the tone. He added that,as elected officials,Council has the responsibility and obligation to be professional and courteous at all times with whomever comes before Council. He stated that at the last Council Meeting; a long-time volunteer who was ambushed by a Council Member with accusations and facts that were not true. He stated the main assertion given was the violation of rules for the Committee the volunteer chairs and the frequency of committee meetings. He stated the facts utilized to support the accusation were referenced to the February 2017 Parks& Recreation Board Meeting; which was a complete misrepresentation of the facts. He added that if the Council Member had taken the time to do a thorough research, he would have discovered that on July 2017, Parks&Recreation Board voted to return to monthly meetings. Thus, the result of this accusation has yet created another division within the Town and played out on Social Media. Mr. Mayer stated that this council member owes this volunteer a public apologyjust as loudly as he made his accusations in which this entire fiasco looked contrived,maybe rehearsed,but is of little importance. Mr. Mayer stated that what matters is the perception of the public and that perception is reality to that person at that moment. He also stated that the other council members have an obligation to stop these instances from occurring,but more importantly, have the power and that any discussion can be stopped by a motion and majority vote. He explained that when he previously served on Town Council, the Town Manager contacted each Council Member and asked what they planned to say on issues presented on the agenda, in the event that an issue is best addressed privately to resolve embarrassing issues. He asked what company or individual would want to relocate to Trophy Club after reading the social media pages,which have play out for the entire world to see. He commented that several council members are not on social media and hoped others would take this as a lesson and communicate through the Town's Website. He stated the Town needs leadership,trust and healing;leadership by example,trust by example and healing by example and it starts with Council. He encouraged Council to move forward, police themselves,and act with honesty,courtesy,and respect. He closed by saying if Council is unwilling to do this,then new leadership is needed. Mayor Fleury thanked Mr.Mayer. June 8,2021 Page 2 of 8 Janet Tiffany stated she was happy to share her thoughts and words and was confident she was not alone. She stated that Facebook is a tool to deliver information,express one's opinions,ideas,needs,appreciations and hopes. Facebook is alive and well in Trophy Club community, and posting has a long shelf life. Mrs.Tiffany posed several questions to the Council. "What does the Town want the World to know about Trophy Club?" She responded that Trophy Club is recognized as one of best cities to live in Texas, recognized as the safest town in Texas, has great schools,state-of-the-art parks,a walkable biking and golf cart community,beautiful neighborhoods,churches,places to shop,and superior water;this in itself makes Trophy Club a great place to call Home. "What might a prospective resident learn about Trophy Club through the recent Facebook chatter?' She felt the answer would be disrespect for individuals,having a mean spirit when posting on Facebook,posting accusations,is the truth being told or seeing how many replies a person receives, and summed this up as adult bullying, not to mention the nasty language describing individuals is self-revealing of the person posting. She shared that Trophy Club is a community of families where residents shop together,go to church together, play ball together and plant flags together and this is not a happy place to live when residents are suspicious of others'intentions, insults and disrespect. She also shared that the Mayor,Council and Volunteers deserve respect,appreciation for investing their time,energy and passion to do a job that many do not want to tackle and felt many do not know the sacrifices that Council and volunteers make to help Trophy Club be a great place to call Home. She felt that Facebook has a way of showing the heart and soul of a person,a company and a town. She stated that her number#1 reason for speaking tonight was the recent Facebook chatter had a direct hit on her,as the Chairwoman of the recent Mother's Day Art&Garden Festival. The event that took 15 months to plan and deliver a wonderful event for Trophy Club. She recently received a question from one of her sponsors who asked do they want to participate in future events based on what they read on the Trophy Club's recent Facebook page. And, if we want to think that Trophy Club has great employees,that is true, and to think that a business doing their research on Trophy Club may have some kind of influence,and if the citizens want others to view Trophy Club as the best place to call home,then citizens individually need to be responsible to put their best foot forward as an individual. Mrs.Tiffany challenged the citizens of Trophy Club to ponder these questions before posting on Facebook: 1)Is the post true? 2) Is it necessary to put this post out there? 3) Can my words be inspiring?4) Can my words be kind? She also encouraged citizens to come forth to Council, share their heart, and let the whole world hear. She commented that Facebook has a value and encouraged everyone to use it with the following in mind,Trophy Club cannot buy integrity,appreciation,and kindness for the citizens. She shared a Bible quote of"we reap what we sow" and believes this comes into play with Facebook. Mrs.Tiffany shared that Trophy Club was created fifty years ago and hopes to see it continue to completion with vision,challenging work, passion,sacrifice and teamwork by those who come before us and those that will follow. She also acknowledged the Council Members and her appreciation for every person who continues to invest their time in Trophy Club,and felt the need to share these thoughts because of the caring for the Town. She closed with "Trophy Club is a great place to call Home; let's take responsibility for it." ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS 1. Introduction of New Employee,Sumner Haye,Recreation Superintendent.(W.Carroll) Mr.Carroll introduced Mr.Sumner Haye,new Recreation Superintendent who began yesterday. Mr.Carroll shared that Mr. Haye comes with 8 years of experience previously with the City of McKinney's Parks Department and welcomed him to the Trophy Club Team. Mr.Haye introduced his wife,Channing and daughter Harper Grace. Mayor Fleury welcomed Mr.Haye to the Trophy Club Family. 2. Report on Upcoming Events.(W.Carroll) Mr.Carroll reported the Fourth of July plans are in progress with three main events scheduled for the day,including food vendors, live music, and children's activities. He shared the Patriot Run at Byron Nelson High School begins with check in at 6:30 am and the race starting at 7:15 am;The Parade of Patriots,facilitated by the Stars&Stripes Committee, begins at 9:30 am and the day ends with a 30 minute Display of Fireworks starting at 9:30 pm. PROCLAMATIONS) June 8,2021 Page 3 of 8 3. Issuance of Proclamation 2021-15 recognizing the Passing of former Mayor Marshall Engelbeck. (Mayor Fleury) Mayor Fleury read and moved to approve Proclamation 2021-15. Council Member Sheridan seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE:Wilson,Sheridan, Monger, Mayor Pro Tem Lamont,and Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT:Shoffner,Geraci Mayor Fleury announced that the Proclamation would be mailed to Mrs. Engelbeck and thudded that flowers were sent to the family. 4. Issuance of Proclamation 2021-16 proclaiming June as LGBTQ+Pride Month.(Mayor Fleury) Mayor Fleury read Proclamation 2021-16 into the record. Council Member Monger thanked Mayor Fleury for her leadership in proclaiming Pride Month. He stated he became aware of this hate and intolerance for others when his daughter came out. He shared that she is a law enforcement officer in New York, dedicated to protecting her community, and is wonderful person. During COVID, she and her partner stayed with the family for eight months while touring various Texas communities where they experienced hate and discrimination. Council Member Monger shared he was astounded, embarrassed and angry by the treatment they received. He also stated the need for proclamations like this help draw attention to stop the hate and demand that it end,as what could be greater in life than to love and be loved. He shared his love for his daughter and expressed how proud he is of her and supports her right to love whomever she chooses. Mayor Fleury moved to approve Proclamation 2021-16. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE:Wilson,Sheridan,Monger, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont,and Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT:Shoffner&Geraci Mayor Fleury invited Mr. Eric Bright and Seth to accept Proclamation 2021-16. She thanked Mr. Bright for pointing out an issue relating to Trophy Club's EEOC Statement and documents that are being revised. Eric thanked Mayor Fleury and Council for making sure Trophy Club stands for Love. A photo was taken of the presentation and Mayor Fleury thanked them for their attendance. CONSENT AGENDA 5. Take appropriate action naming Wade Carroll as Interim Town Manager.(Mayor Fleury) 6. Take appropriate action naming Patrick Arata as Acting Town Manager for the time period(s)that the Interim Town Manager is absent.(W.Carroll) 7. Take appropriate action regarding the Town Council Meeting Minutes for the Special Called Meeting dated May 19,2021 and Regular Meeting dated May 25,2021.(L.Vacek) Mayor Fleury highlighted Item #5 on the Consent Agenda. She stated Mr. Carroll has served as Interim Town Manager for 6 months during the past 2 years. During his service as Assistant Town Manager,he oversaw multiple departments, including Parks&Recreation, Information Technology, Human Resources, Community Development, and Streets & Facilities, combined with his extensive background in Public Safety aw 5h3 previous Southlake Fire Chief. She added that Mr.Carroll is the first Interim Town Manager from within Town Hall and is well known and well liked by Council,the Community,and Staff. She also shared his management style is a good fit and Council will vote his appointment as Interim Town Manager. June 8, 2021 Page 4 of 8 Council Member Lamont moved to approve the consent agenda Items 5, 6, and 7. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE:Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Mayor Pro Tern Lamont,and Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT:Shoffner&Geraci 10. PUBLIC HEARING—Case PD-AMD-21-001(Townhome Open-Air Accessory Structures).(L.Payne) a. Conduct a Public Hearing for a request to amend PD Planned Development District No. 30(PD-30)to revise language in Section 11.F.5.a.iv of the Development Standards to allow for open-air accessory structures on the townhome properties, located on Claire Drive in the Trophy Club Town Center on the northeast corner of Trophy Club Drive and SH 114. Mayor Fleury declared the Public Hearing open at 7:34 pm for Case PD-AMD-21-001 (Townhome Open-Air Accessory Structures). Mrs. Payne reported that Townhome Owners on Claire Drive and Trophy Club Town Center would like to build a shade structure that would block the direct sun to enjoy their backyards. She stated these properties are within the PD-30 Development District and the Development Standards state that accessory buildings shall not be allowed on Townhome Lots. She also stated it is unclear if the original intent was to prohibit enclosed buildings or to prohibit all accessory structure. Staff believes residents should be able to build open-air structures for shade and make their backyards a more user-friendly space. Ms. Payne read the proposed language that would amend the Townhome requirements for PD-30: "Enclosed accessory buildings shall not be allowed on residential lots. This includes, but is not limited to, greenhouses, storage sheds, workshops, guesthouses, and garages. Open-air accessory structures such as patio covers,pergolas,arbors,cabanas,pavilions,and gazebos are allowed. The conditions include that each shade open- air accessory structure shall be detached from the residential dwelling, shall be located in the backyard,shall be a minimum of 6 feet from rear and side lot lines,match the Town's Structure Ordinance and may have up to one wall." Mrs. Payne reported the Public Hearing notice was distributed and Staff received one inquiry with objection. The Planning & Zoning Board considered said item on June 3, 2021 and discussed Hogan's Glen concern of potential storm water run-off. Since most shade structures will be built over the existing concrete pads that were poured with each Townhome; Planning&Zoning Board determined that allowing these accessory structures would not add to the storm water run-off. This item was unanimously recommended for approval and Staff also recommends approval of the proposed aforementioned amendments. Mayor Fleury referenced the existing concrete pads, and asked if there would be an allowance for a case-by-case variance in the event for a request to pour for extra concrete. Mrs. Payne confirmed most of the yards are small; maybe 5-10 feet in depth,and their concrete pad takes up most of the space,with only five backyards long enough to have room to pour a 2"d concrete pad. Mayor Fleury felt the concern lies with pouring another pad and perhaps could be a compromise for existing pads while the other five are handled case by case. Mayor Fleury called upon Mr.Jessup to speak. Mr. Jessup stated an unofficial poll was taken within his Townhome neighborhood and all but one owner was in favor of the open-air accessory. That particular owner was concerned that the structures all maintain a uniform look,nothing else. Mr.Jessup offered to share the renderings of his proposed structure to anyone to inspect. Mr. Mency stated that land engineering is not a precise science; PD-30 has been studied by many engineers and feels there is a failure of the run-off control and silting downstream,which has resulted in major litigation with many defendants. He added that some of the yards are large enough for pads to be considerable in size, recognizing the residents do not want to sit out in the hot sun,and suggested that said item be tabled until engineers can study the issue from every angle. June 8,2021 Page 5 of 8 Mayor Fleury asked if anyone else wished to speak during the Public Hearing. There being none, Mayor Fleury declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:40 pm. b. Take appropriate action regarding Ordinance 2021-12 for a request to amend PD Planned Development District No. 30 (PD-30) to revise language in Section 11.F.5.a.iv of the Development Standards to allow for open-air accessory structures on the townhome properties,located on Claire Drive in the Trophy Club Town Center on the northeast corner of Trophy Club Drive and SH 114. Council Member Sheridan asked Mrs. Payne if additional engineering were scheduled for when PD-30, Phase 3 begins construction or is the engineering and drainage completed. Mrs. Payne confirmed there is additional engineering left to complete for the retail phase. Council Member Sheridan shared this would mean when the normal development takes place, an area drainage map, information and data would be forthcoming and this would not necessarily correct or solve the problem. Council Member Sheridan made a motion to approve the proposed changes to Ordinance 2021-12, Section ii.F.4.a.iv as follows: on #2, delete the words "cabanas", "pavilions", delete the following sentence "and may have up to one wall"and add a number#3 to read "accessory structure maximum height is the lower of 12 feet or the top of the stone wall to the west side of the townhomes". Town Attorney Dodd asked for confirmation that Council Member Sheridan is referring to a stone wall on the west side. Council Member Sheridan stated there is a retaining wall with another wall on top of it located on the west side between the townhomes and commercial side. Regarding the 12 foot or lower of, there are only so many townhomes that a have a stone wall behind it. Council Member Geraci seconded the motion. Council Member Sheridan stated the wording with his motion is due to his experience as a retired real estate development/home builder/commercial construction builder and has previously built townhomes. He also shared townhomes are a single-family attached,high-density product. He stated that cabanas are typically a but or shelter and as defined in the Trophy Club Ordinance. He noted the one wall proposed was not discussed at the recent Planning&Zoning Board Meeting per confirmation with a Board Member. Council Member Sheridan referenced the Ordinance being presented and noted that the Rules and Requirements in Section 14 of the Town's Ordinance allow for a 20-foot wall/structure. He gave an example of driving behind the Aloft Hotel and seeing a 20-foot structure and could not vote in favor of this. His recommendation was to put a wall between the hotel and the Townhomes, especially for privacy on both sides. Lastly, he pointed out the Ordinance does not list what the wall will be made from. In addition,the current Ordinance does allow metal if approved by the Town Planner. He reiterated his feelings against adding a wall that does not belong with Open-Air Structures. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont recommended sending this item back to Planning &Zoning to further discuss Council Member Sheridan's concerns. Council Member Wilson stated he understood Council Member Sheridan's concern about the cabana and pavilion height not being appropriate,but asked for clarification if the issue relates to what goes on in someone's backyard is based on what he thinks is appropriate or if it deals directly with drainage or some other issue. He added that he does not feel it is his place to tell someone what to put in their backyard.Council Member Monger commented that the issue has become more complicated and should be sent back to Planning&Zoning for re-evaluation. Council Member Sheridan agreed. Council Member Geraci agreed with Council Members'Wilson,Monger and Sheridan that said item be sent back to Planning&Zoning for further discussion with the list of items Council Member Sheridan brought to the table. Mayor Fleury asked if the Townhome's had an HOA. Mrs. Payne confirmed they do have an HOA in place. Mrs. Payne added that the words "cabana", "pergola", "pavilion" or "patio covering" are used by contactors but reference a structure. She also stated the issue regarding the wall is not their biggest concern,as most owners want a patio covering/roof for protection from the sun. Mayor Fleury asked for clarification regarding the height issue. Mrs. Payne reported the accessory structure code can go up to 20 feet but the height can be changed to 12 feet in the amendment. Mayor Fleury asked for the average height on these type structures. Mrs. Payne stated a roof with a peak often goes up to 15 feet,while a flat top roof typically starts at 9-12 feet. She added if the issue pertains to the Engineering side affecting the storm water run-off,Teague, Nall and Perkins would be consulted to evaluate and would involve additional time. Mayor Fleury confirmed all of the properties have existing concrete pads,with five townhomes having room to add an additional pad with the main concern being the pouring of the concrete pad, not so much the construction of the structure. Mrs. Payne confirmed that was correct. June 8, 2021 Page 6 of 8 Mayor Pro Tern Lamont asked Town Attorney Dodd if the proper channel is to turn down the motion and make a new motion to send the item back to Planning&Zoning or make an amendment to motion on the table. Mr. Dodd stated the motion before Council is the motion made by Council Member Sheridan with his changes,and if that motion is turned down, another motion could be made, or direct this item to be sent back to Planning& Zoning with specifics. Mrs. Vacek stated the motion could also be withdrawn. Council Member Sheridan withdrew his motion and supported sending this item back to Planning&Zoning with his comments attached for further discussion. Council Member Geraci agreed with Council Member Sheridan's withdrawal of his motion. Mr. Dodd confirmed there is no longer a motion on the floor. Council Member Sheridan moved to send Agenda Item#10 back to Planning&Zoning for further consideration. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. Mayor Pro Tern Lamont asked if this item would have to be re-published in the newspaper. Mr.Dodd confirmed the Public Hearing was closed but if substantial changes are made, a new notice for publication would be required. Council Member Wilson voiced his concerns,which have been raised with the pouring of new concrete pads and did not feel it was Council's place to tell someone what goes in their backyard. Council Member Wilson stated he would offer a less amended Ordinance. Council Member Monger withdrew his second on the motion made by Council Member Sheridan. The motion made by Council Member Sheridan failed due to lack of a second. Mayor Fleury moved to approve Ordinance 2021-12 with the following changes: not allow the structure to exceed 15 feet,not allow additional pouring of concrete pad and not allow any masonry or metal walls. Council Member Wilson seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE:Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Geraci, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont,and Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT:Shoffner INDIVIDUAL ITEMS 8. Presentation of Town of Trophy Club Citizen Survey Results.(W.Carroll) Mr. Carroll introduced Ms. Emily Goodman, of EMC Research, and key liaison who has done an outstanding job working with Anita,himself and the former Town Manager in putting together the citizen survey with the necessary questions. The responses will help guide the future of Trophy Club. Mr. Carroll shared his excitement with the number of returned responses, as 360 responses were required for the survey to be statistically valid. The final number of responses came in at 1,014 and the results exhibit the will of the people. Ms.Goodman reported the survey was designed for citizens 18 and older and was conducted between April 6-May 5,2021. She stated that paper surveys were mailed to every address in Trophy Club,with residents having the option to complete it on the paper version or submit answers through a link on the Town's Website. Reminders were sent and the response rate was incredible, showing that the citizens are very optimistic of where the Town is going, feeling very connected to Trophy Club,with a strong sense of community and generally satisfied. Audio Video(A/V)difficulties were encountered at this time. Mayor Fleury expressed her desire for all residents to see the citizen survey results and suggested Ms.Goodman reschedule for a future Town Council when the A/V Issues have been resolved. 9. Pickle Ball Update.IT.Jaramillo) Mr.Jaramillo reported that the Pickleball comments on the recent Citizen Survey had been reviewed and determined this was this was not a high priority for Trophy Club Residents. He stated that this project would be placed on temporary hold until the Tennis Courts are up and running at Medlin Middle School, which has a scheduled completion date for Summer 2022. He also reported that Harmony Park and Independence Park West have the blended lines on their Tennis Courts allowing players to play Tennis or Pickleball. June 8, 2021 Page 7 of 8 11. Resolution 2021-03 approving and submitting the Trophy Club Town Council Vote for Sue Tejml to the Denco Area 9-1-1 District Board of Managers.(Mayor Fleury) Mayor Pro Tern Lamont moved to approve Resolution 2021-03 submitting the Trophy Club Town Council Vote for Sue Tejml to the Denco Area 9-1-1 District Board of Managers. Council Member Monger seconded the motion. The motion carried as follows: AYE:Wilson,Sheridan, Monger,Geraci, Mayor Pro Tern Lamont,and Mayor Fleury NAY: None ABSENT:Shoffner EXECUTIVE SESSION 12. Executive Session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Government Code,Annotated,Chapter 551(Texas Open Meetings Act). Mayor Fleury recessed the meeting into Executive Session at 8:09 pm pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Government Code,Annotated,Chapter 551—Texas Open Meetings Act to discuss Item 12 a)and Item 12 b)denoted as follows. a) Section 551.087 Economic Development—Deliberate Negotiations regarding possible incentives. b) Section 551.072 Real Property—Deliberate possible Real Property purchase. REGULAR SESSION Mayor Fleury reconvened the meeting into Regular Session at 8:57 PM. 13.Take appropriate action regarding Executive Session. No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Fleury adjourned the meeting at 8:57 PM. �r,^ lJ�J )AHia Fleury,Mayor At st: Lei Vacek,TRMC/CMC/MMC wn Secretary/RMO June 8, 2021 Page 8 of 8